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I can't believe they let the Wii slip so far so fast


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There's some awesome games on the Wii right now, and serious ones, at that. I haven't even got Prime 3, or Zack and Wiki yet, due to lack of monies, and I'm going to struggle next month as well. There's plenty of games out there, more than enough.


Ashmat: The new IPs will be revealed, but you can't expect things to change SO quickly. What was the last new IP Microsoft and Sony revealed, and when? The Wii is in it for the long haul, which means they can stagger releases. It makes absolutely no sense to release all the best games at one point.


As far as that goes, bar a little drough halfway through last year, Nintendo have got that spot on. The games are flowing now consistently, third party releases too.

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I realised this a while ago when I sold all but Wii Sports and Wii Play. Then Mario Galaxy came and took it up to 3 games.

It's quite saddening to think the company I loved the most can't get me to buy more than 3 games.


A seperate board would be good for this. So we don't get fanboys from all over the place saying how the Wii will rock and how the Wii sucks loli.


What games have you actually played then?

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I wonder what people would be saying if there wasn't poor titles pushing up console sales right now?


I reckon quite a few would be hailing it as an underrated console much like the Gamecube thanks to titles like:

Mario galaxy


Metroid Prime 3

Zack and Wiki

Excite Truck

Wii Sports

and other good games that are available but I can't think of right now


and games like:

Mario Kart

Smash Bros

Medal of Honour: Heroes

No More Heroes

Factor 5's new game


Wii Fit

Animal Crossing



Samba De Amigo

Tales Of Symphonia

Mushroom Men


and probably a few more yet to come.


But because of games like Ninjabread Man the console is apparently for non gamers.


I f*cking hate comments like "Gamers NEED another console with the Wii". This is so small minded!! You're basically saying if you've just got a Wii you're not a real gamer. This attitude really grates me.


And how many times are we going to have this debate about games? What more do you want? I actually have a 360 and I NEVER play it! Shit, guess that means that I'm not a gamer even though I've been playing games LONGER than you've been alive, but that means nothing because I don't like the 360. And the fact that I've owned pretty much EVERY computer/console/handheld means shit too because I prefer the Wii for multiplayer and even *gasp* single player games.


Seriously, anyones who's played Metroid and can play halo/orange box/bioshock without wishing the games weren't on the Wii doesn't care for gameplay! But do you see me going on xbox forums and saying how crap the games are and the wii is better.......?


For me Zelda, Metroid and Mario are better than ANYTHING on the PS3 and 360! And the wii controls add a lot to that!!!


People complain if they try something new, people complain if they do something different, Nintendo can't win. I see enough good games for the Wii coming up so who can comaplin? If you only own a Wii then fair enough, you're probably bored, but why would anyone who cares about gaming only own a Wii? :/


There are a few people even on these boards who can probably remember how hardcore a nintendo fan i have been, the times i have defended nintendo from posts with the same worries as mine, i have had two 360's and two psp's i don't particularly like the games they had on offer but they both seem to still have more games that i want than the wii, the wii being the console i championed and spent literally the last two years spreading the joy, just like people are now against me.


I think part of the problem is that whereas the wii has some fantastic titles as listed above. the fact remains that a huge percentage of games are not proper games, whereas the huge majority of games on the 360, ps3 and psp are actual proper games, they are not neccessarily new and exciting or up to the quality of true nintendo games, but they are at least games.

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I think part of the problem is that whereas the wii has some fantastic titles as listed above. the fact remains that a huge percentage of games are not proper games, whereas the huge majority of games on the 360, ps3 and psp are actual proper games, they are not neccessarily new and exciting or up to the quality of true nintendo games, but they are at least games.
Who cares about percentages? I only care about the games I play... Fact is, there are a lot of good and enjoyable games for the Wii, some of which are classics. The fact that there's crap titles out there doesn't mean anything.


Also, the fact that you mention the PSP as an example of how it should, makes me question what you're really arguing.


