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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


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I went back to the old save and played through to where I was. Annoying but blah.


Apart from the whole EVERYTHINGISORANGE, that Shorty mentioned, I'm really enjoying this. Also the whole Dirty Harry voice is bloody dull.


You mean it's bloody awesome

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Jensen sounds like a riiiiiiight nobber sometimes. Other lines it totally works but nobody but Clint can actually pull it off. Would have been better if it wasn't as gruff in the prologue- make it a consequence of his injuries or whatever.


Doesn't really matter that much though because he's still one of my favourite protagonists of all time- just in terms of visual style and impact. You feel lethal and dangerous as him. It's immensely empowering.


When Belltower stormed the hotel I had two kits to spend- so I bought the fall damage thing. Then I proceeded to jump three storey's to the bottom of the complex, landed in cover, tossed a flashbang at two heavy soldiers waiting for me and made a run for it. Without breaking stride I shot them both in the head as I went through the door, bullets pinging around me.



It was like something out of a choreographed action movie. This game rocks.

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If anyone here is playing it on PC; are the controls ok? I've heard that there seems to be some remnant of stick acceleration on the PC version which just seems bizarre. Unfortunately it was the same with the original Dead Space, which made is nearly unplayable on PC.

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If anyone here is playing it on PC; are the controls ok? I've heard that there seems to be some remnant of stick acceleration on the PC version which just seems bizarre. Unfortunately it was the same with the original Dead Space, which made is nearly unplayable on PC.



Controls are fine. Infact better than console mainly because of controls. Its a nice pc game. I prefer mouse but consoles are fine this time too. Its basically a high res console game type of port though. All the graphics and assets are the same. Even the FXAA implementation has plenty of jaggies. The sound is very compressed though for a PC and PS3 game. Which is sad as the game has really great sfx. At first I kept thinking something was wrong with the sound but the PS3 is the same. Its just super compressed.


There is a stuttering bug/issue. At worst its pauses for some for others its just a few dropped frames. No telling how bad it will be for you but i think everyone has it to some extent.


The game itself is fantastic. One of the best of the generation. Real shame Eidos blew it on the technical side of the ports though. No need for overly compressed sound to the point where it is hard to make out what people say(they are already iffy in places) as you cant hear a fully natural and coherent sound.

Edited by Choze
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If anyone here is playing it on PC; are the controls ok? I've heard that there seems to be some remnant of stick acceleration on the PC version which just seems bizarre. Unfortunately it was the same with the original Dead Space, which made is nearly unplayable on PC.

This was my brother's main gripe with the game when he played the leaked version. From what I've heard, it was still an issue when the game was released, but the patch fixed it (or I think it's still there, but it's negligible now).

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The one thing I don't like about this game is the cost of takedowns on your energy bar. It doesn't really fit that I can render my body invisible and use electromagnetic forcefields to jump from rooftops for negligible cost but a simple punch to the chops wipes a battery out in one go. I think a much better solution would have been to have them cost about 80-90% of a cell, meaning that if you use a lot of, say, cloak or silence to get in to position, then it takes off the rest of the bar but a plain old sneaky sleeper hold recharges - though it would leave you exposed briefly if you wanted to conserve energy.

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What are you guys like with weapons?

I can't decide on them

I've obviously got the 10mm pistol with silencer, laser and armour piercing which is awesome, but its the others i don't know about.

I've got

revolver upgraded with laser sight and explosive rounds

Assault Rifle with silencer, laser sight and tracer flechette rounds

Heavy Assault rifle with Cooling unit


now the revolver is awesome it kills the heavy guys in 1/2 hits and it was great against the second boss, so i'm keeping that, but its the rifles i don't know what to do with. The P90 is weak as a kitten, even with 2 damage upgrades but the tracing rounds are great for blind firing and still getting head shots. Then theres the minigun/heavy rifle which is rubbish.....untill you get the no recoil augment then it stays on target and unleashes death in a much smaller area and its more powerful than the p90.


I like the tracing rounds of the p90 but its too weak, but then the heavy rifle takes up a lot of inventory space due to its ammo crates.


i've heard in later levels the heavy rifle is good for some areas, and everyone complains about the p90 being underpowered, which it is i had 200 rounds i fired into the 2nd boss and it did nothing (except trace to her...)

then i've heard about

you get a plasma rifle/laser rifle later on and the laser shoots through walls so if you have the vision augment then you can efectively clear a room from a store cupboard with ease


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I mainly use the tranquilizer rifle. It's ace.


Really do need to get a decent lethal weapon for the bosses though.


you know everyone keeps saying that but i just don't see it, the only things going for it are silenced and scoped, other than that its appalling, slow ROF, terrible reload, and i've even come out a vent and tried to use it at medium/short range and the guard hears the gunshot and is alerted, fair enough they ko almost instantly but if theres a few nearby they are alerted too


I keep it for the scope, but if i could get a scope upgrade for anything else it would be gone


love the 10mm pistol though, i could probably get rid of the rest in favour of it

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The stun gun's the ultimate weapon. It takes down even heavy enemies in one hit — and stuns the bosses, leaving them wide open — plus it has numerous other utilities, such as using it to shoot a wall and lure a guard away from their patrol or temporarily disabling cameras, robots and laser systems.

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My guns are all poop, I just find ammo and quick reload attachments, do you all but them from shops? Tranq gun is my fave, did start out with a stun gun but got rid of it, kinda wish I kept it now though.


What gun is the p90, am i missing something?

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My guns are all poop, I just find ammo and quick reload attachments, do you all but them from shops? Tranq gun is my fave, did start out with a stun gun but got rid of it, kinda wish I kept it now though.


What gun is the p90, am i missing something?


the assault rifle/combat rifle i forget what its called, theres one in your appartment storage in the game, it looks like the real life assault rifle the FN Herstal P90 click here

this is the ingame version HERE



the weapons shops sell some of the items, but secret rooms, safe's and locked areas often have items

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I use the silenced pistol, well upgraded, the Sniper Rifle, the stun gun if I'm going for extra sneaky XP, the rocket launcher and laser rifle if I want to make a mess. EMP grenades are invaluable, concussion grenades are ace too.


I also think it's stupid that Jensen loses a full battery for takedowns, some of which I could do myself...

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