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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


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Although I must admit walking out somewhere after you have done a long level and there being one door beside a helipad did make me think, 'why not just drop me off there?' a few times.


Yeah, it's just silly. I know quite a lot of games do it to avoid unnecessary travelling, but it feels more obvious in this.


I can understand it in Montreal a bit though, since you don't know where you'll be going when you start, so the roof seems like a safe landing.


The AI newsreader knew you were coming, so could have made your life a lot easier. If she controls the flow of information or whatever, surely she could have communicated with you somehow and told you to land near the boss area/server room. Hell, she could even have saved you from having to go there alltogether by just sending you the information over networks.


Although thinking about it, she did mention that the female boss was preventing her from helping. She still could have done it before she arrived though. Or made subtle hints via email or whatever. Or used an employee to deliver a message. There are loads of ways she could have helped.



Loving this game. Arrived in Shanghai and have been playing around there for a bit. Praxis Kits are my saviour - I have my hacking skill maxed out now so I can generally go anywhere :D


Do you save a few praxis points or do you use them as soon as you get them?


At first, I used them all as soon as I got them. Much like I do in any RPG. Now, I keep 2-4 in reserve in case I need a certain aug that I don't already have.


I'm fairly certain I have every aug I need though. I can lift heavy things, jump higher and land from any height. That pretty much means I can take any route. Hacking isn't maxed, but you can find most passwords lying around, or I can use an auto unlocking grenade thing (special edition bonus). I've hardly seen any lvl 4 or 5 locks anyway. Definitely not enough to warrant the extra abilities.


Everything else just seems to make the whole thing easier. The game isn't exactly hard though, so they seem pointless. Admittedly, I'm playing on easy so I'll try a hard playthrough and see how it changes. But the other augs just seem like luxuries, rather than must have abilities.

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I've got some of those auto-unlockers too, but they're tricky to get hold of. I use the Praxis points straight away to be honest, though choosing my next upgrade is always a dilemma. I want to get longer stealth, and the Icarus landing system, and.. sort of want the Typhoon to see what it's like..


I want to be a super soldier basically. Gimme it all!

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I've got some of those auto-unlockers too, but they're tricky to get hold of. I use the Praxis points straight away to be honest, though choosing my next upgrade is always a dilemma. I want to get longer stealth, and the Icarus landing system, and.. sort of want the Typhoon to see what it's like..


I want to be a super soldier basically. Gimme it all!


I could do with longer stealth. I've only got level 1 at the moment. Although I seem to be doing ok without any higher levels.


in Montreal, when you wait for the slow elevator to arrive and all the guards swarm all over the place. I hid under the stairs until it arrived, then turned on the cloaking device and sprinted to the elevator. The guards heard me, but I was hidden in the elevator before they figured out what was going on.



The Typhoon is a bit overpowered, but it makes boss battles a piece of cake. I'm not a fan of the boss battles, so I love the typhoon. I'm playing non lethal though, so it's a waste of time outside boss battles. I only got it because I had nothing else to spend the points on and I knew a boss battle was coming up.


My next points will be spent on better stealth and more energy bars.

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Trailer for DLC.



Although I'm slightly confused...


I thought he was just in the pod for those days.


And that was that.


I thought it was odd that so much time past but... I dunno.



Also I hope everyone watched all the way through the credits...

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Trailer for DLC.



Although I'm slightly confused...


I thought he was just in the pod for those days.


And that was that.


I thought it was odd that so much time past but... I dunno.



Also I hope everyone watched all the way through the credits...


I think they intentionally put points like that in the game to allow DLC etc to take place

iirc it was 4 days he'd been off the grid


I'm hoping we get more than 1 DLC, and i'm also hoping for a HD remake/update of Deus Ex and Invisible war, failing that just some more Deus EX quicker than we've waited for this one


I hope that was lead in for some after the game end DLC or a direct sequel, or better yet the HD remake i mentioned above, just imagine the original just updated to new textures (maybe with the cover system)


Edited by Agent Gibbs
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saved Malik without killing anyone. Fuck yeah. Jensen better get some after that.


Oh and I almost puked up a lung during the Spy Boy/Fly Girl bit. Rancid.

