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The Official Emotion Thread


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Due the fact that Ashley (and i guess the rest of the Administration) has now said we can't make threads about each specific emotions peolpe are feeling I thought i would a good idea to make this thread.

So if your feeling a bit pissed off about something or you wanna let everyone know your really happy cos you got laid last night then you can do so here on the Official Emotion Thread.

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surely it's not that complex to put positive emotions in the happy thread, negative in the angry one and if needed, indifference in the indifference thread, much in the same way bowser's "excellent" and "not so excellent" threads worked. i bet athriller's pretty bummed he ever made that angry thread now :hehe:

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^^^^^^^^^^^^Thats the point :indeed:


Its just that the MAN said we can't post threads about specific emotions hence this thread. If you got a problem with it go take it up with Admin not me. It seems you guys (not you in perticular) are not on the same wavelenghth. I mean from the Admin we get told to stop posting irrelvent threads. Then when we post a new thread about a new topic, cos all the other topics have been covered, we get told by the Moderaters to stop posting werid threads. Then the normal posters complain cos people are posting werid threads and posting the same ones. Make your minds up people do you want a lot of threads about everything or a few regular threads covering the basic topics.

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You don't think that a topic on 'What people think of child porn' isn't thought provoking? Surely an issue of child porn that is constantly in the newspapers should be something that we could discuss in the forums?
The topic doesn't even warrant discussion. Anyone who has a different view to "it's sick and wrong" shouldn't be here in the first place.


(I'm not saying you have a different view)

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Well I've just read the whole thread and all though I don't agree with it I still think it's something that can and should be talked about. The whole topic rasied some good questions such as why is it more acceptable to like younger people in other countries but so very frowned upon here. I could delve deeper into the subject but this topic is not really about it. I just think it's a bit sad that the thread was locked when to be honest it was discussed very sensibly in that thread.

It's good to hear other opinions on subjects even if you yourself disagree.

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SAD. that a controversial topic got locked out. PISSED OFF. that when something that obviously had alot of people talking, sensibly i might add, is not allowed cause the admin deem it to be unworthy of discussion.


does anyone know the meaning of DICTATORSHIP?


I don't like talking or thinking about child porn at all, and neither did anyone else by the looks of that thread. It's a taboo for a reason, so let it die and we'll all be less repulsed through discarding any thoughts on the matter. I agree it's a problem, but an even bigger problem right now in my life is how people are cocking up this topic with inappropriate discussion, which is the fault of the creator for trying to create a backdoor into the same discussion you're defending that NONE of us want to talk about. It's sick, game over.

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I don't like talking or thinking about child porn at all, and neither did anyone else by the looks of that thread. It's a taboo for a reason, so let it die and we'll all be less repulsed through discarding any thoughts on the matter. I agree it's a problem, but an even bigger problem right now in my life is how people are cocking up this topic with inappropriate discussion, which is the fault of the creator for trying to create a backdoor into the same discussion you're defending that NONE of us want to talk about. It's sick, game over.


Ok then please post a thread that is thought provoking, and not sick to anyone on this site.

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Child porn is a form of abuse, and abuse is wrong. There we go, glad we cleared that one up... so why do you have to make a thread with a stupid title which is really just a backdoor to more discussion on your previous thread?


Jesus (hates child porn).



What the fuck are you talking about you insoent little dickhead? I made this thread long before the Child Porn thread. Oh and having had a chance to go back overr that thread it seemed to me that people were actually talking about and having a good discussion. If you really feel storngly about that subject then PM me about it, just don't go polluting other threads with your chidess shit.

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these threads are REALLY starting to piss me off. this forum is goin to shit these days.



Again I refer the right honourable gentlemen to the point of the thread. AND THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL SAY THIS SO LISTEN UP GOOD.


I made this thread in retaliancen to the 'Frindly annoucenment' made by Ashly. Obviously you havent read that so go and do so and then thank me for making a thread which lets you say how your feeling without the Admin gettin on your back for Spaming.

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What the fuck are you talking about you insolent little dickhead? I made this thread long before the Child Porn thread. Oh, and having had a chance to go back over that thread it seemed to me that people were actually talking about and having a good discussion. If you really feel strongly about that subject then PM me about it, just don't go polluting other threads with your child lesbian (I'm CERTAIN he meant child lesbians here - Guy) shit.


I made a mistake and I apologize for not checking the creation dates and making a logical assumption. But even though I was wrong, I still like myself more than I like you. There are so many things I could do in an act of immaturity right now, but I'm just going to do this:




A shitty lol. You and Zim can go talk about thought (erection?) provoking child porn somewhere else, maybe in a Yahoo Chat user room. That was always popular over there.

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I made a mistake and I apologize for not checking the creation dates and making a logical assumption. But even though I was wrong, I still like myself more than I like you. There are so many things I could do in an act of immaturity right now, but I'm just going to do this:




A shitty lol. You and Zim can go talk about thought (erection?) provoking child porn somewhere else, maybe in a Yahoo Chat user room. That was always popular over there.



now the implecation that i enjoy child pornography is really immature. if you had actually read the posts that i had made then you would see how strongly i feel about it. if you dont like the subject dont read the thread.

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fucking dicks who like to act tough on the internet
Yeah, I wish people would stop trying to act tough over the internet.
Youre all fucking dicks who like to act tough on the internet especially elitist ****s who get a boner because they have relative 'status' on a fucking internerd messageboard, end of discussion.
Just like this guy here.


Oh wait.

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