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I fucking hate Trophies that make you grind in multiplayer. I'm close to getting the Platinum in Quantum of Solace, which is not the greatest game to be honest. But I enjoyed the single player and some game modes in Multiplayer. But I have to get X amount of kills with the Golden Gun in a game mode I don't particularly like. I would give up but I'm so close, and the Trophy whore in me simply won't let me.


I guess I'll just have to keep chipping away at it.

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I feel your pain. I had to do about 60 extra co-op Resistance 2 matches to get mine when I'd completed all the levels before but I didn't realise it sets you a target number of completions. Without really realising I'd completed 2 levels loads of times but the others I had only 1 or 2 completes, which was mainly down to me not knowing how to choose it all.

Anyway, got the platinum eventually, and it's kind of worth it.


The 10,000 ranked kills trophy was a pleasure however.

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Examiner -

PS3 owners and Sega fans have been waiting patiently for a Yakuza 3 announcement. With the game currently available in Japan, many gamers hoped Sony would announce a release date or a worldwide release of the title during E3. Sadly, that didn’t come to fruition. However, Sony is giving us all a small piece of advice. That advice is to tell Sega.


Jeff Rubenstein of Sony was asked a question concerning Yakuza 3 being localized. He gave a brief reply: “Talk to SEGA! I’d love the opportunity to play Yakuza 3 in English.”


If you want to see Yakuza 3 get localized in America or Europe you best bet is to email Sega and let them know. Here’s the link to the official Sega site. So email them and let your voice be heard. If that isn’t enough, you could always start a petition.

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Here's an update from Aaron Webber on the PSBlog. He's the "Assistant Community Manager" at Sega of America:


UNCyrus – let me brighten your day first off by confirming something big:


Yakuza 3 is not cancelled – and the possibility for localizing it does, in fact, still exist.


The original news story that went around about Yakuza 3 being declined for the US was false, and localizing the game still remains a big point of discussion for many people here at SEGA, and especially those of us on SEGA’s community team.I know it’s far from an announcement, but I just felt you should know that the chance does still exist.


Thanks for supporting SEGA and quality games like Valkyria Chronicles – I’ll be around with more news on VC/VC2 soon!

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Sony has responded to serious allegations leveled by UK BBC show Watchdog. An episode of the consumer complaints program airs tonight, claiming that the PS3 has a huge hardware malfunction problem, an accusation that Sony has refuted in a six-page letter to the BBC.


"From correspondence to date, I have serious concerns as to the accuracy of these allegations and the likely tone of the Watchdog report," argues Sony. "The information that you have provided suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of the technical issues and a mis-characterisation of SCEUK’s OOW repairs policy.


"We entirely refute the suggestion that PS3 consoles have an inherent defect or other design issue which is akin to any warranty issue experienced by another console manufacturer. SCEUK has sold 2.5 million consoles in the UK since March 2007 and stands by the quality of its products. Clearly the allegations you propose to air in your program might have the potential to adversely effect Sony Computer Entertainment’s reputation for supplying high quality products and customer service and we take very seriously any issues that can impact the public’s or our customers’ confidence in those products."


Sounds like Sony is going to get brutalized tonight. Perhaps the show's creators mistook the PS3 for the Xbox 360. Either that or they're filthy biased Microsoft fanboys. All I know is that I'm on my fourth 360 and my first PS3 still purrs like a pussycat. What about you guys?


I'm sorry but there is no way the PS3 is anywhere near as bad as the 360 for reliability...what a load of bollocks.

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I'm sorry but there is no way the PS3 is anywhere near as bad as the 360 for reliability...what a load of bollocks.


Yeah this quite far fetched. Watchdog have made lots of retractions in the past. For 5 seconds after the credits of some unknown tv programme :p


gamesindustry have abit more info: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/sony-tackles-bbc-over-ps3-failure-report


TGS is looking mighty sweet by the way. Hopefuly we get better announcements than Star Ocean 4 .

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Well the problem happens to around 10% of owners of PS3s. It's only a 1 year warranty and when that's up it is £100 or nothing.

Microsoft repair for free, even when out of warranty. I'm surprised that Sony have the temerity to try and claim there are no hardware faults with their systems, it's pathetic, and damn right annoying. Something may have happened if Watchdog persisted.

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I'm sorry but I'm watching Watchdog now and I don't see why this is an issue. If any electronic device breaks after it's standard 1 year warranty you have to pay to get it fixed. It's the same with TV's, DVD players, iPods, Macbooks, Kettles, Toasters etc.


