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Question About Metroid Prime 1&2


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Yep. The control style is one of many things that makes the game feel like nothing you've played before.


You know that very first bit in the game, where you're on the landing platform with a gate in front where you have to shoot the small yellow locks?


This is the bit of the game where you experiment a bit. Can you fall off the sides? No. Can you turn quickly? Not so bad. Can you aim at the locks? What the bloody...


I'd be pretty sure that everyone's first reaction to that bit is 'This is unplayable! How did this game not only get good reviews, but have glowing praise for the control system?'


The reason being, of course, that Retro's unique control system is one of those rare gaming moments where a difficult game mechanic becomes second nature over time. The main reason people complain about the controls is simply because they haven't encountered anything like it before.

I remember showing it to my friend, who played through the opening and concluded "They've tried to come up with original first person controls, and have utterly failed."


Actually, I think the controls are wonderful... but then I never did get along with dual analogue controls.

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I can't remember my initial reaction to the control scheme, but I think I got on with it fairly well. It was in the same vain as Zelda with the locking on and I never once wished for dual analogue to help out with movement in combat. The starting bit on the space ship was a good intro because like Patch said, you could experiment a bit on your own and the game also eased you in by getting you to shoot the switches and whatnot.


However, it took me a while to get used to holding in R to look around and whatever, and just in general when walking around- I did want some dual analogue for walking round corners more smoothly because it just felt a bit rigid to me without.


On the whole though, the controls are perfect for the the type of game it is. If it was an out and out FPS with no platforming and no investigating, then the controls would ruin it. So by the same token, if it had FPS controls then the Metroid Primes would be unplayable- like wheres the button in an FPS to scan stuff?! :p

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I never liked the FPS genre. I only bought Metroid Prime because it had more than just shoot. (I recall the moment I was interested in the game. A screenshot where Samus scanned a dead pirate and determined the cause of death.)


Needless to say, the controls are perfect because this is not a FPS. It's an Adventure game in the First-Person.

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I never liked the FPS genre. I only bought Metroid Prime because it had more than just shoot. (I recall the moment I was interested in the game. A screenshot where Samus scanned a dead pirate and determined the cause of death.)


Needless to say, the controls are perfect because this is not a FPS. It's an Adventure game in the First-Person.

Yeah, I've still yet to like an FPS game...

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with the whole going round corners thing, you could still strafe by holding down l or r could you not?


with platforming sections.. hold R and look down until you find a view suitable to see the ground and still be able to see ahead... L looks that position..


its rather easy..I make it sound a lot more complicated.


I meant an option for dual analogue. I probably wouldn't use it but it would make going around corners a bit smother.




what you have to understand is that metroid prime is as far away from an ordinary first person shooter... Although i would class the third game and maybe even the second as an fps... this game really isnt..


so a different control sceme helped a lot.

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i loved metroid prime and got so engrossed in it (from the first boss battle - which is one of my favourite gaming moments ever along with fighting meta ridley - i couldnt put it down). Only other game on gamecube where that happened to that extent was wind waker (its just so magical...) u can probably tell what with my name and avatar an all...


I loved the gamecube controls for MP - so much that i thought i wouldnt get along with 3 (until meta ridley turned up - see a pattern?). I have to agree that MP2 is inferior -i felt like giving up at several points along the way.


F-Zero GX is essential gaming. After a session on that u yawn ur way through a session on double dash.


Aww im all nostalgic


:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I picked up MP2 last year, since it was on sale. I never got myself interested enough to pick up the sequel to undoubtedly one of the best, high-impact game that was MP1. I loved that game. Maybe it was because I never finished it. To this day, I still only need to finish the final battle to conquer the game.


So just last week, I had my Wii somewhere else, so I went back to my trusty Cube. I couldn't resist to take a look at MP2. Gotta say, this game got my hooked, just like its prequel did. Now I gotta spend my gaming time between three different games on three different platforms (Advance Wars: Dark Conflict on DS, Super Mario Galaxy on Wii, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes on Cube.)

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Maybe it was because I never finished it. To this day, I still only need to finish the final battle to conquer the game.


I know millions* of people like you. I think it's the combination of an arduous slog to retrieve the artifacts followed by two difficult final bosses - it's a lot of effort and jars from the rest of the game up until then.


MP2 is one of those odd games that is tremendously fun to play at the time but for some reason leaves a bad taste in the mouth after. I love it though.


*OK, make that three

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I know millions* of people like you.


Ah, yes, I'm certainly one of those millions, haha. I'm the gamer that wants to

get the most out of the games, especially those i really love. So I wanna see everything, collect everything etc. As for Metroid Prime, I'm not quite sure anymore why I left it unfinished. I think it was Pikmin (1 or 2) that took my gaming time and never actually returned to it. I don't remember collecting the artifacts as a chore, but I sure can imagine why: Collecting the Tri-force pieces in Wind Waker stopped me from progressing that wonderful game.


