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Michael Moore's Sicko


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I have just bought and watched this documentry this morning as I love his films and this one doesn't disappoint. Once again Michael has tore apart America with this and it makes you realize that the NHS aint all that bad in comparison to what the US has got.


Yeah, I know alot of people hate the guy and yes its easy to tear apart anything if you search around long enough but this is really great viewing and some of the things that go on is just plain disgusting.


Anyone else seen or picking this up?

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It was entertaining, and sure make the NHS look good, but something about his films seem odd. Its pretty clear that he is manipulating the footage he has to argue his point, but I guess you have to do that to make a persuasive arguement/ but it still comes off as a little false and contrived.


As much as I enjoy them, I can see why other documentary makers think he is damaging the medium.


You know he left out the best hospitals? the ones in norway and sweden he left out, i can't remember why, i think it was like, it contradicts his overall view =/

He said it was because audiences would find it unbelievable, I think.

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I have to say it is a bit of joke how he sets up the NHS as this all singing all dancing super organisation...when it is far from it.


Pay thousands for treatment then.. sell your house to afford prescriptions..


The NHS is great - sureit isn't perfect but its a hell of a lot better than having insurance - which they manipulate to suit their needs. American private medicine is sickening. I dunno if I'll watch this. I think its a good point but I just don't trust anything MM says any more, he spins it far too much.

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