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To all those people i have spent so many great times with on this forum i thank you all, i thank the people that i argued against as well because at the end of the day it is all good fun and i absolutely love games. What i am about to say might surprise those of you i have fought alongside this generation so far.


Right then, a few of you will probably know how hardcore a Nintendo fan i was, with my videos and endless defence of Nintendo through last summer when the 'Have Nintendo Abandoned the hardcore?' threads started appearing all over the internet.

Back then it was obvious that Nintendo had not abandoned the hardcore we had smash bros, galaxy, bwii, mariokart... blah blah blah... to look forward to.

Look at us now, it has become aparent that although we have some top titles that will no doubt be some of the best this generation to look forward to, we are going to be getting them over a huge period of time. I dare you to go and look at the games on sale in shops, compare the wii to the 360, then i dare you to compare the Wii to the PS3 (the same console that was struggling for support with lagging sales and programming difficulties) then if you are feeling brave take a look at the release schedules for this year, sure the wii will have a longer list, but my god look at the titles that are on it!


I can't believe that me of all people, the one who looked forward to the Wii so much, the person who bought wrist weights a month before launch so that i wouldn't get tired out arms from playing it, is now here saying these things.


I remember coming here back in 2006, all the wonderful discussions going on about the sheer endless possibilities that the Wiimote and Nunchuck could give us for entirely new games and the fantastic ideas we used to share with each other.


Well what ever happened to those days when the Wii was going to be a fantastic new machine with a whole world of possibilities. Instead we find ourselves looking at a super rich Nintendo that knows it doesn't have to do anything to sell all the consoles it can make.


The whole touch generations idea is fantastic, i can't tell you how much i love the fact that there are games for literally everyone, i love hearing completely random people at work say something like... oh i played that brain training the other day, and then go on to tell me how much they enjoyed it. I think it is fantastic to be able to discuss games with all these different people who i might not even speak to at all normally.

But copy cat rubbish has now become the only thing third parties seem to think will sell.


I honestly believed back when we were looking forward to the wii that this was going to be the best thing ever, even until the start of this year i had hope for the console spewing out some proper games but the release list is just to bare of actual games that don't involve some awful film tie in or copy cat product.


i can't believe we still can't communicate properly if at all in the few online games released.


Remember when the wii was for everyone? I do.


Remember when Nintendo were going to stop gaming from becoming monotonous and we were actually going to see real change? I do, but now look at the slow release of games and even the game we look forward to, they are all the old franchises! That is not to say it is bad to do that Mario Galaxy has to be one of the best games ever made if not the best. But it is hardly moving into new territory and giving us new types of gameplay etc.


Nintendo now has the money to do whatever they want. But they are of course a company, there purpose is of course to make money. I understand that, i always have.


It just looked like out of pure chance for a short time, they way they could make more money was also going to be to have genuinely fantastic products and games on the market. Now the company has outgrown that and they know they need only keep selling the console on wiisports alone to all those families out there who don't really have much of an interest in gaming.


Remember how good the wii was going to be?

So do i.

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Nintendo now has the money to do whatever they want. But they are of course a company, there purpose is of course to make money. I understand that, i always have.


Unfortunately, this is exactly the problem.


A great post by the way.


Ah please. I'd slap you in the face if I knew that'd make you realise how naive you are. But it won't (and I don't know where you live), so I'll just quickly counter with a quote. One I read today on Kotaku, and one that should give you some more hope.


Iwata asks... Sakurai



That’s why I think games like Wii Sports and Wii Fit were a step in the right direction. I’m not saying that these games lack depth, but these games proposed an unprecedented line of thinking and broke from the old "more contents and more depth" philosophy.



Right, but that absolutely doesn’t mean that we did this because we thought development would be easy. An astounding amount of effort was actually put into the fundamental development process of these titles. We’re investing our efforts in other areas besides graphics and data capacity. However, as I mentioned earlier, if all our games mirror games like Wii Sports or Wii Fit, our gamers would soon grow bored. It’s truly a division of duties.


