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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


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I wasn't worried :D


Pre-order inbound. Don't let me down, Shopto.


I pre-ordered it with them too, its changed to processing this morning and was hoping would despatch later today but still processing so hopefully with will come Thursday/Friday.


But usually shopto always get it sent to you 1/2 days early!

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Two pleasant surprises:


1) My £21 order from GameStop arrived today, far exceeding my estimations.


2) It's a Limited Edition copy that includes the Explosive Mission Pack, meaning I get the extra sidequest which was the only bit of in-game content I was really interested in.

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Two pleasant surprises:


1) My £21 order from GameStop arrived today, far exceeding my estimations.


2) It's a Limited Edition copy that includes the Explosive Mission Pack, meaning I get the extra sidequest which was the only bit of in-game content I was really interested in.


hmm! Just checked and my order is still 'processing'. Guess we'll see. Post should be here soon.

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2) It's a Limited Edition copy that includes the Explosive Mission Pack, meaning I get the extra sidequest which was the only bit of in-game content I was really interested in.


I got that as well, with the shopto copy. In fact it wasn't possible to get a copy without that DLC. It's a decent piece of DLC to come day one, because it includes various weapons etc, but only as bonuses for completing quests, not automatically granted to you upon entering the code.


I played for a while yesterday, but ended up almost restarting when I found out I missed the secondary objective in the first main mission. I didn't even realise I'd gone past it, and decided I really wanted to do it. Kind of cool actually, because I approached the mission completely differently the second time round, finding a vent on a roof and infiltrating with ease.


The only negative I've found about the game so far is quite a strange aesthetic one. I don't really like the frequency at which I switch from first to third person view. I'm not talking about during cover (although that was unexpected), but during cutscenes and some NPC chats. For an RPG, it would make more sense to me if the camera stayed behind my eyes.

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Whilst I don't wish to get your hopes up, I never received a dispatch notification and it still says Processing on the site.


It arrived. Sadly, because Edios are unbelievablely massive fucking idiots, I cannot play it. The game doesn't support alternative control set ups at all and because I'm left handed, I can't play the game I've been looking forward to the most in years.

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It arrived. Sadly, because Edios are unbelievablely massive fucking idiots, I cannot play it. The game doesn't support alternative control set ups at all and because I'm left handed, I can't play the game I've been looking forward to the most in years.


A piss poor effort by Eidos then.


Are you trying to play it on PS3 or 360? If you're on PS3, it might be worth looking into the XCM adapter and a 360 pad. It allows you to use a 360 pad on the PS3 and completely remap all buttons and sticks. That's what I had to use for Fallout: New Vegas. It's not cheap, but it's peace of mind for future releases.


If you're on the 360, there are people who can rewire a pad for you to swap the sticks round. It's not easy on the PS3 though, hence the recommendation for the adapter. Edit: Here might be able to help with a 360 pad.


Even though I'll still be able to play it, I feel like refusing to buy it in protest. Utterly piss poor. It's not like it's something lefties want, it's something we need.

Edited by Goafer
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Maybe you guys should make a point of complaining, possibly get them at least thinking about patching southpaw controls in?


It's pretty pointless to be honest. There was a massive uproar when Far Cry came out without southpaw controls. I think there have been a few more games that had the same reaction. Nothing seems to get done about it. Some companies just don't code in southpaw controls. Bethesda are pretty bad for it and I guess Eidos too.

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It's pretty pointless to be honest. There was a massive uproar when Far Cry came out without southpaw controls. I think there have been a few more games that had the same reaction. Nothing seems to get done about it. Some companies just don't code in southpaw controls. Bethesda are pretty bad for it and I guess Eidos too.


I was just thinking about it because of that Dungeon Siege III vid we watched today where they said new control schemes were being patched in because the original was so shite.

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I was just thinking about it because of that Dungeon Siege III vid we watched today where they said new control schemes were being patched in because the original was so shite.


Yeah but that was universally agreed to have shit controls. A small percentage of players complaining (10% is the amount of lefties I do believe and not all use southpaw) doesn't really have as big an impact. Especially when a lot of forum discussions seem to end with the same "why don't you just learn to play right handed?/Surely it doesn't make a difference?/Controls have always been this way round, why can't you get used to it?/I'm left handed and I can use normal controls just fine".


Getting enough lefties together is a pain in the arse. I will be starting a Facebook group though. If it gets enough members, I may consider encouraging people to email companies/direct companies to the group to show demand. I doubt anything will come of it, but it's worth a try.

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Whilst I agree developers should include Southpaw as standard — it's hardly a complex inclusion — as that apparently isn't going to happen I think I'd just wean myself off it were I dependant.


I'm not saying it's an overnight thing, but I'm hardly the only one that aimed using the left (only) stick throughout the N64 and Dreamcast, and likewise I don't know any right-handed people that didn't use their left when playing Super Monkey Ball which requires exceptionally fine stick work. Anyone that's put years into holding a controller will naturally be ambidextrous to some degree, especially given the shift to largely symmetrical designs.

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Whilst I agree developers should include Southpaw as standard — it's hardly a complex inclusion — as that apparently isn't going to happen I think I'd just wean myself off it were I dependant.


I'm not saying it's an overnight thing, but I'm hardly the only one that aimed using the left (only) stick throughout the N64 and Dreamcast, and likewise I don't know any right-handed people that didn't use their left when playing Super Monkey Ball which requires exceptionally fine stick work. Anyone that's put years into holding a controller will naturally be ambidextrous to some degree, especially given the shift to largely symmetrical designs.


That's just not possible. It's not just a case of learn something different. I've used my left hand for pretty much everything my entire life. As a result, I have more control over it/it's more accurate than my right. To get my right hand to the same level of control/accuracy, I'd have to become "right handed" for 20 or so years to catch up.


And that's if you believe that handedness is due to choice and practice. If you believe it's genetic/a physiological thing, then there's no way your weak hand will ever be as good as your strong one.


IIRC, scientists haven't figured out if it's genetic/physiological or learnt yet.


I started off playing the normal way and it never felt right. I always thought I was just shit at shooters, but it turns out that the control scheme wasn't for me.

Edited by Goafer
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Whilst I agree developers should include Southpaw as standard — it's hardly a complex inclusion — as that apparently isn't going to happen I think I'd just wean myself off it were I dependant.


I'm not saying it's an overnight thing, but I'm hardly the only one that aimed using the left (only) stick throughout the N64 and Dreamcast, and likewise I don't know any right-handed people that didn't use their left when playing Super Monkey Ball which requires exceptionally fine stick work. Anyone that's put years into holding a controller will naturally be ambidextrous to some degree, especially given the shift to largely symmetrical designs.


It's not simple and it just doesn't feel natural to do since you're basically telling yourself to do things the opposite way around.


Buttons and sticks I can manage it, but I can't use the stylus on the DS in my right hand and use the d-pad with the left. It just doesn't work for me, despite always controlling movement with my left hand. Its the stylus thats the problem, I'm used to it being in the left (like a pen), so its not easy to suddenly start with the other.


Its not really fair that people should be taught to put up with it. A game is there as a form of enjoyment, entertainment. You want to play it as naturally (as natural as games can be) as possible, without feeling that you're fighting against yourself and against the controller.

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