Tell me, if you would've had it the way you imagined before the Wii launch, what would it be like? I'd like to see just how realistic your expectations were.

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Who cares about percentages? I only care about the games I play... Fact is, there are a lot of good and enjoyable games for the Wii, some of which are classics. The fact that there's crap titles out there doesn't mean anything.


Also, the fact that you mention the PSP as an example of how it should, makes me question what you're really arguing.


Tell me, if you would've had it the way you imagined before the Wii launch, what would it be like? I'd like to see just how realistic your expectations were.


Also recording to him that the DS dont have proper games as well.


I bet to him that pong or pacman wasnt a proper game to as well.

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It can't be that bad a console, 14 months(ish) into the Wii's life i gotta complete a few games before i even contemplate getting more games such as Zack & Wiki, TR Anniversary, Ghost Squad to name but a few & games coming up such as No More Heroes, FF:CC, Smash Bro's, Mario Kart. Just off the top of my head.

Too many must have games to choose from, great variety & must have third party games, can't complain too much.

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Who cares about percentages? I only care about the games I play... Fact is, there are a lot of good and enjoyable games for the Wii, some of which are classics. The fact that there's crap titles out there doesn't mean anything.


Also, the fact that you mention the PSP as an example of how it should, makes me question what you're really arguing.


Tell me, if you would've had it the way you imagined before the Wii launch, what would it be like? I'd like to see just how realistic your expectations were.


I know the psp is not a great example, i was just using it as an example to demonstrate that the games companies release for that are not thrown into the apparently bountiful casual market.


What did i expect before launch?


I expected there to be actual new games. For example, Konami made a promising start with Eledee's, it may not have been perfect, but it was a good idea, imagine if they had sat down and made that concept into a proper big adventure or something, obviously they wanted to have a game out as soon as possible though which is understandable.


I expected to get the old franchises with great new controls, which we have got, ie mario galaxy and metroid.


It is the lack of real new games that baffles me. Wii music might be awesome, but look how few and far between these new games are coming. Surely they should have these ready to roll so we didn't have the drought of last year and the ps2 ports filling in the gaps. For example i loved the godfather and scarface wii versions, but i could have easily played those well before they were on the wii and i would have had no motive to play them again just for the sake of new controls.


All i ever wanted was to be able to go into a shop and see all sorts of games that were new and fantastic. Instead i go into a shop and see some fantastic titles, then a bunch of crap and then maybe two previously unthought of games.


Remember Iwata's Wiimote (revolution controller) unveiling back in 2005, and the speech he made about how the current cycle of better graphics etc would lead the industry to slowly die. Well it feels as if instead better graphics we will just replace it with new controls for a while and then discover that very few people have actually made any new games that the controls are capable of.


Remember the threads of game ideas for the wiimote we used to make, well none of them have come true because nintendo has shown third parties you can make money by selling 'nothing games' to casual players.


I remember after the balance board announcement at last years e3, i started a post in which we then went through the ideas for games that could use the balance board... as if any of them will ever come true when devs don't even want to use what they have now.

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Last summer you would have made a valid point about lack of software etc. Things have changed since then, for the better, and now I'm afraid it's not quite so easy to argue a lack of decent games. The library has much improved since last Septemberish until now.


Sure I play a fair bit of PC gaming still, a little CoD 4 and a bit of WoW but at the end of the day if I wanted to theres plenty on the Wii. ATM theres loads of stuff I would like to get but haven't just because of lack of time.

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Also recording to him that the DS dont have proper games as well.


I bet to him that pong or pacman wasnt a proper game to as well.


I love the DS and think it is the best console with the best library of games out there



i didn't use it as an example because it also has a huge amount of crap on it, it is just the fact that so many good games are on it as well that make it so damn good even with the crap percentage swinging wildly.

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So, your argument is that, because there are unoriginal and uninspiring games on the Wii, it's failing? I think not. I'm not being a fanboy in saying this, but I think the Wii still has tons of potential.


