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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!


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I compeltely and utterly deny it. Surely you'd know if it was you killing him? I can tell you I've never targetted you, Haggis or Strider.


So is that good enough? I deny it. I dismiss the possibility. Why don't you read over the past 50 pages? Cube vouched for me, O_W and Gaggle did too. Cross-reference the lynched mafia with who voted for them, and you'll see my name on all of the votes.


Can't you remember if you ever targeted Strider? Surely if you can eliminate yourself you can see that Haggis is the guy who killed him! Isn't that worth something?

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Well, Jay, both Shino and I could say "I deny the possibility" too. I know you've voted for people in the mafia, but that doesn't make you not in the mafia, it could just be covering tracks and thats how you've managed to survive this long, by luring people into a false sense of security.


I'm not saying any of that is true, I'm saying there's a chance. There's also a chance Shino is evil, and in your minds there's a chance I'm evil (I'm not I tells you, I've also voted for people to be lynched, though not as much as you mind.)


I don't know what else to say. I didn't and don't have the slightest idea who killed Strider, I assure you.


I'm unsure as to whether I should vote for you after what Shino said, though that would make it seem like I'm voting for you because I'm evil and want to get rid, or vote for Shino just because otherwise I'm going to get voted for.


Someone persaude me dammit!:p

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Well hows about something I've mentioned? like, something I've quoted a gazillion times regarding McMad's lies and defending of Shorty? I think that's the closest to any evidence anyone has at the moment, especially considering Shino is uncertain whether he killed strider, and you aren't saying a word on it, that's the stuff I'd go with now.

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Well hows about something I've mentioned? like, something I've quoted a gazillion times regarding McMad's lies and defending of Shorty? I think that's the closest to any evidence anyone has at the moment, especially considering Shino is uncertain whether he killed strider, and you aren't saying a word on it, that's the stuff I'd go with now.


I'm not saying a word on it? How do you mean? I said in my post I have no idea who killed him. I have zero evidence on anyone, except for something I had about mr-paul a few days ago, but considering he's good the info I got must be false.


So, I've got nothing else to say, I didn't kill Strider and have no idea who did, and I have, like you, voted for people to be lynched (who were bad).

Right, I need sleep.

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I'm not saying a word on it? How do you mean? I said in my post I have no idea who killed him. I have zero evidence on anyone, except for something I had about mr-paul a few days ago, but considering he's good the info I got must be false.


So, I've got nothing else to say, I didn't kill Strider and have no idea who did, and I have, like you, voted for people to be lynched (who were bad).

Right, I need sleep.


actually, the only mafia that's been lynched was Moogle, and you didn't vote for him. You did vote for coolness, but then so did shorty.


Jonnas, Calza, Oxigen_waste, jayseven, My buttons are Magic!, Shino << all voted for MoogleViper, so it would suggest those who didn't are sympathetic with Moogle's mafia intentions.

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actually, the only mafia that's been lynched was Moogle, and you didn't vote for him. You did vote for coolness, but then so did shorty.


Jonnas, Calza, Oxigen_waste, jayseven, My buttons are Magic!, Shino << all voted for MoogleViper, so it would suggest those who didn't are sympathetic with Moogle's mafia intentions.


I believe that I voted for Moogle too.

I trust you jayseven, I am suspicious of Shino, I have a feeling he could be dynastygal, and has come out and accused you of being her so he can survive. And he says he is unkillable, to me, that sounds like a trait they wouldn't give to a townie, so I believe that he is at least neutral.


I dunno though, just speculating.

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Haggis; you decide to vote for me because I point out that you lied about voting for any mafia? For shame.


To be honest, it's tricky defending myself against two people who have ignored questions - specifically around what Vicar posted.


Shino; you said that you indirectly find out if someone is good with your role - how does that work? Whoever you target ends up on the receiving end of whatever powers are targeted on you, so how can that result in you finding out if they're good or bad?


Vote: McMad for reasons I've stated, ooh, three times so far? I don't, unlike some, want to target someone just because they post a lot, or something :P

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Night 10 is now over


A banned member sent someone a whole load of spam emails. However, another member offered to help him sort through all the spam emails.


Scared that his helper would realise he was corrupt, he banned his account for a day.


One player has been silenced. They may not post during day 11, and will not be included when calculating the vote majority.


Another staff member decided now was the time to ban the pesky member once and for all.

Jayseven has been banned. He was Zelda_Freak, the banned member who could prevent people from doing their actions by sending them spam emails.(Banned / Roleblocker)


The staff member who banned Zelda_freak heard a crash.


"Fuck was that?"


He realised someone had thrown a firebomb through his window.

Haggis' house has burned down. He was Hellfire, the Portuguese mafia don, who wasn't the don this time round. (Member / Staff / Mafia player / Roleblocker)


There are 7 players left (4 is a majority)




My Buttons are magic!





Day 11 begins now

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Well, guess that settles who killed Strider then.


Okay, so we have three possible targets it seems. One is McMad, based on this lie jayseven pointed out, with McMad trying to protect Shorty:

Jonnas: (jonnas explains that he targeted Shorty 'last night' and discovered he was the head of the mafia)

McMad; "Someone may or may not have targeted Jonnas last night over concern as to who they might be.... *ahem*"

Jonnas; "Wait, McMad, are you telling me you misdirected me? When was that?"

McMad; "Last night."


We have the silent member who is corrupt:

Scared that his helper would realise he was corrupt, he banned his account for a day.


And we have the mysterious dynastygal. This could be Calza, mr-paul, or Shino (though all three are also potentially the silent staff member).


So, everybody who can talk... well, talk :heh:. This way we can discover who the corrupt silent member is. Also, let's not be hasty when it comes to voting, we have to be careful for the Mafia to not vote off an innocent with so few of us left.

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(Sorry, I should have updated this, but I had prelims and stuff, so I forgot.)


Day 11 is now over


The members couldn't decide who to chase off the site.


There are 7 players left (4 is a majority)




My Buttons are magic!






Night 11 begins now

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It's yet Night Time, and when it's day, people probably won't vote anybody. What happened with this game?


And how come Bluejay wasn't insta-killed yet? He never plays this anymore.


I'm bettin there's still 3 mafiosi... wich means when this day dawns, it'll be the end, coz they'll have majority... or close to it, at least.

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Night 11 is now over


Yet another arguement started on the music thread.


A staff member saw the opportunity to ban one of the members in the arguement.

Bluejay has been banned. He was rokhed00, N-Europe's resident cross-dresser (Member / Mafia Player / Counter attacker / Shape shifter)


"Wtf mates?" said a member in red text. "You can't just ban a member like that!


Fuck me, this just goes to show how incompetant these guys are!"


The rant continued, but the one it was addressed to wasn't going to leave the site over some guy shouting at him through his computer screen.


He banned the member's account for a day, hopefully that would get him to shut up.


One player has been silenced. They cannot post during day 12, and will not be included when calculating the majority.




A guy turned off his PC and turned on the TV to watch Victoria's Secret.


Half-way through the episode, he smelt the smell of burning.


"What the hell?"

McMad's house has been burnt down. He was Ashley, the rom-com romantic (Member / Staff / Misdirecter)


There are 5 players left (3 is a majority)




My Buttons are magic!





Day 12 begins now

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