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Wii Points Card Shop


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I don't understand WHY nintendo are so reluctant to just make it a non-limited feature! Maybe it's an issue of code cracking, people working in shops registering loads of stuff then cashing in for tons of points, or that they're just a big bunch of gayfaces, but it's incredibly silly. Maybe they're just worried about losing revenue, and think people only cash in for the points to buy a game they want, so if the cards are sold out, people'll pay for the points and buy it instead?


(btw, for anyone having trouble with the shop channel, apparently the wii has problems with some routers' WPA setting, which I found out on christmas after trying to send a present for 2 hours, then finding it buried in the error code help)

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TBH Nintendo should be giving away the virtual games If you buy a Wii game you should automatically be able to pick A virtual game for free.


The stars Cat is such a waste of time I spent over 3 years trying to get something worthwhile with my thousands of stars.


I also think it was flawed and set up against someone like me who bought 3 gamecubes, 3 GBA Adv, 3 Nintendo Ds's as you can only get stars for 1 of each when I bought 3 of each 1 for me 1 for son 1 for daughter. So They punished one of their best customers.


Now it starts again with the Wii points they finally got their act together and offered something worth having only for me to find out IT sucks and I still cannot buy anything as they only make available 200 of each , Actually I did manage to buy 100 points a few days ago, No good to me though as I think the lowest game is 500 points.

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i know people get upset about this but does sony or microsoft offer any reward system 2 their costumers?



The odd 48 hour Live Trial in a game goes down nicely. At least I can use it straight away, and actually gain a reward. Not a number on a website.

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