So why are people kicking up a fuss with the PS3?

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Well it is worth shouting about. Most warranties are longer than that and why should they force you to shell out that much and leave that as the only option. A console shouldn't break, I didn't buy mine for it to crap out on me for no fault of my own.


And my wallet has to sufer because of it.

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I'm sorry but all these people kicking up a stink should remember that nothing comes with more than a 1 year warranty unless you pay out the extra to do so. The 360 is an exception because they would definitely have faced lawsuits are there are inherent faults in the 360 and their creating of the 3 year warranty pretty much confirms that they were aware of this...


I totally forgot to tune in at 8 so will watch it later on the BBC Iplayer that plays on my perfectly functioning PS3..

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Lol no need for bitterness Flameboy, just because yours works. You need to understand that a large percentage of PS3s break. Ok many things break, but for a premium product with jack all escape plan that does genuinely have a flaw... Well.


Maybe you'd think differently if you experienced this issue. (No you haven't, but me and Daft have had this shit thrown at us, along with 1 or two others. That's not a healthy proportion from the NE crew is it?)

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I don't blame Sony for only offering a one-year warranty, but they could handle things better. For instance, charging someone £120 — £150 until recently — to fix their machine is pretty ridiculous. If it were nearer £50 you'd hear a lot fewer complaints as they aren't so obviously gouging a customer that's already spent a couple of hundred pounds on their product.


Their customer service inside the warranty period is very good, at least. I hope that Continuous Play makes a return in some form, though, as I might be looking to sign up in a year's time.

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Lol no need for bitterness Flameboy, just because yours works. You need to understand that a large percentage of PS3s break. Ok many things break, but for a premium product with jack all escape plan that does genuinely have a flaw... Well.


Maybe you'd think differently if you experienced this issue. (No you haven't, but me and Daft have had this shit thrown at us, along with 1 or two others. That's not a healthy proportion from the NE crew is it?)


I'd say its just bad luck tbh...I'm onto my third Wii both had the same fault. So I have been affected by a fault which to all intents and purposes could very much seem like an inherent Wii fault...

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Anyone else having any trouble downloading off the store? Im trying to get the Batman DLC at the moment and its going extremely slowly and for once its not a problem with my connection.



I have always found that my ps3 downloads stuff more slowly than my other things.


On this console debate i have had my wii, 360 and ps3 all break on me at some point once. Thankfully all 3 were in the standard 1 year warrenty.

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I've had my Wii break on me once. Thats it. Unfortunately it was out of warranty so it cost me $75 to get it fixed (about £40). The good thing about Nintendo's repair service is that you get a year's warranty free when your console is repaired. Hopefully my PS3 doesn't break on me. I suppose its too early to see how well the 120 GBs are for failure rate.

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Sony Japan Says Sorry


At DICE Summit Asia, Sony Japan Studio VP Yasuhide Kobayashi gave a speech about appealing to a global audience with games, which he identified as increasingly important as the Japanese market contracts. He mentioned The Last Guardian, which was given that particular title to appeal to Western markets.


As an example of Western-focused marketing that didn't work, Kobayashi presented the Japanese and North American boxes for ICO, the game that brought the Last Guardian developers to prominence. "If the packaging was designed differently, we think it would have sold more," he said. "In fact on the internet many people have said that the Japanese version was better." Because it is.


Kobayashi then finished by highlighting what he saw as a different perception of what makes a "new" game in the West and Japan. He said that a "new" game in the US or Europe could be "something similar to something that's come before, because they think it is easier for people to understand."


"But actually we don't like this - it's like you're simulating, following suit, combining two titles into one," he continued. "It seems the definition of a new title is different in the US and Europe to Japan. It means a new genre, that's what we call a new game."


Japan has just as many iterative sequels as anywhere else, but we guess they aren't considered as new?


I wonder some gamers judging the game by it boxart cover thought it was.

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I actually prefer the the Western game art.


Anyways some little snippets of info on the PSN. American psn has PSONE game Legacy of Kain: Blood omen (i think that's the name) I remember it being a popular and well rated and i *think* it's in the style of castlevania so....ill probably pick it up when I eventually finish the Casltevania game that is on the psn. I forget it's name. (Going out drinking does not help the memory). Also available is Final Fantasy tactics, another game I want to grab but know I will not finish it until other lengthy games are out of the way. There are also some vids of need for speed shift and demon souls.