Anyway, yesterday I went back to the game again and loved it to bits. Meta Ridley took me two tries, which wasn't that bad. The Impact Crater is a pain in the a$$ though, those damn Fission Metroids sure knows how to bother you.


I almost made it to the true form of the boss, but alas, got myself beaten. I figured my creatures log were missing a few entries, so right now, I'm actually trying to find those creatures and get a 100% log. To my disappointment though, I can't seem to find the Barbed War Wasp and Ram War Wasp in their respective location anymore (Burn Dome and Hive Totem, both Chozo Ruins).


I'm afraid i've progressed too far for them to return :(

Anyone ideas if it's still possible?

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Ah, yes, I'm certainly one of those millions, haha. I'm the gamer that wants to

get the most out of the games, especially those i really love. So I wanna see everything, collect everything etc. As for Metroid Prime, I'm not quite sure anymore why I left it unfinished. I think it was Pikmin (1 or 2) that took my gaming time and never actually returned to it. I don't remember collecting the artifacts as a chore, but I sure can imagine why: Collecting the Tri-force pieces in Wind Waker stopped me from progressing that wonderful game.


Anyway, yesterday I went back to the game again and loved it to bits. Meta Ridley took me two tries, which wasn't that bad. The Impact Crater is a pain in the a$$ though, those damn Fission Metroids sure knows how to bother you.


I almost made it to the true form of the boss, but alas, got myself beaten. I figured my creatures log were missing a few entries, so right now, I'm actually trying to find those creatures and get a 100% log. To my disappointment though, I can't seem to find the Barbed War Wasp and Ram War Wasp in their respective location anymore (Burn Dome and Hive Totem, both Chozo Ruins).


I'm afraid i've progressed too far for them to return :(

Anyone ideas if it's still possible?


Unfortunately, they're only scannable when you face the minibosses in those rooms. You have to restart the game.


I feel your pain. In my first playthrough, my only scan missing was the Hive Totem.

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I remember not scanning the War Wasps too. It's incredibly cheap. I think there are three different kinds of War Wasp all with identical creature models, two of which are one-time scans! Argh!


Keep at that boss. One more go should do it, surely.

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I gave the final boss in MP1 another try yesterday. It went pretty smoothly actually. In the first room with those gecko-like creatures I just jumped past them. The big room with those annoying Fission Metroids went pretty well too. I was barely hit by one. I just kept on jumping and dropped one Power Bomb.


Having played the first Prime boss several times, I managed to defeat it with quite a bit of health left. I'd say I lost around 40% of my health.


I didn't knew the second form was such a pain in the ass! It was hard to keep track of the boss and as soon as the Fission Metroids showed up, I could barely reach the Phazon pool, let alone shoot the boss.


It was game over with around 50% health left on the Queen. Must. Do. Better. Meanwhile, MP2 has been very enjoyable till now. When I'm done with both, I'll get Corruption :)

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I gave the final boss in MP1 another try yesterday. It went pretty smoothly actually. In the first room with those gecko-like creatures I just jumped past them. The big room with those annoying Fission Metroids went pretty well too. I was barely hit by one. I just kept on jumping and dropped one Power Bomb.


Having played the first Prime boss several times, I managed to defeat it with quite a bit of health left. I'd say I lost around 40% of my health.


I didn't knew the second form was such a pain in the ass! It was hard to keep track of the boss and as soon as the Fission Metroids showed up, I could barely reach the Phazon pool, let alone shoot the boss.


It was game over with around 50% health left on the Queen. Must. Do. Better. Meanwhile, MP2 has been very enjoyable till now. When I'm done with both, I'll get Corruption :)


When a Phazon Pool appears, morph and roll there and drop a powerbomb and then unmorph. This way the Metroids will barely touch you.

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When a Phazon Pool appears, morph and roll there and drop a powerbomb and then unmorph. This way the Metroids will barely touch you.


I beat the game the other day. I think it was my 4th try in total. The one thing that didn't work for me before was seeing the boss. I thought you could use either the X-ray or Thermal visors to see it, which of course, isn't completely true.


When I found out you had to cycle between the Combat, X-ray and Thermal Visors, the boss was pretty peanuts. Blasting away those metroids gets u small health replenishes, so in the end, I beat the boss with about the same amount of health left when I started. So yeah, pretty happy that I finally beat the game I first started since release day (2003??)


OMG, it took me 5 years to beat it? :P

Now I can focus on MP2 again :)

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Shame on that. I only managed to get complete it with a 94% score @ around 26 hours. I already missed two entries in the Creatures log, which I will not encounter anymore. I'm missing a few Missile and Power Bomb expansions as well. There's always GameFaqs which will help me find everything, but no way I can remember which ones I've found and which I don't.


So.. I'll let me be and focus MP2 :P

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