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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!


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The confused part is in reference to the fact he thought he was a roleblocker when he actually protected against roleblocking.


I don't know why he thought that though :heh:


Oh lol. I thought it was some form of micky take of me being bi. I fail at life.


Anyhoo, this game took so long to finish!

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The Staff Mafia


You are the staff of N-Europe, and after ex-members have hacked into the system are back posting in the forum, you’ve decided to react harshly. You must ban everyone, and teach them all a lesson.


You are the mafia. You may communicate with each other outside the game thread. You win when your mafia dominates the town.


Shorty - Platty

Haggis - Hellfire

Shino - Cube

McMad - Ashley

Ellmeister - Shorty

MoogleViper - Tellyn

Rokhed00 - Jordan


Platty (Member / Staff / Don / Mind controller)

You are Platty, the member that’s taken charge as leader.


Every night, you may organise a ban (a nightkill). You may send a member of your mafia to make the ban, or go yourself. Whoever is sent can not use their night power on a night they are sent to make a ban, and any passive power they have (eg. Being immune to nightkills) will not work as effectively if they are sent to ban.


You have a certain charm, and if investigated, you will appear good.


Also, you have a little trick up your sleeve. You may use your admin control to influence what a player posts and effectively who they target. Every night, you may target two players. You will force the first target to target the second instead of their intended target.


Hellfire (Member / Staff / Mafia player / Roleblocker)

You are Hellfire, the Portugese Mafia Don. However, this time you are working under the orders of Platty.


With access to the staff control you have the power to prevent members from posting in certain threads. Effectively, you can prevent another from player from using their night action.


Cube (Member / Staff / Mafia player /Unkillable / Silencer)

You are Cube, staff member and successful mafia player.


It will take a lot for you to leave the forum (You cannot be killed at night).


Also, you may prevent someone from posting during the day time. Every night, you may target another player. This player will be silenced, and will not be able to post in the game thread.


Ashley (Member / Staff / Misdirecter)

You are Ashley, the hopeless romantic and staff member of N-Europe.


Every night, you may target another player. You will strike up a conversation with them about Victoria’s Secret, or some other rom-com TV show, and they will be confused. They will target a random target instead of their intended target.


Shorty (Member / Staff / Mafia player / Info gatherer)

You are Shorty, the anime/ninja loving staff member (feel free to insert a cooler description yourself :p)


Every night, you may target another player. You will search through their account and learn everything there is to know about them.



Tellyn (Member / Staff / Mafia player / Time Bomber)

You are Tellyn. Ban the members, save N-Europe.


Every night, you may target another player. During the next day, if there are more than 300 posts posted in the game thread, the player you targeted will be killed.


Also, if the game lasts that long, whoever posts post #1337 will be killed.



Jordan (Staff / Staff / Lover / Doctor)

You are Jordan, N-Europe’s resident Romeo.


You are in love with Letty (played by Owario). You may communicate with Letty outside the game thread. However, she is aligned with the members so it’s not a good idea to tell her who your allies are. The only thing that keeps her from telling everyone you are in the mafia is the fact that she’ll commit suicide if you are killed.


If Letty is killed, you will ban her killer, then commit suicide.


Every night, you may protect another player from death.







Owario - Letty (Member / Female / Lover / Powerless)

You are Letty, N-Europe’s resident Juliet.


You are in love with Jordan (played by rokhed00). You may communicate with Jordan outside the game thread. However, you have learned he is a member of the mafia. You have promised to keep this a secret from everyone, but will have no problem getting rid of his mafia friends.


If Jordan is killed, you will commit suicide. If you are killed Jordan will commit suicide.


Unfortunately, you are powerless.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have left the forum (apart from Jordan).

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The reason I didn't kill anyone was because if I did I thought it would be far too obvious and then I would get lynched, this was me assuming I was the only one left with a killing power though...


Now I am more annoyed with myself knowing that I could of won if I had just been more murderous.

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The “or GTFO!†Neutrals


ReZourceman - Ant-Shimman

AshMat - motion

Dyson - Harribo

Jonnas - mc metroid

Lazy Boy - ReZourceman


You are the “or GTFO!†neutrals. After someone has hacked into the N-Europe database, banned members can now return and you guys have returned, ready to cause more mischief! You may communicate with each other outside the game thread.


