Tellyn Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 I'm an on-off player of WoW, I don't go on too often so I'm only lvl 12, I just wondered if anyone else on the forum plays on it? I'm Tellyn, and I'm a gnome. WHAT'S YOUR GAME?!
That Guy Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 I've never ever played this game, and although I would like to play it I'm scared I'd get mentally addicted to it. I used to do the same with Championship/Football Manager so I stopped playing them.
Tellyn Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 I was scared of that, I don't find it overly addictive, even though my friends have turned into mindless zombies.
BeerMonkey Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 i played it when it first came out for about a year then got bored of it at last. BUT then got back into it when burning crusade came out at the start of 07 played until april or so. not gunna play again just takes your life away
UziT Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 Theres a thread in the Online gaming forums area. Anyways, I have a lvl 69 blood elf mage. Currently getting my attunement done for Karazhan, on my last key fragment If anyone wana join me, play on Bronzebeard Horde side. Whisper Praytor
AshMat Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 Theres a thread in the Online gaming forums area. Anyways, I have a lvl 69 blood elf mage. Currently getting my attunement done for Karazhan, on my last key fragment If anyone wana join me, play on Bronzebeard Horde side. Whisper Praytor Nobody goes in there since the wierd change of boards anyway though.
RoadKill Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 I have a 70 Blood Elf Hunter, The Venture Co EU 15/16 bits of my kit are epic, and I'm in a guild that currently doesn't currently have great progression (lots of people left, we used to be up to Void Reaver/Lurker, but now we've dropped back to Karazhan) so I'm not playing much, mainly my token 10 games arena a week so I can get the Vengeful Gladiator's Chain Helm, then I'll gem that to fuck and be even more ridiculous
chrizkerr2 Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 I still play World of Warcraft, currently leveling a Blood Elf Rogue up (Currently level 50), but also have 2 level 70's and a couple of level 60's. My level 70 Mage: My level 70 Shaman:
Ollie Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 I play WoW far too much. Quit raiding a few months ago as it bores the shit out of me but still love to PvP. Currently earning honor for my new boots (got 11k need 17k) and arena points for some new gloves (got 555 need 1500 or so). Also leveling an Orc warrior, currently level 65.
Jim Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 I'm a fairly huge wow nerd. Before BC i had a priest who was decked out in Naxx/AQ40 gear. I was the raid leader of our guild, who was one of only 4 guilds to kill C'thun on our server. I rolled a pally in BC for our guild, but stood down as an officer more or less.. Our guild called it a day about 5 months ago, we had cleared SSC and were working on Kael'Thas in Tempest Keep. My pally was decked in T5 gear. I was intending on quitting, but decided to sell my pally and priest, and got given a 70 priest. So I've just been playing that casually ever since. I'm in a guild that raids, but I don't go out of my way to do so anymore. Cougah 70 UD Priest - Frostmourne-US It'll either be my Arena, raiding, or grinding gear shown there, depending on what I'm wearing when i log out :P
Dyson Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I got to level 35 before getting bored and giving up.
MadDog Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Obvs me ....Need to join the guild mandy I know you are lol I couldnt whisper you cause im still on the trial account:heh:
Tellyn Posted January 16, 2008 Author Posted January 16, 2008 Does anyone here play on Dragonblight? Obvs me ....Need to join the guild mandy Me! But you know that.
martinist Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 MMORPGs arn't really my cup of tea, i played guildwars for about a week, then got bored
BeerMonkey Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 so a bunch of ya play on dragonblight huh....i have got back into WoW now (installed today) will make a char on that server later on are you guys on dragonblight ally or horde?
Jamba Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Isn't there a thread for this in online gaming already?
MadDog Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Where all Alliance My name is MadDogUK Add me :P
Tellyn Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 We have a guild in Dragonblight BeerMonkey, I'm sure you'll be allowed in. Isn't there a thread for this in online gaming already? Yessum. No one visits in there though, and this board is for PC games too.
chrizkerr2 Posted January 18, 2008 Posted January 18, 2008 Man, after afew months of not playing WoW much, I am addicted again Rogue is now level 66, and want to Kara on my Shaman (Only done Kara afew times when TBC was released) first 3 bosses down and they all dropped an epic for me! I still say bring back 40 man raids, Ventrillo was pure win back then.
Jimjebus Posted January 19, 2008 Posted January 19, 2008 Yeah so it is Dragonblight -Alliance Guild - Dragonblight experience Im 2nd in command Theres a Tabard And Guild bank Names Xassassin Lvl 17 rouge atm keep changing all the time Highest levels in the guild are A lvl 40 Dranei Shaman , Lvl 53 paladin (maybe higher) and a lvl 61 priest which sucks because priests are weakest people And the Horde sucks only good thing is they have blood elves and alliance always looses Battle ground to Horde because there smart and all there players do battleground at highest lvl before going to a higher one
Strider Posted January 19, 2008 Posted January 19, 2008 Yeah so it is Dragonblight -Alliance Guild - Dragonblight experience Im 2nd in command Theres a Tabard And Guild bank Names Xassassin Lvl 17 rouge atm keep changing all the time Highest levels in the guild are A lvl 40 Dranei Shaman , Lvl 53 paladin (maybe higher) and a lvl 61 priest which sucks because priests are weakest people And the Horde sucks only good thing is they have blood elves and alliance always looses Battle ground to Horde because there smart and all there players do battleground at highest lvl before going to a higher one Before i quit WoW priests could kill my warrior easy without even taking a hit of damage.
Jimjebus Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 Before i quit WoW priests could kill my warrior easy without even taking a hit of damage. Thats a god damn lie and if it is not im going to cry: peace:
gmac Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 you better start crying then Priests can kill Warriors with ease
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