So what if it has some mediocre games on it? At the end of the day, all three consoles in the current gen have their share of less than amazing games. Developers/publishers will always want money, and an easy way to do that is by making sequels of popular games, or making a major IP into a game (such as movie franchises). It's going to happen, it's unavoidable. However, there's some fantastic games out there on Wii. If they're enjoyable and fun, then what's so bad?


I do see where you're coming from, but that post was a bit too melodramatic. The Wii just needs more time to evolve. If you give it that time, then you might be suprised. Look at XBox Live for example. When it first appeared for the original XBox, all you could do was play games and talk online. Now it's become so much more - video chat and messaging, gamerpoints, profiles, etc.


What Microsoft did with 360, was figure out how to use thier idea properly, with more creative ideas. Give Nintendo and 3rd party devlopers time, and they'll come out with more creative content too. I'm sure there's going to be big announcements in the not-too-distant future.

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How many games do you play? I have over 30 games for the Wii, I don't have enough time to get bored!! I don't understand and you seem to contradict yourself slightly, saying you want new experiences yet liking the 360 because, although the games may not be up to Nintendo's standards, they are still games.....huh?!


Anyways, each to their own, the Wii will do me just fine for this generation and I'll play the 360 for certain games, as my 2nd console ;)

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Remember Iwata's Wiimote (revolution controller) unveiling back in 2005, and the speech he made about how the current cycle of better graphics etc would lead the industry to slowly die. Well it feels as if instead better graphics we will just replace it with new controls for a while and then discover that very few people have actually made any new games that the controls are capable of.
So how does "The console has potential not (yet) being used" translate to "I can't believe they let the Wii slip so far so fast"? Potential doesn't create games automatically, you know. The PS3 suffered from that last year as well, although its potential is different.


The Wii is by no means in a bad zone at the moment and, like you're saying, it can only get better. We have no announcements, no, but there are reasons for that, and we all know there will inevitably be some announcements in the coming months.

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I just try and forget that the Wii is the best selling console of this generation and try and forget that theres also other 'casual' games out there.


If you just look at the wiis games:


Twilight Princess

Mario Galaxy

Smash bros brawl

Mario kart

Metroid prime 3


They're all so different from each other. Plus theres tons more that i cant be bothered to list. So if you compare the wii games to the xbox 360/ps3 army of fucking fps with then its great (Y).


Wii >

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I think part of the problem is that whereas the wii has some fantastic titles as listed above. the fact remains that a huge percentage of games are not proper games, whereas the huge majority of games on the 360, ps3 and psp are actual proper games, they are not neccessarily new and exciting or up to the quality of true nintendo games, but they are at least games.


It depends what you want from the Wii then. I bought it cause it was innovative, cause it was new, and different. I want to see company's make games like Zack and WIki, games like No More Heroes, games which when I play I know I've never experienced before. The Wii allows for creativity and flair to be expressed in a way that simply isn't financially viable on the other systems.


The Ps3 and 360 are also great at what they do, and they're an excellent way of furthering gaming as we know it but they're in essense still more of the same.


In my eyes you're missing out on too much if you only own a Wii, and you're missing out on too much if you don't own a Wii. Even if the majority of Wii games are shovalware and you only end up buying 5 or 6 games a year, it'll still be worth it for that feeling you get when you're playing something that has never been imagined before.

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Is there a 3rd party game that people is good enough to be a system seller for the more hardcore audience?


As I said before, from a games dev point of view I think Nintendo are doing a good job (although all of the release schedule seems to get gradually pushed back and back). But 3rd parties really need to get their asses in gear!


Zak n Wiki, maybe No More Heroes and.... oh yeah. NOTHING

Most of the games on the 360 and PS3 which sell the system are 3rd party.

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So how does "The console has potential not (yet) being used" translate to "I can't believe they let the Wii slip so far so fast"? Potential doesn't create games automatically, you know. The PS3 suffered from that last year as well, although its potential is different.


