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Mafia Game #4 Thread - DIY Christmas Killing Spree


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Hold the phone, what's going on? How does 14 names = seventeen votes, and why does Eenuh's vote go under my name? Simple GM mistakes, or something more sinister altogether?


Corrected Vote count:


Votes (18 is a majority)


Cube (1) AshMat


No Lynch (17) Tellyn, gaggle64, Shino, Eenuh, MadDog91UK, McMad, Brian Mcoy, ReZourceman, Gizmo, Mundi, Haggis, Welsh_gamer, Owario, DomJcg, Oxigen_waste



Sorry about that.

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Votes (18 is a majority)


Cube (1) AshMat


No Lynch (18) Tellyn, gaggle64, Shino, Eenuh, MadDog91UK, McMad, Brian Mcoy, ReZourceman, Gizmo, Mundi, Haggis, Welsh_gamer, Owario, DomJcg, Oxigen_waste, Sanchez


Day 2 is now over


I sat down to type the blurb.


A knock at the door.


"Come in." I said.


I had take a double-take. It was me.


"Move over" the doppel-ganger said, pushing me out my seat. "The majority doesn't always rule."


I watched in disbelief as he typed the write-up.


AshMat is dead. He was Max Payne, the detective who wasn't afraid to kill. (Good)


The power-crazed imposter laughed manaically, before leaving.



There are 34 players. 18 is a majority


Brian Mcoy

Coolness Bears


















mr. paul


My Buttons Are Magic!










The fish

Welsh Gamer




Night 2 begins now

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Night 2 is now over


The winged woman decided now was the time to wreak some havoc. She found her target, who was asleep, having already been interviewed by a detective. Now he was under her control.


"Go!" she said to him telepathically.


He got up, and made his way to his target.


The woman left.


A man cursed. He would have been able to have his way with the mind controlled man, if he had been asleep. There would be no nightmare tonight.




The dog walked down the street, ready to freeze his target. A man stepped out of the darkness.


"Allow me to offer you some protection." the man said.


"Thanks." said the dog, happy for any protection he could get.


They proceeded, and were soon met with a man. It was the winged-woman's puppet.


"He is not in his own mind." said the man protecting the dog. "He's a threat."


Before the dog could say anything to stop the man at his side, he threw a stake at the mind controlled man. However, the stake didn't reach it's target.


From a nearby bush another man jumped and threw the puppet to the ground, the stake narrowly missing his head.


"He's a friend!" said the saviour. "Someone is playing with his mind!"


The man protecting the dog glared at the man on the ground. "Let's go." he said to the dog.


The dog and the protecter walked off.


The saviour got up, and left, all the time being watched by a tall ghostly white man with slits for a nose.



A man with a certain authority walked onto the scene. He grabbed the mind controlled man by the shoulder, and pulled him from the ground.


"I think you should take some time off." He said, before leaving.


One player has been silenced, and cannot post during day 3. They will not be included when calculating the vote majority.


Then, a man wearing strange clothes grabbed the silenced, mind controlled man and took him away. Tonight the thumb screws and burning hot iron would be used. However, the torturer would get no information from the silent man.


Meanwhile, a man broke into the house mind controlled man's house. He was looking for some clues, and maybe a valueable artifact.




The dog and the protecter made their way along the street.


Suddenly, two men stepped out in front of them. One had a moustache and greased down hair, the other brilliant eyes and blood-stains on his lips from a previous feast.


The man with the moustache pulled out a gun, and pointed it at the man protecting the dog.


"Gerade dankbar seien sie gehen zu Auschwitz nicht" he said.


Before he could pull the trigger, the dog blasted a beam of icy from his eye, causing the attacker to be incased in ice.


The partner of this man cursed, and before he could be iced, ran away.


The protecting man thanked the dog for saving him, and returned home.




A woman flicked through a book. She needed all the info on her enemies as she could get.


She landed on a page, and began reading.


At the same time, across the town, the girl she was reading up about was approached by a man.


"Are you ready to help make God's intentions a reality?" the man.


After hearing what he had to say, the girl couldn't refuse.




A woman successfully seduced a man. But was he the man she thought he was?




There are 34 players. 17 is a majority (one player can't vote).


Brian Mcoy

Coolness Bears


















mr. paul


My Buttons Are Magic!










The fish

Welsh Gamer



Day 3 begins now

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I dunno how much of a lead it is, but remember Ashmat got killed unexpectedly yesterday? Well, have a look and he voted for Cube, who he said was evil, and when he was killed it was revealed that Ashmat was good.


Anyone got any info on Cube then?


(and anyone else, obviously!)


i have information that if coolness bears dies bad things will happen!



but i dont know what bad things!

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A resident of the town got ready to go out. Tonight he would be looting, for new items.


As he tried to leave his house, suddenly a load of coloured blocks fell from the sky, blocking his way. He would have to stay in.


There was a knock at his back door. A man stood there.


The occupant of the house opened the door, and heard what the man had to say. He spoke only in the third person. After a quick decision, the occupant rejected the man's offer.


The occupant was about to go to bed when another man knocked on his back door.


"I think it's time for you to take some time off." said the man at the door.


One player cannot post during day 2. They will not be included when calculating the majority.


Well the guy speaking in third person was obviously Mcoy. We don't know whether or not the organisation is good or bad but it's most likely bad. I'd like to hear what he has to say.

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I dunno how much of a lead it is, but remember Ashmat got killed unexpectedly yesterday? Well, have a look and he voted for Cube, who he said was evil, and when he was killed it was revealed that Ashmat was good.


Anyone got any info on Cube then?


(and anyone else, obviously!)


But it could have been someone impersonating Cube with the whole Wash thing. It's still our best lead so far though, but we should wait and see what Cube has to say for himself before taking action.

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