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Just to let you guys know - I eventually got a PS3 yesterday and I'm impressed!


PSN ID = Cookyman1970


Feel free to add me!!!! : peace:


Welcome to the small but growing N-Europe PS3 club! I too am impressed with my ps3. Love how I can just faff about with it while in bed. Anyways added you already.


Oh and burnout is awesome. Will make your eyes bleed though :heh: You may wanna try Oblivion: GOTYE as the extras in that game are so awesome. Just did one that really felt like an epic quest with everyone regarding me as a hero now :D


What is the next big game (s) PS owners are looking to buy? As in new ones that are out soon?


Hmmm: MGS4, GTA4, SC4 Star Wars: Force Unleashed, LBP, Disgaea 3, Fallout 2, Resistance fall of man 2, Killzone 2, Steet fighter 4, Far Cry 2 (maybe get that on the new pc instead) and I think thats about it for now. Oh, Dead space and Mirror's Edge too. Hmm I think some of this stuff isn't due out for awhile actually. Oh and that Naruto game as the demo was awesome. It's my birthday next week, anyone feel like giving me some money? :D

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Love how I can just faff about with it while in bed....


Me too. Me too... :heh:


Seeing as it's uni time I'm strapped for cash so I'll be doing some trading and wheeling and dealing just to get LBP. That should last me until Christmas time with all of the online elements going on in that title alone! Of course the N-E PS3 clan will spring to life too so that will be mucho fun! :)


I'm personally really looking forward to 'playing' HOME. It just looks phonomenal and if the web browser works well enough I can see me using it as my main online interface for some time. (Especially if you lot are all kicking about online too! Keyboards will become a thing of the past!)


I really need to pick up Oblivion at some point and definatley get the upcoming Naruto game. The demo for that was absolutely unreal. And the game just keeps looking better and better. I'm not a follower of the comics/series etc...But it looks like the perfect videogame/cartoon adaption.


Then of course comes Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Must own titles for sure.


Oh Cookyman: Let me be the first to say...This is living :p

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Me too. Me too... :heh:


Seeing as it's uni time I'm strapped for cash so I'll be doing some trading and wheeling and dealing just to get LBP. That should last me until Christmas time with all of the online elements going on in that title alone! Of course the N-E PS3 clan will spring to life too so that will be mucho fun! :)


I'm personally really looking forward to 'playing' HOME. It just looks phonomenal and if the web browser works well enough I can see me using it as my main online interface for some time. (Especially if you lot are all kicking about online too! Keyboards will become a thing of the past!)


I really need to pick up Oblivion at some point and definatley get the upcoming Naruto game. The demo for that was absolutely unreal. And the game just keeps looking better and better. I'm not a follower of the comics/series etc...But it looks like the perfect videogame/cartoon adaption.


Then of course comes Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Must own titles for sure.


Oh Cookyman: Let me be the first to say...This is living :p


As someone who follows the manga and anime, I really do feel that it has captured them really well. Much better than the DBZ games, but then is that because the source material was better to begin with....


And I have totally forgotten about home. Another thing on my list. Is it free though and when is it due? Also forgot to mention wipeout HD. Love how smooth the trailer of it was. Another thing I love about ps3 is how impressive some games can look despite their age. I am still impressed by oblivion. Maybe thats because I tried to play it on a comp that was showing its age before it was even released.


Ah and seriously, any sponsors for my bday? :)

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with the "playtv" coming out is there any catch to it?


is it just a simple matter of hooking up my tv aerial to the back of the playtv thing and then i can record tv programmes etc?

is there plenty of space to record and store loads of programmes?

You tell us..what harddrive have you got installed?

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I know this is a dumb question, but I was thinking of sending my PS3 to Sony to get it repaired because it keeps coming up with these installation errors when im trying to install a demo, and sometimes (well quite often) I end up with corrupted video files.

Thing is I'm not sure where the receipt is but I was wondering if I need one? What can Sony do?


I've heard many stories of PS3 and Xbox consoles that have been sent away for repair and the company sometimes in a way of apology packages your console with a couple of games or maybe even upgrades the console to a better model. I'd love that to happen to me!

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You tell us..what harddrive have you got installed?


ah i see was under impression it was a sorta thing like sky+ (where stored on the box itself)

ok thats cool then cheers ryan


havent got a ps3 yet will be my xmas present to myself


two more little questions is it just the 40gb/60gb with the backwards compatibility? also does it run PS1 games as well as PS2?


defo getting a backwards compat one as ive never had a sony console before so will be getting quite a few games ive missed out on over the years :smile:

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So would I actually get as replacement without a receipt? And also, would they be able to reput trophies and saved data onto it?


I think you have to back up your save data, but trophies are actually tied to your PSN account not your system so there you can log in on any PS3 and view them...

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As a side note, I hate how on Arcade Ive got literally double the score of even the nearest person to me on the leaderboard, yet I still havn't got the x10 trophey. Its hard staying alive so long. :(

Well I could probably whoopass your score if I could be bothered to do arcade normal all the way through, I'm winning on Arcade easy by 20 million on my first run-through, didnt get 10 x on it either.

It's just a case of whether I can be bothered.


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Nooooo! Lol! Whhhhhyyyyyy??!? Its harrrdddd.


Ill give it a god later though. :);)


Edit;/ God? Sorry, god on the mind (had a religious dream earlier....don't ask) go I meant.


Muhahahahaha ;)


I think i could of got an even better score but when i realised i got past ur time i got that excited that i must of lost consatration.... lol

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Ok PS3 people, I want to become an engrossed PS3'er. I want a headset, a nice T.V and a good network connection that will reduce lag (wired box?)


What has everyone here got? When does the official headset arrive? What do you recommend for the best PS experience?

Enlighten me!

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