Dan_Dare Posted July 13, 2008 Posted July 13, 2008 WSG makes me want to gouge my eyes out in pure rage. I hate it so, so much.
Jimjebus Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 WSG is really easy if people lay it right , tatic is get a shaman or druid on flag stealing they just get it shapeshift or ghostwolf and run and if its under 30-40 games you pretty much win , druids wont find it as easy because of the mounts being lowered to 30 but when is that happening....
ShadowV7 Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 I got to 70 on my rogue on Thursday, got my flying mount and done the start of quest chain to get my Netherdrake. Though to continue I need to get my riding skill to 300 and get 5000g. Only got 710 so far so might take a while. Anyone got any tips to get money fast aside from questing all the time? Also my Shaman is now level 13 nearly 14. Great how the play styles are so different, keeps it fresh.
gmac Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 just make sure to do all the quests in Shadowmoon Valley and Netherstorm as they give approx 2000g ofc if you've done them then just do the dailies gets you around 250g per day if you do all 25 you can do
ShadowV7 Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Not done all of those yet I think. Done the quests in Area 52 and a few more here and there and then some in Shadowmoon to push me to 70 and to get my mount. I've started doing dailies now, then after other quests then sell/put stuff on AH.
ShadowV7 Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Rogue is still gathering money for 300 mount skill, albeit slowly. Shaman on the other hand is lvl 16, skills sucked though 4 levels away from next totem and some decent skills!
KKOB Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Still playing, lvl 35 with my priest now. Having fun still ^_^ I'm getting more and more excited about WOTLK with every day. Love how Blizz have just splurged out tons of details along with the beta. It's going to be a loooong wait, looooong enough for me to get my priesty to near 70 i hope.
ShadowV7 Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 I'm still getting money as my rogue for the last riding skill, though will have the last of it tomorrow sometime. Got 4109g on as I type, about 90g in the mailbox, another 200 odd gold worth on AH and dailies to do. So close now -.-
Ramar Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 I've not played in a while. I can't be bothered to put the effort in gearing up because I don't raid, and with WOTLK kind of close. By the time I get geared, greens will be better than what I've got.
ShadowV7 Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Wotlk is still ages away, I got some decent gear in under 2 weeks. May aswell get somewhat prepared for it
Dyson Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 I dinged 39 last week, and I've got full rest up to level 40. I'm half way to 40 as well Having a mount at 30 really really helps, though. In a way it feels like a let down, I was preparing for me to be able to mount and ride at 40 but then one day it was just..given to me at 36. Kinda took the excitement away but it's fun nonetheless. I just wish my friends decided to keep playing; I'm desperately looking for a decent guild now..
ShadowV7 Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 I remember the days you had to work for a mount. I've spent 2 weeks in getting money for the next riding skill, then another 2 odd weeks to get repuation for me to actually get the mount. Now you low levels are getting them. It's all so shocking....
arnold Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 Battlegrounds....I always thought they were crap, ok nver really played them but I did think why wait in ine for hours just to get my ass kicked, I suck at PvP anyway. Was bored yesterday and couldn't be arsed to quest, so I thought why not try the Basin...fuking loved it, had shit I didn't expect it to be good...didn't expect to be able kill a guy 4 levels above me when he was on full health o0 But damn, I wanna do more MORE >> I have my mount too but damn, I never use it, I prefer travel form, no wait time instant morth and i'm off, still want a Ram though Also, new Hunter Exotic tamable, hell yeah devilasaur:
UziT Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 OMG Female Dwarf! I have never seen one in the wild.....:P Beta News Goodness
Bowser57 Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 Haver plays a rogue? Still, better than a fury warrior I suppose.
Bowser57 Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 better than a hunter Very happy to duel whatever anyone else here might have.
Ganepark32 Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 Didn't think anyone else here played WoW. Been playing myself for some time now. Got myself a lvl 70 fury warrior on the Nagrand EU realm. Almost fully epicced out. I have full season 2 Gladiator set (a mix of both Gladiator and Merciless) and a few other nice epics and imbas. Still crap in pvp though :P but I get by.
RoadKill Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 Very happy to duel whatever anyone else here might have. Hunters are badass, shame we're not in the same battlegroup; I'm not pvp geared/spec'd though
KKOB Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 Priests are great, but do all classes get a bit dull after lvl 40?
gmac Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 yeah everything gets dull between 40-58 and Bowser, we're in the same battlegroup so there is a chance we could meet at some point
Dyson Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 yeah everything gets dull between 40-58 wtf, I thought it was between 30-40 that things got dull then it picked up after that?
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