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You forgot this one important little detail.


Apparently it hasn't been decided yet. Also, apparently it isn't in the upcoming update.


E3 2010: Kojima to announce PS3 exclusive at TGS


Hideo Kojima is set to announce a major PS3 exclusive at Tokyo Games Show in September.


That's according to a senior US publishing source close to CVG.


We were told at E3 yesterday that Kojima - who made a star turn at the Los Angeles expo this week - will announce a "massive PS3 exclusive that will own the show" in Tokyo.


Details are thin on the ground, but we understand the title will be published by Konami. The publisher oversees Kojima Productions in Japan.


CVG understands that Kojima was keen to show the game at E3, but decided to polish his demo until September "to ensure it's bulletproof".


Kojima was in London this week to sign copies of his latest opus, Metal Gear Soild: Peace Walker on PSP.


His games - MGS: Rising on 360/PS3 and a MGS: Snake Eater demo on 3DS - were the talk of E3 this week, with early indications suggesting Rising will support Kinect on the Xbox platform.


What would YOU like to see Kojima announce at TGS?



Posted (edited)
Anyone interested in a MoH Beta code should follow this link as soon as possible:




I was surprised, but it actually works.


Thank you :)


The multiplayer looked just like the one in Modern Warfare 2 which is a bad thing (at least for me). Maybe MoH will have some little twists which make it more interesting.


Edit: Played for 5 minutes and I have to say: I actually IS MW2. Another generic FPS.

Edited by drahkon
Damn it, I missed this. I really want to play it as well. If anybody has a spare code it would be much appreciated.


Have you tried Emasher's method?

Posted (edited)

Sure, its a lot like CoD, but so far I'm finding it much better. Even though its obviously not very realistic, it certainly feels a lot more realistic. And I didn't see one air strike, so that's a huge bonus right there.


The Beta Freezes more than Fallout 3. Not to mention just about every time I end up going on a kill streak.




The beta has 2 playable modes, each with one map.


Team Deathmatch (Known as Team Assault), featuring a map called Kabul City Ruins, which is basically the same as all the urban maps in the CoD games,

And a Rush like mode (Known as Mission). This mode features a map called Helmund Valley, which feels a lot more like the the rush maps in Bad Company 2.


One thing that I immediately noticed about the maps is that they don't reuse resources like in Bad Company 2. You don't have about 5 copies of the same building.


Destruction is present, but isn't as big a part of the gameplay as it is in Bad Company 2.


The actual gameplay feels like its exactly in between Bad Company 2 and the CoD games.


The unlock system is class based. The weapons you use are the weapons that you would realistically expect to see on such a battlefield. You don't unlock a ton of guns, rather, the unlock system focuses more on upgrading the gun you have.


There are 3 classes


All classes carry pistols, grenades and a melee weapon.


The Rifleman carries an Assault rife and under barrel grenade launcher, with the ability to unlock a light machine gun to replace the assault rifle.

The Special Operative carries a Carbine and an AT weapon, with the ability to unlock a shotgun to replace the Carbine.

The Sniper carries a Battle Rifle and explosives, with the ability to unlock a bolt action sniper rifle latter on.


The weapons that each class carries is determined by the team they are on. For instance, the Coalition Rifleman carries an M16, while the Taliban Rifleman carries an AK-47. You can unlock the ability to use the weapons of the other team if you want to, but the weapons are balanced.


There are tons of unlocks to upgrade your main weapon, including sights, suppressors, ect.


I have seen a few Kill streak rewards, but nothing as cheap as MW2. I managed to get a mortar strike at one point, and I saw a UAV at one point that I assumed was some sort of kill streak reward. Fortunately, these are balanced into the game, and aren't at all overpowered.


When you got to spawn, you can spawn on a random teammate, or you can spawn back behind your team's lines, which is safer, but you have to do a little walking. Sprint is not unlimited, so you have to be strategic about it.


The one vehicle in the Beta was a Bradley. It works basically the same as it did in Bad Company 2, but the HUD looks a little bit different for it. The grenades from the bushmaster cannon aren't effected by gravity though, so at times it feels a little overpowered, but is balanced out by the mounted machine guns that the Taliban get.

Edited by Emasher

The multiplayer demo looks so similar to Bad Company 2 that I'm probably not going to get it. The map looked the same as Arica Harbour and even small stuff like hit markers and font remain the same so it just felt wrong.


Anyone interested by the PSP Go deal that's being advertised on UK tv btw? Something like £180 for the system and you get 10 free full retail games. Nice offer, although I don't have the funds right now. I'm going to check up on that though.

Posted (edited)

I'm not interested in it, need something a lot different from that seeing as the past year has been dominated by these titles. I am praying for Resistance 3 and Killzone 3 to be amazing, and they offer stuff quite different from their competition, and I loved both of the second outings, so I'm fairly content with that knowledge.


Edit: can anyone find this PSP Go deal I'm referring to, I can't seem to get a link to the advert or a site that offers the package.

In the advert it says something like '200 pounds of free content!' or something of that nature.

Edited by dwarf
Posted (edited)

Fair Enough.


Anyway, I know this is a beta, but its by far the most unstable game I've ever played.


I'm surprised it didn't crash for anyone during the E3 Demo at the EA conference.

Edited by Emasher

Oh mehhh. Out of those I'd only be interested in:

Gran Turismo

MotorStorm Arctic Edge


Wipeout Pure


So the deal doesn't seem that great anymore. I thought they gave you a bit of a choice but obviously not.



Sadly, it does appear you'll need to have Playstation Plus to use this feature and it won't be open to all gamers. To get PlayStationPlus, it'll cost you a $50 for the service.


You forgot this one important little detail.


Not quite true...


A Sony representative reached out to us, saying "Cross-game voice chat was not announced as part of PlayStation Plus." The feature was not officially announced at E3, however sources familiar with the situation say that this incentive will be announced at a later date. "The new offering provides subscribers features such as frequent discounts on PlayStation Store content, free and exclusive access to select games, full game trials, early invitations to select betas of popular games, and new functionality such as content downloads and updates which will automatically be "pushed" to the PS3 system."


Cross-game chat is coming to the PlayStation Network! According to our sources at the company, Sony will offer cross-game chat, which allows PSN members to talk to each other, even while playing different games. However, the oft-demanded feature does come with one large caveat: chats can only be initiated by PlayStation Plus members.


PlayStation Plus members will be able to send invites to any member of the PlayStation Network, free or paid. Up to four PSN members can be in a party chat, however at least one participant must be a member of PlayStation Plus. The chat will discontinue if all paying members disconnect.


While some may be disappointed that such a hotly demanded feature is closed behind a pay wall, the service is still technically available to free members. So long as you're popular and have friends that pay for PlayStation Plus, you should be able cross-game chat and keep your free ride, too.

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