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Decided to get one of those Playfire cards but made a bit of a rushjob of it. Still, better than the official one I guess. I tried searching for other good unofficial tags but to no avail.


Well, I haven't played either. Or paid too much attention. Even though I'm "into" my games, most games that come out I just... don't give attention to. I'm often ignorant of popular games. *shrug*


Where as if we're going to talk fine points about Braid and Uplink...


I started playing Resistance on the PSP yesterday, very easy but a great game so far. Whoever developed the game did a great job in getting the feel of the original PS3 game into the handheld machine.

Is it true that Braid is finally coming to PS3? I was weighing up getting the lower detail version for my netbook but will hold out and wait.


Yeah pretty much, along with castle crashers.

Yeah pretty much, along with castle crashers.


ooooh awesome didn't know about castle crashers...I've missed show much, there is a ton of media to watch to catch up on everything, summer post E3 is usually dead for games both releases and news but not so this year.


Ok, speak to me peoples, what exclusives are coming this way in 2009?

GOW 3, The Last Guardian, possibly Heavy Rain could be awesome, what else?


Resistance and Killzone are like chalk and cheese in FPS terms though.


They're not THAT different.


I started playing Resistance on the PSP yesterday, very easy but a great game so far. Whoever developed the game did a great job in getting the feel of the original PS3 game into the handheld machine.


I can't understand shooters on the psp. I mean, I thought Resistance, Killzone, MGS Portable Ops and both Syphon Philters were completely unplayable. If you ask me, it's completely retarded to be making so many shooters for the god damned PSP.


You missed Uncharted 2, R&C, 3D Dot Game Heroes and Modnation.


And I said in FPS terms. Online modes on those two games are completely different. And the campaigns, where the Resistance one is not that groundbreaking but it's a blast to play through, whereas the KZ campaign relies on you not tiring of the graphics and forces you to wait for half an hour before a Helghast's head is actually shootable.

Ok, speak to me peoples, what exclusives are coming this way in 2009?

GOW 3, The Last Guardian, possibly Heavy Rain could be awesome, what else?


None of those are out in 2009.


This year we've got Uncharted 2, R&C and Gran Turismo.


ModNations is out around February next year as far as I can tell.


The beginning of next year there is packed. Off the top of my head, January, MAG. February, ModNations. March, God of War 3. April, Heavy Rain.


I think White Knight Chronicles is pencilled in for around March/April, too. Although I'm undecided as to whether I care or not; aesthetically and narratively it's not really doing anything for me so far, but the actual mechanics and online aspect look interesting.

I think White Knight Chronicles is pencilled in for around March/April, too. Although I'm undecided as to whether I care or not; aesthetically and narratively it's not really doing anything for me so far, but the actual mechanics and online aspect look interesting.


Yeah, I'm with you on WKC. If a lot of people on here get it, I may. However, I suspect I'll pass since I'll be locking my self in the library this year.


GOW3 and Heavy Rain are a definite for me but everything else can wait until the summer tbh. Might get ModNations as well since that doesn't look massively time consuming.


I'm mulling over the decision to buy all of the PS2 R&C games, dunno how bad it'd look on a 32" HD screen but I'd like to go through them all and see which one was the best and whether or not the series has gradually got worse. Does mean I'd have to lug out the PS2 but hey.


I don't really see that as a game with mass appeal, though. On its own terms it's a fantastic game and I know a lot of people who consider it the best title on the PS3, but it's very uncompromising and I can easily see other people absolutely loathing it. It isn't the type of game I'd recommend to anyone unless I knew their tastes very well.


The closest parallel I can think of is Dead Rising. If the save system in that annoyed you to the extent of stopping playing the game, chances are you won't get on with Demon's Souls.


I've heard people say that it's one of the best games on the system but I think a lot of that is due to those people liking the feeling of exclusivity of owning the game. From videos it looks a bit clunky and appears like it could become boring with the similar setting throughout.


I'm still tempted to get it at some point. But paying full price because it's a special, relatively unheard of import title is something I won't do.

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