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Night 2 is over


The kid felt that the metal cabin would provide a good amount or protection. Little did he know that it was the house on an evil man. The last thing he ever felt was two metal walls turning him into a pancake.


welsh_gamer is dead. We was Wesley Crusher (Star Trek). An annoying git who had to hide in houses (Good).




A swarm of tiny machines flew through the town. It's target was sleeping. The machines found their way into the man's throat and blocked his airwaves.


AshMat is dead. He was Morpheus (The Matrix). He could enter the matrix to talk to others (Good).


Anyone who was in contact with AshMAt/Morpheus can no longer communicate with each other.




Two women spoke to the town's doctor.




A strange alien was prevented from having some food and an investigator didn't feel like answering a call.


There will be no CSI today.


There are 27 players left. 14 is a majority.


Brian Mcoy


Coolness Bears
















My Buttons are Magic!









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Night 2 is over


The kid felt that the metal cabin would provide a good amount or protection. Little did he know that it was the house on an evil man. The last thing he ever felt was two metal walls turning him into a pancake.


welsh_gamer is dead. We was Wesley Crusher (Star Trek). An annoying git who had to hide in houses (Good).

Quoted for truth and awesome.

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I sure don't :) just the 'agency' (curse my english exam) says that they went to him, suggesting that they targeted the doctor. Plus they 'talked' with him, which suggests an exchange of info rather than any treatment or protection. Previous 'talks' in mafia games have led to recruitments. Just an idea, no real lead or anything!


Is there anything in sci-fi with.. er.. like two women who do everything together? Or should we maintain the idea that they're separate characters?


The 'metal walls' pancaking the poor sap... Eh O_o :P No idea. T-1000 or the garbage chute form star wars? no idea!

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Hmm, I guess you're right. I got information about Ellmeister collecting the parts for something or other, don't know what. Like I said, not much of a case, but it sounds to me like the set up for a powerful bad guy. I may sound a little paranoid, but you understand what with me continually dying in previous games.


Don't suppose this anything sinister?

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Not really, but i'm interested to know who they are, a strange alien could be a threat and the investigator could be evil too.


At the moment they don't sound like threats to me. Also, assuming Ellmeister is the strange alien (who apparently collects parts?), could he be that weird small flying alien from Star Wars Episode 1, the one where young Anakin works?

*has no clue*

And so far I don't think the investigator is bad, but who knows.

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