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Men like breasts because in the caveman period we used to mate by the woman bending over (although we do still today), and therefore the image of the ass in that position from our view point was linked the pleasure in sex, making it attractive. Now psychologically we think of the breasts looking like the ass in that position and like breasts.

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Why does having less sleep but in a more traditional timeset 10pm-8am make you feel better than having more sleep in a wierd time period 2am-2pm?


because you're body is actually enginered to sleep during the night. I beleive it's something to do with timed hormone releases that maximise the productivity of a sleep.

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Men like breasts because in the caveman period we used to mate by the woman bending over (although we do still today), and therefore the image of the ass in that position from our view point was linked the pleasure in sex, making it attractive. Now psychologically we think of the breasts looking like the ass in that position and like breasts.


I have heard this before although I am not sure if I am convinced. Breasts are just so cool and soft whereas the arse is bony and excretes crap :/


Ok as this line of questions seems to be going down the gender path for now heres a new one.


Are women more aggressive than men?

When I say this I don't mean physically but in interactions with each other, backstabbing etc to get what they want. Indivduality plays a massive role of course and also keep responses nice and light :smile:

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The question is answered. ok.


if we all started off in the womb as female and then blokes obviously developed futher.

Does that mean men are upgrades?

or downgrades maybe?


haden, in my experience women are far more vicious than men, but we do it with subtlety, manipulation and backstabbing rather than shouting and punching.(generally)

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Guest Offerman


Why can't unscratchable cd's be made?


Why are breasts so attractive?


Why are there less romantic idealists teenagers in Britian and more chavs?


First orf Haden - sodding excellent thread. Bluudy original and pretty though provoking. Nice work.


CDs consist of an Polypropoline plastic bottom with a rich metal inside. The metal is what carrys the data and takes the burn. Obviously the CD you buy is stamped, which is different from the burning process we use at home.


There are very very few materials in the world that can be polished smooth and be scratch proof. The problem is metals like Titanium, Iron, and Irrididum scratch easily - but they dont show there scratches like plastic does, because of there colour. PTFE a plastic with an exceptionally low friction coefficent doesnt scratch easily because its so slippery, but thats impossible to make clear. :P


The breasts thing is pretty damn interesting, considering I spent a good few hours aday looking at them in various magazine forms I really don't know why I, or anybody else is attracted to them. But they are just so awesome, I think its knowing how they could feel which is the real turn on.


The final thing is so true. Teenagers, especially dudes should be more romantic. I know it seems that I just want to get laid but when I get a girl I want her to be sweet and warm and of course; really romantic.

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like a girls face, we like tits because the nice ones are symmetrical. ofcourse the more smooth and round they are the better. men like curves. i totally agree with being romantic, cinema is not a date date, its more of a i dont want to go with friend. i would treat a girl to dinner if i was going on a first date. and not for a kebab.

also, men who scream are wusses, i meself imagine myself roaring like a t-rex at point of climax

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Hmm, this may seem offence but why does teh black people have the big cocks. I know, I know becasue of their genetic make up but why did it work out like this? I mean like African people have black skin because they live in a very hot climate right? But whey teh uber cocks?

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Guest Offerman
Hmm, this may seem offence but why does teh black people have the big cocks. I know, I know becasue of their genetic make up but why did it work out like this? I mean like African people have black skin because they live in a very hot climate right? But whey teh uber cocks?


Its just evolution. Maybe there was a tribe of black guys with huge cocks, and they also had something else subtly diffent to their bodys. Something that meant they survived longer then normal black people, and they reproduced...and well the rest is Darwins Theory of Evolution.

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Hmm, this may seem offence but why does teh black people have the big cocks. I know, I know becasue of their genetic make up but why did it work out like this? I mean like African people have black skin because they live in a very hot climate right? But whey teh uber cocks?

thats merely a myth


apparently ze germans and the americans have the biggest cocks, whilst the medditeraneans have the smallest

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so the theory that all guys like big breasts isn't true?


cause saggy or not big breasts will fail a pencil test.


Untrue, small breasts will cause the pencil to drop immediately, and thus pass.


Saggy will fail, with reason.


To answer Ash's question:


Because Men are lazy fucking shits and hardly know the first thing about hair care.

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Sorry to not talk about breasts but this has been bugging me for a while. Why do men with long hair not wash it? Some guys can look good with long hair but for Pete's sake wash it!


I have long hair and wash it everyday, god I couldn't bare not washing it... ugh!


But Vye!?


Is it those German sausages that contribute?


Well, they have a class called something that sounds like sausage class, they must learn it there. I'll ook it up tomrrow in German.

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Sorry to not talk about breasts but this has been bugging me for a while. Why do men with long hair not wash it? Some guys can look good with long hair but for Pete's sake wash it!


WTF are you on about. I have long hair and I wash it everyday. Most guys I know with long hair treat it better than short haired people.


Another hair question (mainly aimed at girls): How do you get your hair so damn shiny? I condition it everyday I've tried using that serum stuff. It just won't go shiny.

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Why do women make a lot of noise during sex but men don't?

Men can't multi-task?


Why are there less romantic idealists teenagers in Britian and more chavs?



Why is pink considered a feminine colour and blue a masculine colour?

It appears that it wasn't always. In fact, pre-20th century, it's believed that pink was seen as a boyish colour with blue more befitting of girls. The reasoning behind this was that blue is quite a soft, dainty colour, whereas pink was more bestial and fierce, like red.


By the '50s the opposite was generally accepted, and there are several theories as to why this happened. Many cite World War II, or its end, as the cause for the switch.


This thread reminds of a link that Svt4Him posted years back: The Straight Dope. It's basically a site where you can submit off-the-wall questions.

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It appears that it wasn't always. In fact, pre-20th century, it's believed that pink was seen as a boyish colour with blue more befitting of girls. The reasoning behind this was that blue is quite a soft, dainty colour, whereas pink was more bestial and fierce, like red.


By the '50s the opposite was generally accepted, and there are several theories as to why this happened. Many cite World War II, or its end, as the cause for the switch.


This thread reminds of a link that Svt4Him posted years back: The Straight Dope. It's basically a site where you can submit off-the-wall questions.


Wow that's way better than what I was gonna say.

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I dunno why men like breast, as they're not directly a characteristic of fertility. TBH hips are a better example of something men will look after unaware for reproduction means. A low, wide beak will mean the female's fertile and has good genes and therefore will give easily give birth.

As for breats, I guess it's more of something civilisation brought. Breasts have no indication of fertility and have a merely functional meaning. But 'social laws' and the such have made breasts a sexually attractive purpose.


But hell a good pair always makes my day.


As my question: why do women say they like sensitive boys and run of with the dominant alpha male in the end, only to break up after a month to start the cycle again?

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WTF are you on about. I have long hair and I wash it everyday. Most guys I know with long hair treat it better than short haired people.


Another hair question (mainly aimed at girls): How do you get your hair so damn shiny? I condition it everyday I've tried using that serum stuff. It just won't go shiny.


Must be local boys, as a lot of their hair looks yuck and unkept. I knew a guy who once didn't wash his long hair for six weeks, which was just eww.


And I think girls have shiny hair by using special (ie expensive) shampoos and conditioners and brush it every night to make sure its all nice. Plus the mooses and stuff they use are special "shiny enhancing" mooses.


Mooses is a silly word.

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