Good post, i have always felt something missing when i got my wii on xmas day 2006. Think thats why i got a 360 and now even considering a ps3.


I never felt i needed another console before with owning n64 then gamecube but this time i felt i needed another console to fully enjoy the games i want 2 play.

  Noku said:
Ah please. I'd slap you in the face if I knew that'd make you realise how naive you are. But it won't (and I don't know where you live), so I'll just quickly counter with a quote. One I read today on Kotaku, and one that should give you some more hope.


i read that quote as well, and ironically it is what pushed me further into this state of mind, these quotes mean nothing now that we can see the current nintendo after what they promised back before the wii came out.



Also how ironic that i am now the one on the receiving end of the pro nintendo comments. i never thought that would happen.


Totally agree with you. I'm not particularly excited about the launch line up. Problem is based on the fact that the Nintendo stuff is a given, your standard big time IPs and all. It's the 3rd parties who are really letting us down on the recycle-ware garbage (looking at you Ubisoft).


But then again Nintendo is totally to blame for the lack of support for them for online and lagging on properly getting up and running.


If you are a gamer, it's a bad idea to have just a Wii. All gamers with a Wii need a 360 or PS3. Non gamers on the other hand, will do just fine with just a Wii. The only reason I bought the Wii was for Zelda, Metroid etc etc, everything else is better on the other consoles.


I don't really think there's a problem, Nintendo are releasing the same games they always have and they're all pretty much as good as they used to be. Just now there's tons of turd coming from other developers, but I don't see why that's a problem for me?


I don't really get what you expect Nintendo to do. They keep making all the games they used too. Other publishers will only support the Wii how they see fit, Nintendo can't really alter how they feel.

  dannbrownn said:
i read that quote as well, and ironically it is what pushed me further into this state of mind, these quotes mean nothing now that we can see the current nintendo after what they promised back before the wii came out.


How bizarre :) It instilled me with the feeling that Iwata knows that no "hardcore gamer" will buy his console just for the non-games-games.


My solution has always been: single player on PC first, Nintendo console second; multiplayer vice versa. I'm not complaining at all. Not by a longshot. During the GC era, I wouldn't even dream of seeing PES or Guitar Hero on my red-branded console.


The only thing you cán blame them for, is underestimating the success of their own product, and thusly not responding fast enough to software demand. Which leads to situations like this :)

Give the little box a few more years, it'll surely fulfill your desires eventually.


Although you're right to some degree, I find that post way too melodramatic, and there's an awful lot of inaccuracy in there. What exactly did they promise to you? Seems like you divulged in your own expectations. I mean, weight training for the Wii launch? WTF?


Anyway, Nintendo is likely keeping low profile on announcements for next year's good stuff as supplies are bad as they are. The 360s and PS3s lineup may be quite impressive (and a large part has to do primarily with good-looking game = good game), but Nintendo doesn't even have a lineup announced. So before they do, you can gloat at the mainly third party list being at least decent, and stop bothering being a drama queen about it.


Lastly, money doesn't just make stuff better instantly. Now Nintendo has the reserves, they can invest, and investing isn't exactly like magic - it requires time, effort and planning. If Nintendo were low on money, things would be an awful lot worse.


And that Galaxy statement not being original or introducing nothing new, is absurd. And I only played half an hour of that brilliant game.


I agree with Mikey. This generation, the Wii is a second console. I couldn't have just a Wii - I'd need either a 360, PS3, or Gaming PC aswell.


I'm actually pretty content with the Wii at this point, I don't see the complaining and I've been a Nintendo fan...for forever really.


There is a lot of good core content, some of which I have yet to play. Maybe it is because I bought my system this past Fall, but there is tons of titles for me to get into and last for the next good while. Hell, I've yet to even buy Twilight Princess, BW2, FE: RD, or many others. That's me though.

