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One slight query I have about it is, when press L1 how come sometimes there is no aiming reticle and other times there is...am I missing something is it certain weapons or certain add ons? Is it perhaps performance related?


Not too sure if it's what your experiencing but I've noticed that with rifles you need to be a certain distance away from a wall/cover etc before the character can aim with it. Probably because the rifle would be going through the wall or whatever. I've noticed this when crouched behind a short wall and it appears there's enough space to pull out the rifle but won't let me until I take a few steps back. Sometimes however it's seems to aim fine anyway.


Probably not the same thing but just incase.

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One slight query I have about it is, when press L1 how come sometimes there is no aiming reticle and other times there is...am I missing something is it certain weapons or certain add ons? Is it perhaps performance related? Also can you jump/roll from being crouched or do you have to stand up and roll?


You have auto aim on. Press square to switch between auto aim and manual. I never use auto aim.


I think you have to stand but if you hold roll you roll into a prone position. If you then press triangle you play dead.


Not too sure if it's what your experiencing but I've noticed that with rifles you need to be a certain distance away from a wall/cover etc before the character can aim with it. Probably because the rifle would be going through the wall or whatever. I've noticed this when crouched behind a short wall and it appears there's enough space to pull out the rifle but won't let me until I take a few steps back. Sometimes however it's seems to aim fine anyway.


Probably not the same thing but just incase.


Yea thats annoying. On the smaller map when I am on the walkways and want to shoot over the railings at someone just below it is REALLY annoying...

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You have auto aim on. Press square to switch between auto aim and manual. I never use auto aim.


I think you have to stand but if you hold roll you roll into a prone position. If you then press triangle you play dead.


Yea thats annoying. On the smaller map when I am on the walkways and want to shoot over the railings at someone just below it is REALLY annoying...


Right so must have been catching it without realising.

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New map and new mode on MGO.


So by now you probably know your way around Blood Bath and Gronznyj Grad like the back of your hand and you're starting to want more from your Metal Gear Online experience. The European beta has now been updated with a third map and a new gameplay mode. The new map, Midtown Maelstrom, is a medium size level set on the street of a war-stricken town. Hence the name.


As for the new gameplay mode, we expect the Sneaking Mission to be incredibly popular for the sole reason that Snake is a playable character. One player takes on his role, complete with OctoCamo, Solid Eye and other handy items (how does he carry so much stuff while sneaking around?). The aim is to move silently around the map trying to collect dog tags by defeating other players. If more than ten people are playing then another player takes the role of Metal Gear Mk II in order to help out Snake. Meanwhile two teams battle it out as usual.


I've just played Sneaking Mission on Midtown Maelstrom and the map is awesome. Snakes camo is absurdly good....well he is invisible.


I'll try and set up a clan for everyone on the forum to join but you have o have played 5 hours and be level 2. I've clocked 2 and a half hours so I'm half way there.


I'm still not too clear on the tranq gun. Do you have to hit people in the head for it to work?

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New map and new mode on MGO.




I've just played Sneaking Mission on Midtown Maelstrom and the map is awesome. Snakes camo is absurdly good....well he is invisible.


I'll try and set up a clan for everyone on the forum to join but you have o have played 5 hours and be level 2. I've clocked 2 and a half hours so I'm half way there.


I'm still not too clear on the tranq gun. Do you have to hit people in the head for it to work?


new mode sounds pretty cool...seem as GTA hasn't show up will have to play some more me thinks.

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Sneak is awesome. I actually won it on Snakes team as Metal Gear MkII. I really hate the Blood Bath map. When you start off underground it takes a frustrating amount of time to get out. There is also a problem with respawning when enemies are near your base. The other two maps are so much better. There is no option on Blood Bath, unsurprisingly it lives up to it's name, there is way more strategy on the other maps.


Aren't there only 5 maps in the main MGO game?


Its so much fun when you are on a team that knows how to play as a team. Generally I switch between supporting, and sticking with, the team or going off solo and shit stirring! :p

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I don't understand this forum. MGO is out (and is fantastic by the way) and like, no one is talking about it. I don't know why half the people on here have PS3's.


Well I've pretty much been talking about it non-stop if you scroll up. I'm f*cking loving it. I set up an N-Europe clan if you want to join Caris. I think I might even hold getting really into GTA IV because I'm enjoying this so much. Its damn addictive.


I'm level 3 and I've got lvl 2 on the assault rifle, I'm not really sure what it improves over lvl 1.

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Yeah i know theres a small amount of people, but there's tons of people with PS3's who don't even use them. Or so it seems.


Anyways yeah, i fucking love the control method of MGS4. It feels so natural and the new 3D camera is class.


Really liking MGO even though I'm not sure what I'm doing haha.

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The only thing I have a slight issue with, but it isn't that big a deal, is the weapon selection. It's fine when you have a primary, secondary and then a knife (which I can't use for shit) but if you then want to select a grenade its too fiddly in the heat of battle.


Also either melee attacking is lame or there is some trick to it I'm just not getting.


I only just realised you could go into first person view when you pressed triangle as well! Really useful, in fact thats the only view I use now. Auto aim is really useful when you are shooting in close quarters or doing a blind sweep. :indeed:


Just the different ways you can play it makes it phenomenally fun.


Your right, its a shame more people aren't playing this. Its been dwarfed just a bit my GTA IV.

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Guest Jordan
Yeah i know theres a small amount of people, but there's tons of people with PS3's who don't even use them. Or so it seems.


