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Tomb Raider: Underworld

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New Engine:


Lara's body reacts to the weather and environment - if it is hot, she will sweat. If it is raining, the water will trickle down her body. If it is muddy, dirt will cling to her and gradually wash off due to the rainfall. Her clothes will also react to changing environmental conditions. Lara interacts with environmental foliage, sweeping it away as she passes through it.


Crystal Dynamics have introduced motion capture for the first time in a Tomb Raider game. Motion capture brings increased realism and fluidity to Lara's movements. Olympic Gymnast used for Lara's motion capture.


TRU uses a realistic and dynamic weather system including torrential rainpour, thunderclouds and lightning.


An improved physics engine means that the whole world is reacts to Lara's presence and has memory. Lara leaves footprints in the mud. Debris and bodies will no longer vanish, providing valuable markers of where the player has been in the game world.


An innovative lighting system moves beyond simple dynamic lighting to create stunning and realistic environments.


The game is more open-ended than ever before, giving players the choice of how to tackle situations.


Crystal Dynamics travelled on location to photograph the Mayan tombs ensuring a realistic look to the ruins.


All cutscenes are made using the in-game engine.

Multiple targets can be shot, with one gun focusing on one target while the other gun focusses on another.


Environmental objects like spears can be used as weapons against enemies.

Enemies confirmed so far include panthers, spiders and mercenaries.



Lara can now perform more free-form rock climbing similar to Assassin's Creed. She can grab and climb most surfaces.


Environmental objects can be used in a variety of different ways, both as weapons and tools to aid climbing. Lara can pick up spears and lances and use them to jump over gaps.


The grapple hook tool is back and will have a major role in puzzle solving as it did previously.


Lara's motorbike is the only confirmed vehicle in the game so far. It will have a greater role in puzzle solving.


Release: Q4 2008 for PS3. Xbox360, PC, PS2, Wii and Nintendo DS



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If its more like Legend i'll like it.


Before Legend i actually never liked a Tomb Raider game... and i didn't like Anniversarry either.

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I thought Anniversary was great untill half way through Egypt. It got really boring and unimaginative after that. This is looking fantastic though. Probably some media will come through in the next two weeks ie videos. This is the word on the TombRaiderForums anyway.

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If its more like Legend i'll like it.


Before Legend i actually never liked a Tomb Raider game... and i didn't like Anniversarry either.


I'm exactly the same. I loved Legends. I picked up Anniversary, played it for about 10 minutes, got really pissed off with the controls (Like holding the button to hold on to ledges and such and also having to repeatedly press the trigger to shoot.) and haven't touched it since.


I'll probably go back to it before this comes out.

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I'm exactly the same. I loved Legends. I picked up Anniversary, played it for about 10 minutes, got really pissed off with the controls (Like holding the button to hold on to ledges and such and also having to repeatedly press the trigger to shoot.) and haven't touched it since.


The holding button to hold onto ledges is exactly the same as it was in Legends. I never noticed anything different about the pistols, either.

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The holding button to hold onto ledges is exactly the same as it was in Legends. I never noticed anything different about the pistols, either.


Hmmmm, I swear in Legends you pressed a button to let go...Ok, my bad.

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As far as I'm aware Anniversary has exactly the same control scheme as Legend. It sounds like you had the 'Manual grab' option selected.


I really enjoyed Legend, although Anniversary was far better in terms of exploration and atmosphere, had pleasingly few human enemies, was more puzzle orientated and abstained from underwhelming vehicle sections. I imagine that Underworld will land somewhere between the two.


I'm using a rather lovely Lara render as my desktop image. You can get it in several sizes here.

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As far as I'm aware Anniversary has exactly the same control scheme as Legend. It sounds like you had the 'Manual grab' option selected.


Cool, I'll check that out!

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I love these sort of games...I would like an "Endless Ocean"-like mode where you and friends can go group discovering online. It might be Phantasy Star Online-ish.

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Lets hope they fix the major, major issue, and allow your pistols to be (essentially) fully automatic - ie you can just hold it down and she keeps firing.


I'm normally a sucker for realism, but in this case, it's the lesser of two evils - its get frustrating when you're faced with enemies that take a million billion bullets (namely all of them).

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Legend had fully automatic pistols, however in anniversary you had to press fire for each bullet. Personally I think this is looks amazing and can't wait! It's a shame that they delayed it so that they could cash in on PS2 and Wii ports, but ah well. Is there anymore news on Sierra's WET btw? That was looking great.

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This looks/sounds fantastic, I can't wait! I loved TR: Legend, and Anniversary was really good, though I've yet to buy the latter. The engine seems great too, and it also bodes well for Deus Ex 3 (which is using the same engine.)

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Looking and sounding awesome, I liked Legend and am currently playing through Anniversary (which is better imo) Legend was awesome too just the plot was... a bit... meh... :blank:


Anyways as long as they conjure up a decent storyline for TRU then it has all the components to become a brilliant revitilisation for the franchise (much more so than even Legends) basically after seeing what Crystal Dynamics have done for the games there need never be another developer to even consider "having a go" at making a TR game as the Crystal Dynamics team have basically nailed it. :smile:

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Excellent! Lara's back in ruins and tombs! LOVE IT!


Definate buy for me, lets hope it makes it's winter release!

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Legends was ok, Anniversary was better. Underworld looks like it is shaping up well at the moment. Anniversary was really the first Tomb Raider i got into so i may take a looky into this title as well.

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Doesn't this game follow on from Legend!? It better because I want to know what happens. I actually really liked the story.

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Yeah it does, it's about Lara finding another way into wherever those portals in Legend led.

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This link has some new, ridiculously HUGE Xbox360 screens.


Plus IGN hands on with the PS3 version.

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The second screen down on the left is really weird: the background is all pixelated, but Lara and the cats look normal. Not sure what that's about.


Anyway, Eurogamer have a preview up and it reveals a few interesting titbits.


The thing that caught my eye was that Lara would venture into "multiple underworlds throughout the game", and that the "guys at Crystal have let their imaginations go. They're taking Lara to places she's never been before, places people will find surprising." To me that conjures up images of Galleon's closing levels, which could be interesting.

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I'm really looking forward to this. One of my most anticipated games of the year. I loved Legends and I thought the story was pretty cool.


I just hope the mythical stuff isn't too crazy.


Anyone know when it is meant to be coming out??

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Yeah it has a Christmas release at the moment. I would have been around July, but Eidos wanted to milk it for all it's worth and make a Ps2 and DS version.

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