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This whole disc swapping method for Uncharted is getting annoying now. I blitzed through hard mode with the game only freezing 3 times but now on crushing its freezing 1-2 times a chapter. I have to keep shutting my PS3 off and putting LBP in which has essentially become an Uncharted boot disc!


Well done Sony for knacking up one of your best exclusives.

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That's what I'm saying. When you're in game and you do it that way it loads the message list and takes a while. And don't say yours doesn't because you have a bigger HDD. It just needs to be quicker, one button press and BAM you're there.


Only dumb people choose the profile method.

Why don't you just play one of your other games till they patch it in a week or so?


I would ( dying to start Infamous ) but I want this done and dusted. Im on chapter 18 so hopefully there wont be much more disc swapping to do.

I've always hated the PS3/PSP interface personally, its just so uninspired. But thats me.

There's multiple things I don't like about the system but I think the XMB is one of it's best features. I hope it doesn't make custom themes standard, otherwise it will get to complicated, whereas atm it's pretty slick.

I can't believe people are even bothered about the font size, yes it takes some getting used to but does it really make much difference.

I'm not bothered that much, I just think it looked better when it was set back a bit more.


I finally managed to track down a slim. I'm liking everything so far. I played a bit of Infamous and I'm finding it so far to be worth the ridiculous price we pay for games here. I've got it connected to a 1680x1050 monitor through HDMI/DVI and the monitor downscales from 1080p, but I get a bit of ghosting, its not really that bit a deal (I can always use 720p if it bothers me), but, if anyone knows how to fix this I wouldn't mind hearing.


You can add me as well! I'm going with the same reason as Deathjam!! Mike1988uk


Woooo! Got my first platinum trophy ( Uncharted ) which means no more disc swapping trick! :)




I gave in and got a PS3 slim on tuesday even though I already have a 60GB. I had to get it just to see what it was like (pointless I know, I just like the look of it). I actually prefer my 60GB. I don't know whether to keep the slim, trade it in for a PSP go or just sell it


You better get a 100% return, c'mon! Wasting money on a console you already have just to see what a new version looks like?! Just send it over to my place and it will be put to good use.


Yeah back in my day I would have just returned the old model as faulty and pay the difference if any (which there isn't with the PS3/slim is there?) for the new one.


Come on, don't they teach you anything on the till training nowadays? ;)


It's funny, my brothers girlfriend wants a new PS3 slim, she told me it has blu-ray and free wifi built-in then asked me if it could play the Batman game I was playing on my 40GB :)

I bet the first game she'll buy is the PS1 Bishi Bashi..

It's funny, my brothers girlfriend wants a new PS3 slim, she told me it has blu-ray and free wifi built-in then asked me if it could play the Batman game I was playing on my 40GB :)

I bet the first game she'll buy is the PS1 Bishi Bashi..


What's wrong with that its a cracking game!!!

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