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You just rest that head of yours, I can always spend some quality time with this guy instead. Who you of course hate, given that he's Horde.


I'll let you off considering he looks pretty awesome. I can always badger shadowv7 if I want to play and you aren't around. :bowdown:

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Sorry I havn't been on much past couple of days, been really bogged down with programming work. Deadline is monday though, should probably be playing a lot more at that point.


Anyone else been added to the guild?

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Just made a charcter on Terrokar, saw this unfold the past couple of days, and thought it might be cool, not sure how much i'll play the little guy as my main is on Dragonblight


Guys name is Evonta, Gnome Warlock


When I made him, I was damned surprised at how many new character where started, whenever I've made an alt the starter areas are wastelands o0 was wondering where the hell to go to kill a wolf.

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Uh oh, a gnome! Wait..I can't remember if nightwolf hates dwarves of gnomes... o_O

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I prefer the horde aswell, I love those blood elves.


But we're on the Terokarr server.

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We're on Terokkar, and we're Alliance, so it's Alliance or die I'm afraid :wink: Got a fair few of us on here now, it's quite awesome.

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I know you have gnome, but thats what im rolling, what level are you guys?

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I'm 12 just now and few bars from 13. I'll probably be on shortly after I have my dinner.

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Most people are around level 10ish. Me and my flatmate are level 32, people sorta hopped on to my server so I thought it polite to be the one that funds the guild etc etc :heh:


Don't think we'll get a guild bank (100g :|) or tabard any time soon unless there's big demand for the tabard. Costs 10g for a design and I dunno how many people would be interested in buying the 75s Guild Tabard item.

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I'm not too fussed about tabards, they cover most awesome armour, if i manage to get the cash, gonna herb up and sell off until I get a decent fund on me, i'll chip in for a bank.


Got no dea what to do for my second Main Prof, was gonig Alchemy..then I saw Inscription, forgot all about that bugger..now I dunno ;-;

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I've just started my professions. 44 in Inscription, 1 in Herbalism. Not good. Wasted about 5g on pure mats.. But the idea of going out and levelling Herbalism again? Bah.

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I prefer Mining, actually I love mining, but I want something different, plus Herb has the pretty cool Heal spell, for a warlock is magic

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When do folk wanna band up and do an instance? I want to do a level montage at somepoint :heh:

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Haha I would love to join you guys and instance with you but it'd be ridiculous :p


More than happy to run some of you through Dead Mines if you lack a 5th player though and want to do the quests!

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If you were in the group then we could get through it faster and get exp faster :heh: Me and Zero did that with each others char, our main would instance with the others secondary.


Though i'd imagine if we done this without you then most folk need to level to atleast 15. Looking at the guild, there's only 4 of us nearly able to do DM. Aimless(14), myself(13), Sukura and Orez(12) with the next level being 8.


Also this westfall stew quest is horrible, the drop rate for the items is so bad that I questioned if I was killing the right creatures.

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I would be higher but, everytime i'm on, no one else is. It sickens me that I just don't know where anything is.

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That was the same as me, came off about 10 minutes ago and didn't see anyone else online :heh:


Though now I know my way about and reading the quests speed things up. Level 14 now aswell, and getting lv 12 and 14 moves have left me poor again, barely got any money left.

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Unfortunately I can't offer you any money at the moment, I have about 5g to my name :heh:

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Been painting all day yesterday so had zero WoW time, should be on in the evening!!

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Oh dear a dwarf among us - I do infact only dislike them because of the way they look, not because of who plays them.


That's true I suppose ^_^, although it'll still be nice to have!

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On the guild there's notes about who and what each player is aswell as what level so it'll save you some hassle.

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