The Honk Kong PSN has Vagrant Story. One of my fave PSONE games ever. If you like...just get it. It's brilliant and deep. Very deep. Tough at first but once you get the hang of it...I have to stop here otherwise i will just carry on. They also have Final Fantasy 2. If it was six I wou;d probably be playing it instead of typing this right now.


Europeans get quite a few new things but what was really of note was the Dante's Inferno Vids which you cant download ¬_¬ PES 2010 demo is up so gonna give that a play right now.

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I don't blame Sony for only offering a one-year warranty, but they could handle things better. For instance, charging someone £120 — £150 until recently — to fix their machine is pretty ridiculous. If it were nearer £50 you'd hear a lot fewer complaints as they aren't so obviously gouging a customer that's already spent a couple of hundred pounds on their product.


Their customer service inside the warranty period is very good, at least. I hope that Continuous Play makes a return in some form, though, as I might be looking to sign up in a year's time.


Wii isnt the same thing, its damn cheap so it should be heck of alot cheaper than a PS3 to deal with. Its $75 in the US but that does not include the shipping costs. The PS3 repair price there is $149 with shipping and you can swap PS3's in one pickup for minimum downtime. UK prices are about the same in pounds for both consoles. Sony certainly are trying to help out and their offering is competitve. People balking at the higher cost should be reasonable.


The less than 0.5% PS3 fault rate does not surpise me. I know several real life people who have had their 360 go more than once. Sony are also fast with their service which is good. One phonecall and then a swap. Thats it. Many companies really slow you down and add many steps in comparison.


Continuous Play was a good idea but was abused by many evil people. There are other extended warranties you can use. Funny thing there are many electronic companies who tell you to sod off outside of warranty and you end up buying a replacement. I have to say the japanese seem much more serious about customer service and reliability from my dealings.


My nightmare with a Samsung TV took over a year to sort out. Its left me scarred.


I actually prefer the the Western game art.


Anyways some little snippets of info on the PSN. American psn has PSONE game Legacy of Kain: Blood omen (i think that's the name) I remember it being a popular and well rated and i *think* it's in the style of castlevania so....ill probably pick it up when I eventually finish the Casltevania game that is on the psn. I forget it's name. (Going out drinking does not help the memory). Also available is Final Fantasy tactics, another game I want to grab but know I will not finish it until other lengthy games are out of the way. There are also some vids of need for speed shift and demon souls.


The Honk Kong PSN has Vagrant Story. One of my fave PSONE games ever. If you like...just get it. It's brilliant and deep. Very deep. Tough at first but once you get the hang of it...I have to stop here otherwise i will just carry on. They also have Final Fantasy 2. If it was six I wou;d probably be playing it instead of typing this right now.


Europeans get quite a few new things but what was really of note was the Dante's Inferno Vids which you cant download ¬_¬ PES 2010 demo is up so gonna give that a play right now.



To be fair you have the meaty Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 demo on JP PS store. and the new King of Fighters XII demo.

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Wii isnt the same thing, its damn cheap so it should be heck of alot cheaper than a PS3 to deal with. Its $75 in the US but that does not include the shipping costs. The PS3 repair price there is $149 with shipping and you can swap PS3's in one pickup for minimum downtime. UK prices are about the same in pounds for both consoles. Sony certainly are trying to help out and their offering is competitve. People balking at the higher cost should be reasonable.


The less than 0.5% PS3 fault rate does not surpise me. I know several real life people who have had their 360 go more than once. Sony are also fast with their service which is good. One phonecall and then a swap. Thats it. Many companies really slow you down and add many steps in comparison.


Continuous Play was a good idea but was abused by many evil people. There are other extended warranties you can use. Funny thing there are many electronic companies who tell you to sod off outside of warranty and you end up buying a replacement. I have to say the japanese seem much more serious about customer service and reliability from my dealings.


My nightmare with a Samsung TV took over a year to sort out. Its left me scarred.





To be fair you have the meaty Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 demo on JP PS store. and the new King of Fighters XII demo.


No wonder why you never have nice words for Samsung tvs.


And sadly, I really cant be bothered to make a Japanese PSN account. :( But then I know I will get Ninja Gaiden 2 eventually. Just a matter of when.

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No wonder why you never have nice words for Samsung tvs.


And sadly, I really cant be bothered to make a Japanese PSN account. :( But then I know I will get Ninja Gaiden 2 eventually. Just a matter of when.


Its a good demo.


Tv was crappy for its price anyway. Yeah also had 4 out of 5 other Samsungs go faulty.

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