Anyways yeah, i fucking love the control method of MGS4. It feels so natural and the new 3D camera is class.


Really liking MGO even though I'm not sure what I'm doing haha.


From the 1 hour that i played, it seems to be a "get to someone, shoot them with a automatic pistol/CQC their asses".


It feels really loose tbh, i might need to get into it a little more... but it no CoD4 in terms of action.

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From the 1 hour that i played, it seems to be a "get to someone, shoot them with a automatic pistol/CQC their asses".


It feels really loose tbh, i might need to get into it a little more... but it no CoD4 in terms of action.


Its not really meant to be played like CoD4. It should be a lot slower. Positioning, cover (as in covering and being covered by your team) and patience I reckon are key. Plus, M4ing someone from across the map is pretty satisfying. Also playing as Metal Gear MkII is fun since you know you are really going to piss people off when you electrocute them! :p


I think it would be better if they changed the "waggle stick" to wake up to actually shaking the controller. It just seems to fit much better that way.


The scoring system is fantastic. Unlike Halo where you can come top on a team with most kills but having an absurd negative spread it promotes staying alive more and not just rushing in. Exit strategies ftw.


Edot: Also try the new Sneak Mission. Its easily the best mode. I still haven't been Snake yet goddamnit!! :heh:

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Anyways yeah, i fucking love the control method of MGS4. It feels so natural and the new 3D camera is class.

It's certainly a big leap over the controls in previous instalments, but they can still be rather fiddly. They're not bad as such, but I do think they still suffer somewhat with trying to fit too much onto a joypad.


It feels really loose tbh, i might need to get into it a little more... but it no CoD4 in terms of action.

Well, no... Mario Kart isn't like CoD4 either.


MGO is a Metal Gear Solid game but online. It's very much its own beast, and if you treat it as anything else you will only get annoyed with it. Don't think 'shooter', think 'tactical, espionage action'.


When the game is out and its community whittled down I can definitely see it being something special. Obviously no one really knew what to expect before the Beta, so at the moment people are going in trying to play it as a shooter and then gradually realising what you're actually supposed to do. And when you start playing on the game's terms — making use of cover and hidey holes, laying down gadgets, utilising the SOP system by communicating and looking out for your team — that's when you start seeing a real return on your investment.

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The sneaking game is awesome! I'm really coming around to it now I've started playing it tactically and not trying to translate COD4 into it.


I played as Snake once but got signed out half way which freaking sucked. Seems I'm still getting signed out but only twice since I turned my modem on and off again. I sat in a corner and sniped everyone untill an entire team realised my position and decended on me! ha.


MKII is so annoying! I can't hit it! hah.


This will be incredible if we manage to get everyone in the clan and play super tactically.


Anyone used magazines and the drum can yet? So awesome.


If you haven't joined the clan yet, do! Perhaps we should arrange a game for tomorrow evening? Or will everyone be too busy with GTA?



Oh and I recommend making aiming speed (something like that?) quicker under the game options. Makes it easier to follow your target in FPS mode.

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The sneaking game is awesome! I'm really coming around to it now I've started playing it tactically and not trying to translate COD4 into it.


I played as Snake once but got signed out half way which freaking sucked. Seems I'm still getting signed out but only twice since I turned my modem on and off again. I sat in a corner and sniped everyone untill an entire team realised my position and decended on me! ha.


MKII is so annoying! I can't hit it! hah.


Yeah it is a right little bastard...but I love being it! :p


This will be incredible if we manage to get everyone in the clan and play super tactically.


Anyone used magazines and the drum can yet? So awesome.


I used a magazine. Its acts like a stun grenade if you walk on it. Damn funny!


If you haven't joined the clan yet, do! Perhaps we should arrange a game for tomorrow evening? Or will everyone be too busy with GTA?


I might be on but I have an exam on Wednesday so no promises. (Round of applause for releasing GTA on the only day I have a full day of lectures followed by an exam! :indeed: )


Oh and I recommend making aiming speed (something like that?) quicker under the game options. Makes it easier to follow your target in FPS mode.


Yeah, that is a must.


This game is addictive.

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Hmmm. What do you have to do to get the MGO Beta?


Ive got a 4 day weekend, so I might try and get on, and maybe play some more Uncharted...and add everyone.


Just download it off the PSN store and then sign up for a Konami ID (why can't Konami ever seem to nail online) and download the patch...

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Flameboy i've added you for some gta fun! I'm indeed going to be a ps3 GTA owner either today or tomorrow.


Oh and the beta is no longer availible to download I'm afraid. I tried to get my friend to download it but he couldn't. Shame GTA and MGO Beta collide... on the plus side, tomorrow I have a day off uni. GTA thkz plz.

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Flameboy i've added you for some gta fun! I'm indeed going to be a ps3 GTA owner either today or tomorrow.


Oh and the beta is no longer availible to download I'm afraid. I tried to get my friend to download it but he couldn't. Shame GTA and MGO Beta collide... on the plus side, tomorrow I have a day off uni. GTA thkz plz.


I managed to switch my pre-order to the PS3 version which I'll pick up tonight. I don't think I'll be on until the weekend though.


It's a bit strange they decided to take the beta down but I've got it so I'm not complaining! :p

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Flameboy i've added you for some gta fun! I'm indeed going to be a ps3 GTA owner either today or tomorrow.


Oh and the beta is no longer availible to download I'm afraid. I tried to get my friend to download it but he couldn't. Shame GTA and MGO Beta collide... on the plus side, tomorrow I have a day off uni. GTA thkz plz.


Ok will add you back..

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