You are neutral. You win when only members of the “or GTFO!†neutrals and less than 5 other townies remain.


You have a team power. Once per game, one of you may post "GTFO!" in the game thread. The current phase will end. If it is the day phase, there will be no lynch. If it is the night phase, any unsent PMs will be ignored.


Ant-Shimman (Banned / GTFO! /Busdriver)

You are Ant-Shimman, who feels he was unfairly banned, and has returned to cause some commotion.


Every night, you may target two players. Anyone who targets the first player will instead target the second, and vice versa.


motion (Banned / GTFO! / Misdirecter)

You are motion, who was banned, but is back for more!


Every night, you may target another player. This player will target a random player instead of their intended target.


Harribo (Banned / GTFO! / Doctor)

You are Harribo, who was also banned, and is come back for more along with his emo pikachu avatar.


Every night, you may protect another player from being killed.


mc metroid (Member / GTFO! / Info gatherer)

You are mc metroid, who is delighted to see his friends brought back and is eager to help them win back their right to be members.


Every night, you may target another player, and learn some info about them.


[spoiler=]When he was with the GTFO, there was a 50% chance he'd get wrong info.


When all the other members died, he became town.



ReZourceman (Member / GTFO! / Mafia player / HCR / Roleblocker)

You are ReZourceman, who will have lots of lulz with his friends back on the rope forums.


Every night, you may target another player. They will be prevented from using their night power.


If he targeted Chairdriver or Paj Meen Ah, he'd leave the GTFOs, and join them in their own group. Then the "HCR" group would become a mafia. I wanted this to happen so badly, but alas it never came about.


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The Banned Mafia


Cube - Guest

Calza - Dynastygal

Jayseven - Zelda_freak

Moria - UK

Nintendonut - Fields


An internet hacker posing as a Guest has hacked into the N-Europe system, and now banned members are allowed back online!


You are the mafia. You must have your revenge on N-Europe! You may communicate outside the game thread. (However, you are not a conventional mafia - you do not have a don that can send someone to perform night kills)


You are evil. You win when your mafia dominates the town.


Guest (no key-words)

You are an anonymous internet hacker, who wants to help the banned members exact their revenge on the N-Europe forum.


You have the advantage of having no keywords.


Every night, you may blackmail another character. The next day this character will be forced to vote for who you want them to vote for (they cannot in any way imply that they are being forced to vote).


Also, once per game, during the day phase you may PM me with the name of a player. All votes against this character during that day phase will be discounted.


Dynastygal (Banned / Female / unblockable hitman)

You are dynastygal, (also called dienastygirl by other forum members) the member who took arguing for vegan rights to a whole new level.


Every night, you may target another player. You will go round to that player’s house and set fire to it. Because this is a real life event, any action on the forum will not prevent you from carrying out your action. The player you target will be forced to log off the forum and fight the flames. They will effectively be killed. However, there is a small chance they’ll be able to fight off the flames and log back on a few days later.


I was so hoping Calza would win, just because it would have been so funny. It's great Calza got so far in the game.



Zelda_freak (Banned / Roleblocker)

You are Zelda_freak, the antisocial guy that was banned for very good reasons, yet is actually quite a nice guy offline.


Every night, you may target another player. They will be prevented from using their night power.


UK (Banned / Trusted / Info Gatherer)

You are UK, Ganondorf’s second account.


You are trusted by the members, and will appear good when investigated.


Every night, you may target another player. You will learn some info about this player.


Fields (Banned / hitman)

You are Fields, a banned member who recently came back as Stalin.


You once claimed mafia games sounded shit without giving them a chance, and thus feel a bit stupid when they were greatly received by the other members. Because of this, you have developed a grudge against any mafia players.


Every night, you may target another player. If they have the mafia player keyword, you will kill them.

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I didn't kill anyone the last nights because there was the risk Calza would kill me the only time I wasn't invincible, I was expecting for him to kill someone else, but when he didn't do it I was starting to think that his objective was to kill all admins. Before I had even thought of proposing him an declared alliance.

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Oxigen_waste - chairdriver (Member / HCR / Doctor)

You are chairdriver, aka me.


Every night, you may target another player. If they have the mafia player keyword, you will protect them from any lethal attacks.