I did that too, on the hardest difficulty! And it took me loads of tries, because I wasn't prepared enough, only had the stun gun, had to sprint round counter clockwise takedown-ing and stunning, then dive off the side to get the EMP grenade though the pipe. Took a long time.
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Had no idea it was possible to do without killing anyone.


When I hesitated for even a couple of seconds it was "over".


Maybe actually running down and getting into it has an impact.


First time, I just sat at the start point, sniping people with my tranquiliser rifle. She died within about 20 seconds.


Second time, I ran down with cloaking and used the typhoon in the middle of the biggest crowd. She lived for ages whilst I took out the remaining people. I had killed a few though so I tried again.


Third time, I ran down and used cloaking and takedowns to get rid of them. I also killed the big bastard robot as soon as I could.


I think you can take your time once you've got rid of the guys/robot on ground level. The snipers/soldiers on the upper level seem to take cover a lot, so they're not shooting Malik as much. I had plenty of time to shoot them with the tranq rifle. They were too busy shooting at Malik to notice me, so I didn't have to use cover or anything.


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I tried so many times, so I have a very clear path of how I eventually did it on hard


Sprinted to the right and jumped up onto the freight container (need jump boost aug), then up onto the surface. Stunned first guy, then sprinted forward and cloaked, waited for 3rd guy to run up the stairs and did double takedown (need quicksilver aug). Backed up a bit and went up ladder, stunned sniper.


Jumped off that platform and hit ground (need falling aug) to knock the heavy, then stunned him. Ran around the robot and stunned/took down anyone I could. Dove off the edge to the sewer to grab an EMP grenade (would've been much easier if I'd had one...) threw that up blindly towards the robot.


Then ran back up top and picked off the last few enemies/snipers from the left area.


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Seeing how that thing triggered so fast I assumed the game was forcing me into the choice of, "Keep your non-lethal ways and let this happen..." or... "Man the fuck up!".


That section was the only time I killed anyone.




Oh well.


No doubt this will be played about 100 times again like Deus Ex.


What hours did people put into this by the way?


I put 30 into it just completing it stealth and without killing (apart from the above).


Also I really want to play it again already, just killing everything/one I can...


At one point you get the chance to actually kill some Sarif guards... need to take that chance.

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I'm playing a 'lethal' play now, but I'm still not going all guns blazing exactly. It still feels totally out of character to, say, kill cops, so I don't. The game is excellently paced, however, and provides some brilliant action sequences if you want them to play that way. The escape from the pods, the FEMA warehouse, parts of KYM etc. It's not unlike a big action movie with great pacing actually and it's a very fun way to play. I have an absolute shitload of ammunition though from not using all my guns constantly. Like...a 10 + stockpile of Typhoon ammo alone.

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Has anyone reinstalled deus ex after playing this?


I've just installed it again and man it looks so old now lol


Get the ENB Mod pack. It will enhance lots of things :)


Loving ym second playthorugh of Human Revoltuion. I am getting so many more Praxis points now lol.

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Get the ENB Mod pack. It will enhance lots of things :)


Loving ym second playthorugh of Human Revoltuion. I am getting so many more Praxis points now lol.


I've been playing with those thanks! actually much better, would love a remake, but only if they didn't dumb it down at all, the only change i'd want would be the cover system from HR i liked that

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I've been playing with those thanks! actually much better, would love a remake, but only if they didn't dumb it down at all, the only change i'd want would be the cover system from HR i liked that


There's even a new texture pack. Not sure what the link was but I am sure google will find stuff.


Yeah HR was a great sequel it did do a lot of things better. The combat is much better. I would prefer Killzone's cover system perhaps. As its tricky to melee when they get near you in cover and you cant vault over or slide. But thats just a suggesstion for the sequel. :grin:


I am in Picus now. Trying to stealth through. Hiding dead bodies under desks lol.

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nice post thanks.


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Ok so not technically a troll, but I've been wanting to use that video for ages.

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Just completed this game for a second time :D hard mode and pacifist achievements get, but for some reason no Foxiest of the Hounds, yet I don't remember setting off any alarms. I picked up a secret achievement I missed last time too, for 10G, but for the second time I missed an achievement for following Pritchard's lead... I don't want to go looking up an FAQ, but can anyone give me a hint as to when I should be looking for this achievement?

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