  Hellfire said:
I predict this thread will be AWESOME.


I predict you might be right!


Seriously though, why don't we consider a seperate board for the more abstract topics like this?


Is any one here being harsh on the Wii, really? It's a good console to have if you love Nintendo games, but if you want something more, you probably need a 360 or PS3 to go with it.

  jammy2211 said:
I don't really think there's a problem, Nintendo are releasing the same games they always have and they're all pretty much as good as they used to be. Just now there's tons of turd coming from other developers, but I don't see why that's a problem for me?


I don't really get what you expect Nintendo to do. They keep making all the games they used too. Other publishers will only support the Wii how they see fit, Nintendo can't really alter how they feel.


That is the problem, there was all this talk of 'real change' from reggie and iwata and the crew, and yet here we are with all the old franchises. I know they are brilliant but where are all the proper new things apart from wii fit. and they can't just get by with a few titles launched over a period of years, we need a steady flow of quality titles not just a few to spend months looking forward to!


  darksnowman said:
Danny, did I read and read that section wrong where you slag Galaxy for not being original? :blank:


it wasn't really meant to sound like that, the last five weeks i have run around work telling everyone how it is the best game ever (but i am back into the mario bros 3 camp now) i meant to use that to highlight the fact that it is all the old franchises that are having to prop up the lack of new games... i got distracted before i finished that part though!


You'd expect, with the Wii's success.

That Nintendo might actually be interesting in getting more, GOOD QUALITY, new IPs out there than usual, seing as they have a massive install base to sell to.


I wonder what people would be saying if there wasn't poor titles pushing up console sales right now?


I reckon quite a few would be hailing it as an underrated console much like the Gamecube thanks to titles like:

Mario galaxy


Metroid Prime 3

Zack and Wiki

Excite Truck

Wii Sports

and other good games that are available but I can't think of right now


and games like:

Mario Kart

Smash Bros

Medal of Honour: Heroes

No More Heroes

Factor 5's new game


Wii Fit

Animal Crossing



Samba De Amigo

Tales Of Symphonia

Mushroom Men


and probably a few more yet to come.


But because of games like Ninjabread Man the console is apparently for non gamers.


I f*cking hate comments like "Gamers NEED another console with the Wii". This is so small minded!! You're basically saying if you've just got a Wii you're not a real gamer. This attitude really grates me.


And how many times are we going to have this debate about games? What more do you want? I actually have a 360 and I NEVER play it! Shit, guess that means that I'm not a gamer even though I've been playing games LONGER than you've been alive, but that means nothing because I don't like the 360. And the fact that I've owned pretty much EVERY computer/console/handheld means shit too because I prefer the Wii for multiplayer and even *gasp* single player games.


Seriously, anyones who's played Metroid and can play halo/orange box/bioshock without wishing the games weren't on the Wii doesn't care for gameplay! But do you see me going on xbox forums and saying how crap the games are and the wii is better.......?


For me Zelda, Metroid and Mario are better than ANYTHING on the PS3 and 360! And the wii controls add a lot to that!!!

  dannbrownn said:
That is the problem, there was all this talk of 'real change' from reggie and iwata and the crew, and yet here we are with all the old franchises. I know they are brilliant but where are all the proper new things apart from wii fit. and they can't just get by with a few titles launched over a period of years, we need a steady flow of quality titles not just a few to spend months looking forward to!


People complain if they try something new, people complain if they do something different, Nintendo can't win. I see enough good games for the Wii coming up so who can comaplin? If you only own a Wii then fair enough, you're probably bored, but why would anyone who cares about gaming only own a Wii? :/

Guest Stefkov

I realised this a while ago when I sold all but Wii Sports and Wii Play. Then Mario Galaxy came and took it up to 3 games.

It's quite saddening to think the company I loved the most can't get me to buy more than 3 games.


A seperate board would be good for this. So we don't get fanboys from all over the place saying how the Wii will rock and how the Wii sucks loli.

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