If all the mafia players were killed, chairdriver would win the game (he'd get to finally clear his inbox



When Paj died, he became both a doctor and a cop at the same time. He'd only get the correct result when copping if he copped a mafia player.


I think I mislead him a little, so he only used one power a night




MadDog91Uk - Paj Meen Ah (Member / HCR / Mafia player / Cop)

You are Paj Meen Ah, chairdriver’s best friend.


Every night, you may target another player. You will learn their alignment.



You guys are best friends, you may communicate with each other outside the game thread. If either of you dies, the other will inherit their power.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


He was an insane cop; he always got the wrong result. If chairdriver had died before him, he'd lose interest and become powerless.







Sprout - The Bard (Member / Music Critics / Paranoid Gun Owner)

You are The Bard, the member with a mouth.


If you are targeted at night, you will shout at whoever targets you, and there is a 50% chance that player will be killed.


My buttons are Magic! - Oxigen_waste (Member / Mafia player / Music Critics / lightning rodder / day killer)

You are Oxigen_waste, opinionated and not scared to speak your mind.


Every night, you may target another player. You will shoot down this player, thus making it more likely that other players will target this character aswell instead of their intended target.


Also, once during the game you may kill another player during the day phase. You must post a post highlighting that player’s name , and that player will be killed.


You guys are both patrons of the music thread, and have similar musical tastes. You may communicate with each other outside the game thread.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.



I dunno if I'll ever include this role again. The Lightning rod power turned out to be a bit too good.


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Tellyn - My Buttons are magic! (Member / Female / Mafia player / Princess / ID’er)

You are My Buttons are Magic!, N-Europe’s resident bubbly shoe shopper.


Every night, you may target another character. You will learn their character’s name.


If you are killed, the members of N-Europe will be struck with grief, and will not be able to lynch anyone the next day.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


Gaggle64 - Coolness Bears (Member / Mafia player / Jailkeeper)

You are Coolness Bears, creative thread maker and member of N-Europe.


Every night, you may target another player. You will create a new thread, and will pull this player into a discussion, preventing them from carrying out their night action, and also preventing them from being killed.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.



Mundi - Mundi (Member / Mafia Player / Miller / Unlynchable)

You are mundi, the reigning champion of the mafia game despite being an extremely shady player.


If you are investigated, you will appear as evil.


You cannot be lynched.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


I laughed when the random number generator chose Mundi to be Mundi


The fish - warandchoas (Member / Questioner)

You are warandchaos, the member who makes lots of interesting polls.


Once per day phase, you may ask a trivial question in the game thread (along the lines of “What is your favourite day of the week?”) You may in no way emphasise this question, imply that it would benefit people from answering it or ask anyone to answer it. If someone answers this question, you will learn some info about them. You may not ask more than one question per day, nor may you repeat the same question.


Also, once per game, you may PM me with a question to ask another player. I will ask the player the question. If they answer truthfully, I will give you their answer. If they do not answer truthfully, I will give you all the details about their role.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


Mr-paul - Haggis (Member / Mafia Player / Protector)

You are Haggis, a valued member of N-Europe.


Every night, you may target another player. You will protect this player against roleblocks and they will be immune to having their target changed.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


Bluejay - rokhed00 (Member / Mafia Player / Counter attacker / Shape shifter)

You are rokhed00, N-Europe’s resident transsexual.


On even nights, you will dress up as a woman, and will have the Female keyword. If you are targeted by another player whilst dressed up, they will think you are someone else, and instead will target a random player.


On odd nights, you won’t dress up. If you are targeted by another player, they will use their power on you, then you will beat them up, and they will be roleblocked for the next night.



You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.



Vicar - Dante (Member / Silent watcher)

You are Dante, the member that’s always there, but doesn’t say very much.


You have a conditional power. If you post less than 10 times in the game thread during the day time, that night you will be able to watch another player, and see who targets them.


If you post more than 10 times, you will not have the option to use this power.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.





Welsh_gamer - Raining_again (Member / Female / random powers)

You are Raining_again, the member who loves to dye her hair all sorts of colours.


Every night, you may choose to dye your hair. If you do, you must PM me with the colour you wish to dye it. Depending on the colour you will receive a power to use for the night. Pick your colours well, because you only have enough dye to dye your hair each colour once.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


This was sort of a trick, because no matter what colour he chose, his power still had no effect - I mean, what colour hair you have is irrelevant :heh:


dark snowman - Fierce_LiNk (Member / Vigilante)

You are Fierce_LiNk, the living legend.


