Fierce_LiNk Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Haha, excuse the pun. Simple thread: What old franchise would you bring back? More importantly, how would you re-invent it? How would it play? What features of the Wii would you use? Do eet. Do eet naw!
Noku Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Baldur's Gate Thwii The reinvention: back to basics-rpg. No crapass fancy-as-shizzle 3D graphics, just plain ole isometric sprites. The wiivolution: pointer functions as mouse (omfg...)
Gaijin von Snikbah Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I always liked the idea of playing Diablo (or something like it) by just using one hand.
DiemetriX Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 PWiikmin. Should be a no brainier ^^ As well as the controls we are used to pressing a button would give you an overhead look and let you control your pikmin in RTS mode.
Konfucius Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 MachRider. Still with arcade-like level design but everything in 3D and roads with multiple ways and maybe a few on-foot sections as well. The Rider has a handgun and the player aims with the pointer. The Bike is controlled by the joystick and Z fires the mounted guns on the bike. Then add some Mad-Max like storyline about a guy whos wife got killed by a biker gang and make him reckless and brutal. For instance: you drive along a road where a few people seem to guard something and you basically shoot everything in your way. After some time there comes a ramp and you can either drive by or use it to jump. ... you jump Then comes a little script sequence where you fall through the rooftop of a warehouse - guns blazing. As you land you mow down a few badguys in front of you and rescue a few hostages in the process. You get off your bike. Script sequence over. Then you move more or less on-rails again shooting everything in your path lightgun style until you get to the "boss". (Yes I liked SpyHunter on GC, therefore the similarities)
david.dakota Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 There's an old NES game called Faxanadu, which is in desperate need for a wii-make or wii-imagining. The game centred on some chap tavelling a world in drout, having to fight monsters and solve a few puzzles here and there. Firstly, its al well and good cloning Twlight Princess, however, i'd like something altogether new, so a 1st person action RPG is in order. Controls: Tilting nunchuck left/right will turn, while the control stick is for general movement. A is your action button, while B draws your sword (and acts as a Lock on also). Character is given a two 'health bars'... on is a standard health (if you attacked, and you're health is dropped...) the second is your Hydration. You are at your peak when fully hydrated - your response is quicker, your sight better, and you move faster. You must then ensure that you drink as regularly as possible. Attack is mainly one-one sword fighting - its not been pulled off on Wii yet, and this is te game that should nail it..! Crazy water based puzzles are also the order of the day. And i think thats now sorted!
Deathborn Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 [/use Phoenix down] I'm currently replaying Goemon Great Adventure on N64 and I realize how much I want a Ganbare Goemon game on Wii. The graphical style can follow the path of the gorgeous DS one (which I'd really love to play but, since it has much text and I don't know japanese...): A mix of Wind Waker cel-shading and the ukiyo-e paintings style (like Okami) would be amazing. I'd like it to be a Zelda-like adventure game similar to the first N64. I can also imagine how entertaining would be the Impact battles with all the aiming and punching stuff. And for God's sake, if it happens one day, release it in Europe you Konami fools!!
LazyBoy Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Theme Hospital A legendary game that deserves a remake, or at least a re-release on WiiWare. I need to dig it out again.
killthenet Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Sin And Punishment. Shoot with the Wiimote, strafe with the nunchuk. Perfect.
James McGeachie Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 I seriously want a Luigi's Mansion sequel with the Wii remote being used to aim the vacuum, though only with some control depth and not just a couple of suck arse gestures.
Maiky-NiSuTe Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Frogger hopping on your Wii Balance Board ^.^ Gunsmoke walking on the balance Board and aiming with the Wii Gun Pong... does this still need an explanation?
steggy Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Pong... does this still need an explanation? You hold the balance board at the side of the screen, and move it up and down? Personally I'd like some Monkey Island remakes for the Wii :-D Or maybe it would be better on the DS.
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