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The Wii is in desperate need of...


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For me the Wii needs nothing. I bought a Wii for Nintendo games and if I crave anything else then I just pop the PS3 or 360 on.


Surely that's where the problem lies though, and why third party games don't tend to do as good. Because Wii owners/Nintendo fans only go for Nintendo games and very little else?

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If, third party's don't invest in those genres and capitalize on the fact that Wii is leading... even if it leads it's never gonna reach it's maximum potential.


Even if people have other consoles to fill their needs in that area, point is those userbases are smaller now thus more elitist and fragmentated; those genres not being accessable on Wii (as is developer talk: "hey it's not worth it, whatever ,etc") it's a error; means even with these casual gamers mumbo jumbo people won't have a clear stepping stone and be left in that. They're separating stuff and only cornering themselfes. And the one who's not cornering itself and capitalizing on that is Nintendo.


For the hardcore people with other consoles... what matters is not only Nintendo titles, but if only Nintendo titles are good, it's a no brainer they'll be the ones selling; all this to say... if "x" good third party title comes out on Wii, they'll buy it since they own one, and that's really how the market works; so Wii being bought by hardcores needs those games too.


I bet there's a lot more people with a PS3 and a Wii or a X360 and a Wii than a PS3 and a X360; not to mention people who just have one (and that comes in big numbers with leadership too); it's really dumb to discard Wii of real investment and effort.

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I think third party sales have been good enough for any third party that cares to look at them and see huge potential in the console. I think the bigger problem is alot of people within the industry just have this loyalty towards Sony and Microsoft, and they still believe these myths that third parties can't sell on Wii despite so many games selling incredibly well :/.


Thing is good games are gonna take like 18 months to make, so it's not gonna be till early 2008 they're even announced and late 2008 we start to receive them. Publishers waited with the same level of patience before commiting to the DS, and the exact same is happening to the Wii now, excpet it's been a huge success since launch, unlike the DS which took a year or so to get going.

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I'd like the Wii to have a few games that are a bit old school in the controls approach. Maybe no motion controls, just something you can just sit back and relax to, like a nice RPG. Yeah, something like that.

Endless Ocean? It's not a RPG, and it doesn't have old school controls, but it is something you can sit back and relax to whilst playing, and the controls seem to be designed with that in mind - even though the Wii remote is used as a pointer, the sensitivity is so high that you only have to make very slight wrist movements. :)

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I don't see what's the problem. Driving controls work excellently, and it immerses you into the games much more than poking a stick. I'd refuse to buy any Wii racer that uses the analog stick, as it would completely miss the point.


The Wii controls for driving just don't feel tight and precise enough, it mostly works well with arcadey racing games like Excite truck where pick up and play rather than develop skill is most welcome.

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The Wii controls for driving just don't feel tight and precise enough, it mostly works well with arcadey racing games like Excite truck where pick up and play rather than develop skill is most welcome.


I'd agree, Excite Truck is just about being awesome and the Wii Remote controls help it pull that off. Without them it'd never have felt as exciting and would have never been the gem of a game I thought it was. God I hope they make a sequel.


For more realistic games I don't know if it'd add anything, although I'd like to see someone use the Wii Remote as a steering wheel and balance board as the gas and brake (There's great potential for making accelerating / braking input analgoue instead of digital). God know if it's work, but really why play a reaistic racer on Wii as oppose to PS360 if it's not gonna use Wii controls :/?

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needs some RPG's for sure. I not sure if we will see many on Wii to be honest. I think DS is gonna be the system for Japanese RPG's.


would love some 2-D fighters although again I don't think it is gonna happen. Well it won't happen in the West anyway. Japanese fighters will still be released on PS2 mainly and some might get Wii Ports like Gulity Gear X did.

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Nintendo need to stop making games with a Mario-sticker on it. Mario Galaxy? YAY!!! Mario Kart? YAY!!! Mario charged soccer? Kewl! Mario Party 53? Not again! Beat Mania Mario Mix? WTF!?!


Nintendo should give us what we've been asking for since the N64-days: A Gran Turismo Beater!


Then we need a kick-arse FPS.


Oh, and a new Zelda even better than Twilight Princess.

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Guest Stefkov
N on this site's name doesn't stand for France, for fuck's sake.

Really I thought it standed for Nagging idiots.

Serisously, you defend the Wii so much it's unbearably funny and sad at teh same time.

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And guess what you need? To be bludgeoned with something heavy and sharp. Yeah, I was checking if N-Europe was getting calmer thanks to christmas, but studidity seems to flow so strong as always. Hell, even moderators have started bitch about how people prefer Nintendo products instead of Xbox 360. N on this site's name doesn't stand for France, for fuck's sake.


Wow. So the idiot has changed his nick to l33t one. Are you now feeling Xtreme? And "brutal" to refer yourself.


Shut up. It's Christmas, there's no need for your stupid comments, no one appreciates them and you make yourself look like an idiot. Merry Christmas. :)

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Final poast


Some of the older members remember that I was actually actively guiding people on their PS2 / Xbox purchases, because I liked helping others, and I believed that I had useful information. But why did I stop it? Because after PS3 was released, Other consoles turned into system wars, and I knew I would get entangled to it way or another. I didn't want to fight or argue (I had some moments when I almost fell into that trap).


But what happened? Instead of Other Consoles would have contained the system wars, it overboiled to Wii forums. This wouldn't have been that bad, but soon posts started to have shades I didn't like. People claiming how "superior" or "hardcore" they were if compared to Wii users, how everybody should like same games that you liked. This attitude pissed me royally, not because of critique, but thanks to broad generalizations, and because people didn't have any kind of respect for set "borders". Wii forum should be dedicated to happy, informative Wii discussion, not lounge B for system wars. Neither should X360 thread be. Or PS3 thread. If I would like to partake in system wars, I would search dedicated thread / forum for it.


Ironically, I would have even agreed with some stuff that King_V or McMad said but I didn't really like the attitude. And to my own fault, I have never been good with youngsters, and some of comments were quite nasty. Especially when it was something that most other people didn't know, but I excepted it to be common knowledge. Probably this all boils down to it that I'm too old, tired and cranky to really deal with these things. :) At least it is obvious it was stupid mistake to come here to vent aggression.

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Nintendo need to stop making games with a Mario-sticker on it. Mario Galaxy? YAY!!! Mario Kart? YAY!!! Mario charged soccer? Kewl! Mario Party 53? Not again! Beat Mania Mario Mix? WTF!?!



I'd totally agree if i wasn't so keen on a new mario tennis, mario golf & TRUE RPG super paper mario (haven't played it, so correct me if i'm wrong).


I even think the new mario party was worth it. The use of the wii remote was a nice addition for the familiar gameplay.

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