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The bad news is, we can't have the guild name mentioned before. We're currently placeholding with a guild name of Fallen Pigeons, which I personally love.


The good news is we're only 3 signatures away from Guild creation, and I still need to collect a signature from Aimless and someone else I think..

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Edit: Fallen Pigeons now exists! Everyone should have member invite privileges, so if you see any other N-E'ers online or have any friends that want to join you then feel free to add them to the guild! I've temporarily based the member ranks on the forum titles. Not a clue how we'll work out ranks, probably unneeded to be honest. I'd be happy giving people the same privileges and whatever guild title they wanted!


Oh one last thing, when you've joined the guild if you could put your forum name in your Public Note it would really help and stop confusion! :heh:

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Managed to get to 9 last night, not sure how I feel to be playing tonight as I'm full of a headache etc, but we'll see, Aimless will only charge off in levels otherwise!
You just rest that head of yours, I can always spend some quality time with this guy instead. Who you of course hate, given that he's Horde.
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