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Bobby Fischer dead


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So, apparently the chess player Bobby Fischer died today at the age of 64. Despite being a chess legend, and inspiring many people, he had extremely controversial views, such as supporting the September 11th attacks and being anti-Semitic... many people think he had gone slightly crazy in his old age.

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Good thing Nintendo didn't use him to advertise Wii Chess, which coincidencly is out today.


Oh you cannot BUY marketing that good!


Anyway, rest in peace, Bobby. You were the greatest, but also one of the craziest, Kasparov has a lot of work to do before he is thought to be half as insane as you.

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Little known fact, he moved to Iceland so he wouldn´t be arrested for playing an illegal chess match in Yugoslavia.

There´s more to it but it just sounds silly.


Also nearly every product with his name on it was made without his approval

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He was a great player; totally barmy before he ever got old, but then Chess at that level isn't for sane people.


He's the sort of infamous person to me who, as a kid, was never alive nor dead... but still, sad to see this. My dad'll be sadder; fischer was his chess hero!

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