The Wii is by no means in a bad zone at the moment and, like you're saying, it can only get better. We have no announcements, no, but there are reasons for that, and we all know there will inevitably be some announcements in the coming months.


It translates to that in this way...


Iwata and the gang promise a whole new exciting world of gaming (which they have delivered to some extent in the form of fantastic versions of existing games, but failed to deliver new IP's)


Then when the console launches and becomes a huge hit outstripping supply by massive margins it then becomes apparent to Nintendo that it would make no sense to release to many games of great quality that would help sell the system when they can't even meet the normal supply yet alone increased demand.


Which then leads to a slow trickle of games instead of hammering out a library that has all sorts of wonderful experiences in it.


Like i say though that is business, and it is completely understandable.


It is just a shame that the success has been so great that it takes away any pressure for games to be released.





As for me contradicting myself with wanting new games but saying i like the 360. That is simply answered by saying that i am a gamer, i like games, Nintendo make the best games i have ever played, but when they are not producing, and nobody else is filling the gap of new ideas, then all we are left with is the conventional games of which the 360 currently has the best selection which will this year probably be overtaken by the PS3 as they rattle off a few exclusives like little big planet and the usual suspects like GT blah blah blah...






Also, i find it is a strange experience to be at odds with the only gaming community i have ever really enjoyed being a part of. It is funny to think of all the times i have joined in with the arguments i am facing now.

Hopefully the future will see a library full of great stuff, but it is happening far to slowly due to the lack of incentive to put games out.

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Like i say though that is business, and it is completely understandable.


It is just a shame that the success has been so great that it takes away any pressure for games to be released.


Can I just say that it's a breath of fresh air to see an argument against Nintendo that isn't permeated with accusations of Nintendo doing things wrong.


Everyone can see they are definitely ticking a lot of boxes, from a company perspective.


I can understand how you feel and if I had more time on my hands to play games, I may well be in the same boat. But Nintendo have aimed their console at people who don't play games frequently and it is therefore suiting me very well. It's easy to think Nintendo is letting the hardcore gamers down by not releasing or encouraging enough quality titles, but the point is, they don't need to right now.


Which goes back to you saying about the pressure being off.

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Iwata and the gang promise a whole new exciting world of gaming (which they have delivered to some extent in the form of fantastic versions of existing games, but failed to deliver new IP's)
Iwata promised a lot of potential (which is there), and never promised new IPs, although they are coming.
Then when the console launches and becomes a huge hit outstripping supply by massive margins it then becomes apparent to Nintendo that it would make no sense to release to many games of great quality that would help sell the system when they can't even meet the normal supply yet alone increased demand.
This ridicilous suggestion that Nintendo is holding back great games to slow down Wii sales is disproven by Mario Galaxy alone.
Which then leads to a slow trickle of games instead of hammering out a library that has all sorts of wonderful experiences in it.
There's a limited capacity Nintendo has for making games, they don't just burn their ideas on disk, they need to make games. If they were capable of doing any more we would've seen it in the GameCube era.
Like i say though that is business, and it is completely understandable.
The only business that Nintendo is doing here is keeping a low profile on Wii marketing, that is no TV ads, and frustrating you the most, not making a buzz by announcing future games.
It is just a shame that the success has been so great that it takes away any pressure for games to be released.
It does, but what will all Nintendo's employers have to do in the mean time? I'd say with reactions such as this very thread I think there's a lot of pressure on Nintendo in producing stuff, and they can't just let it go if they don't have to.


Anyway, all this doesn't answer my question, as the Wii has not 'slipped' in any way by your description.

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I remember when I used to be excited about the Wii.


You and me both brother. Now the game I'm most excited for is one that would be better on a HD console, and doesn't benefit from the motion sensing at all (Smash Bros).


It's turning rapidly into a novelty.


That said...Prime 3 and Galaxy were brilliant, and the motion controls did add something. I might have to invest in some Zakk and Wiki...


Also...I felt the same way about the DS a year or so after it came out, and now...I can't keep my hands off it.

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