You have been granted staff powers, and have the power to ban another player (ie. Kill them.) However, you don’t trust the staff, who seem to have gone mad with power, and are sided with the members.


Every night, you may kill another player.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


Strider - Eenuh (Member / Mafia Player / Female / Cop)

You are Eenuh, a valued member of N-Europe.


You know alot of people. Every night, you may investigate another player. You will learn their alignment. If they are female, you will learn some extra info.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


There was a 50% chance that whenever she investigate someone they'd turn up town regardless of their actual alignment




Brian Mcoy - The fish (Member / Mafia Player / Bodyguard)

You are The fish, the man you want on your side if you ever find yourself in a religious debate.


Every night, you may protect another player from death. If successful, there is a chance you will learn the identity of the hitman. However, there is also the chance you will die in the process.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.



Gizmo - Jayseven (Member / Mafia player / Cop)

You are Jayseven, a valued member of N-Europe.


Every night, you may investigate another player. You will learn their alignment.


If you target the character Shorty, you will be able to communicate with him outside the game thread.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


Domjcg - Hobbzinio (Banned / Miller / Keyword cop)

You are Hobbzinio, the banned member. Someone has hacked into the N-Europe system and now banned members can get back online.


However, you want to use this opportunity to show N-Europe you are a good guy, and want to help catch the corrupt staff and the other banned members.


If investigated, you will appear evil.


Every night, you may investigate another player. You will learn one or more of their keywords.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.





Zell - arab_freak (Member / Jester)

You are arab_freak, the guy so narcissistic he has a whole thread dedicated to pictures of himself. You don't care if you get banned, as long as it happens with you in the centre of attention.


You cannot be killed.


You win when you are lynched on the day after someone tries to kill you.


You cannot win in any other way.




Eenuh - Brian Mcoy (Member / Mafia Player / disease carrier)

You are Brian Mcoy, the guy that always speaks in the third person.



You must speak in the third person. Failure to comply with this rule will have harsh punishment.


You have a mission. In order to win, you must inflict everyone in the game with your condition that makes you speak in the third person. Every night you may target one player. This player will be forced to speak in the third person for the rest of the game.


However, if you target a female character, there is a chance your infliction will not work (Mcoy trouble with the ladies sometimes).


You are neutral. You win when everyone in the game is speaking in the third person.




Coolness Bears - Tphi (Member / Staff / Unkillable / Phase Ender / Lynch swapper / opportunist)

You are Tphi, the owner of N-Europe, the head honcho.


You've been away for a while, and you come back to find your forum is in dissarray! Banned members are back and the staff have run riot, indiscriminately banning everyone!


Who will you side with? Who will help you bring peace back to the forum?


You cannot be banned (aka nightkilled).


Once per game, when someone receives the majority vote to be lynched, you may PM me with the name of a player who has also received a lynch vote during this day phase. This player will be lynched instead of the player that received the majority vote. If you choose to use this power when the town decides to lynch no-one, you may choose to lynch someone regardless of votes cast.


You have the power to close the forum at short notice. Twice per game, you may PM me, and the current phase will end. If it is a day phase, the day will end without a lynch.


At the start of day 4, you must decide which faction you will win with. I will give you a choice of possible factions to join when the time comes.


You will not be taken into consideration when calculating whether the mafia holds the majority.


In the end, he chose to win as an individual. He would have got some Uber other powers if he had sided with different factions, but I forget what they were (I lost my sheet of notes)


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So who killed me? I thought I was doing pretty well with my "infecting other people with 3rd person speak", but someone just had to go and ruin it. =(


LOOOL, it was you? I loved the game because of that, it was priceless xD

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Mundi - Mundi (Member / Mafia Player / Miller / Unlynchable)

You are mundi, the reigning champion of the mafia game despite being an extremely shady player.

If you are investigated, you will appear as evil.


You cannot be lynched.


You are good. You win when all threats to the members have been destroyed.


That part made me laugh my ass off. I´ll take it as a compliment :Þ


I was hoping that someone would investigate me on night one but I knew

I´d be left alone the first night

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