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That's what I was like but in the end it is just so much cheaper for me.


Give it a try. I used to like owning a game but when you realise how easy it is to rent any game you want you stop really caring. I'll buy some games, like KillZone 2 and Heavy Rain, but stuff like Resistance 2 and Mirror's Edge were great for a week or two.


Heavenly Sword is awesome. I think the bosses are annoying.


You're talking to man who most likely has OCD here :p There are certainly games I would like to rent, Mirrors Edge and Dead Space in particular, but at the end of the day if I liked them I would want to buy them anyway.


And yeah I thought the bosses in HS were a bit annoying, but I generally found I had enough health left to beat them. Only one I had any trouble with was the 3rd section of the final boss in the game, and that was mostly just learning how to time the counter when he fires them things at you, and keeping a better eye on which colour it was, and also ignoring the fact that there were hundreds of enemies blocking your view for the first half of it. :p

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Yeah, I think I got to that boss, couldn't do it and haven't gone back yet although I mean to.


I was OCDic like that but when I wasn't prepared to pay £35-40 for a game, like Mirror's Edge, then my only option was to rent. It's just something you get in the rhythm of.


You might as well give it a try since you can get 1 month free trials. I think it was Dom who managed to nab me a three month free trial. Haven't looked back.


Like I said I'll buy big games like KillZone 2, Heavy Rain and Assassin's Creed 2 but in the mean time I can play basically anything I want. Plus if I do find a game that I do actually want to buy it is easy to find good deals on it because they've been out for a time.


Whatever floats your boat though. I'm trying to encourage everyone to spend less. :smile:


PS3 games of 2009:

Killzone 2 Generally what everyone is mostly waiting for. It's going to be awesome


InFamous Maybe not entirely original but it could turn out to be a great game.


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Similar to the first but more varied environments and stealth options. Graphics apparently amazing.


Tekken 6 New generation of Tekken!


God of War 3 A big PS3 exclusive.


Resident Evil 5 Looking to continue an awesome series, it will have to go some way to beat 4


MAG - 256 players online in one match? Impressive...


Bioshock 2 - Everyone agrees that the first was brilliant


Yakuza 3 - Interesting RPG


They don't seem to be showing up. :(


Plus you missed Heavy Rain out!

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Sega Tennis is effectively the most bull shit game I've ever played.


You shoot a shot that you can pretty much guarantee they will miss, and it automatically becomes a slow ball that they can smash back.


You use a power up e.g. Sonic, and it homes to the middle.


They use it and it changes direction at the last second.


Honestly the most frustrating experience of my life.

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£275 for a this (but replace GTA4 for whatever the new Need for Speed is)...any good?


I keep toying with the idea of a PS3 because I want a blu-ray player but hmm...


Steer clear of the new Need for speed game as it's a pile of bull. The franchise as really gone downhill and is actually being taken back to the drawing board. Or something along those lines

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Ok, does every single PS3 game need to install stuff on the HDD? Cause it's getting ridiculous. Is it completely necessary as I've not really seen much improvement on the loading on the PS3 compared to the other consoles, probably worse at loading in fact.


Oh and anyone else have Saints Row 2? Just curious to know whether the 360 version of it looks as awful as the PS3 one. The first one looked great on the 360 but this one looks pretty good damn awful.

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Some games install to HDD. With multiplatform games its sometimes a bad sign... Exclusive games use it well though.:smile:


£275 for a this (but replace GTA4 for whatever the new Need for Speed is)...any good?


I keep toying with the idea of a PS3 because I want a blu-ray player but hmm...


Avoid NFS as everyone says. Its weak this year. Also download Ps3 media server to your Mac or PC. Its free. http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com/

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Allows you to stream content like movies from pc to ps3 through your home network including wireless. I made a topic about it detailing the benefits of the one that choze just posted it but you may as well follow the link.


What the difference between that and using Windows Media Player to stream?

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The piece of SH*T that is Resistance 2 has deleted my stats AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE F*CK!? NO!


I don't put in all of that time in to play the game online for it to tell me that I am a noob again and take away all the stuff I unlock and upgrades I earn. WHY? F*ck off... Even my Profile says I'm level 29 and all the associated stats yet when it comes to playing there is jack sh*t in the equipment room.

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Well it is and it happens for shit reason. If you are involved in a match where someone glitches all of the people in that game get their stuff deleted to level 1. (this was just found from googling)


I ranked up to level 21 in competitive which takes a bloody age, did really well and was enjoying everything when this shite comes along. I am just gonna stop playing it now and wait for Killzone 2 because that is bullshit and it has ruined everything.

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One time is bad enough for it to happen. I got to level 11 which is was just about bearable but I'm not even joking, I've played on it for such a long time for it all to be wasted. It still shows that I've won 50 deathmatches out of 130 which is pretty awesome but who gives a shit when nobody looks at them and it means you have nothing to show for it?


I hope Killzone ranking system works, if it doesn't I may just shrivel up into a ball and die.


On the flipside, this may be a subliminal message from a non-existant god telling me to stop playing games as much. Who knows eh?

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Gutting isn't it? The first few seconds you get a kind of numb feeling where you think 'nah it isn't really doing that'. Then you get a bigger hint that it isn't working and you're thinking 'please!? No!'

From there it is just anger and frustration.

I'm now at the stage where I'm trying to draw positives and I've calmed down.


This has heightened my anticipation for Killzone 2. If only the stats could have deleted a little later lol. Then my wait would have been much shorter! I think I'll need another game to play through between now and Feb 25. What it's going to be I don't know, because there are quite a lot of good games that I'm deciding whether or not they are worth purchasing. Maybe I'll rent like you Daft? What do you do?


There's the marmite splatter of Mirrors Edge, the non-preferrable horror game Dead Space and there's the average Tomb Raider: Underworld that despite combat boringness would be a great nostalgic trip. (not played Tomb Raider since I was 10)


Unless you guys have ny suggestions for bargain bin games that I've missed out on. Or if there is a good game coming out in Jan/Early Feb?

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