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  Mikey said:
If we got rid of backward Islam, it'd be even better, and people would be safer.


Yeah, because it's JUST Islam that is the problem. Let's leave the yobs, thieves, muggers, rapists and child molesters where they are. On the streets.

  The fish said:
That's a stupid idea!

Why just Islam?? :wtf:



Because Islam seems to attract idiots. Islam will be welcomed by me, when it's proved itself not to be backward in the countries it's already dominant in. I can't think of a single Islamic nation I'd live in. Maybe some day, but not now.

  BlackFox said:
You're a tool. Get yer eyes out of the Daily Mail and see the wider picture. This country is one of the best in the world.


  Kurtle said:
No, I don't read newspapers, and am not a brainwashed moron.

I do see a wide picture and I see that there's no reason for any of the stuff that I mentioned to happen, or exist. It's illogical, yet the world seems to let it happen. Going along being lazy and raising bad kids instead of taking action.


And yeah, I do believe that this country is on of the best in the world, hence why I plan on continuing living here, for now; but that doesn't mean I have to look at it through rose tinted glasses.




And The fish....you never replied to my reply.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
Yeah, because it's JUST Islam that is the problem. Let's leave the yobs, thieves, muggers, rapists and child molesters where they are. On the streets.



Of course Islam isn't the only evil in this country, you're always gonna get rapists etc. Again, I have no problem with people like you being here, I just don't want your religion here.

  Mikey said:
Because Islam seems to attract idiots. Islam will be welcomed by me, when it's proved itself not to be backward in the countries it's already dominant in. I can't think of a single Islamic nation I'd live in. Maybe some day, but not now.


If it's idiots you want, go the deep south!


  Kurtle said:
Is your Dad a higher up by any chance; getting loads of money for sitting on his arse, doing nothing, and letting disease run amok?

That's also what they said about public transport, now look at it. If it was separated, the people would lose any hope of control and fixing it.


Firstly, public transport was privatised, not just separated from the government.


Before you insult my dad, please find out what he does in the NHS - he is the head of child and adolescent mental health in North Herts. He hasn't got a PhD, so he's not as highly paid as many of his colleagues who are Doctors, not by a long shot. However, he is head of his department in the whole region, not because he is the highest qualified (he's awaiting the results of a Masters as we speak), but because he is the best at his job.


What's more, he works in Stevenage, so he spends a lot of his time with families in which the problem is parenting, and they often wont accept this as a reason, so he gets a lot of shit from people who's kids he is trying to help.


As for disease, well, he doesn't have much to do with infectious ones, and I'd wager that those who do don't let it "run amok".


Now, do everyone a favour and go to your nearest train line, and take a piss on a live electric rail.

  Mikey said:
Of course Islam isn't the only evil in this country, you're always gonna get rapists etc. Again, I have no problem with people like you being here, I just don't want your religion here.


I don't see what the problem is with the religion, as me and The Bard have already explained, the majority of Muslims you will ever meet are no different to yourself. Muslims = Followers of Islam, so I don't see how can have the people here without having the religion?


Yeah, there are very few Islamic-led countries that have got it completely right. But, then again, these same countries are run by power hungry bastards who use religion as an excuse to stay in power and get what they want. These people are arseholes whatever their religion.

  Kurtle said:
That was on a programme once too, they have a right to go outside, they also have TVs and don't live in shitholes; there are people that do.


So, because someone makes a mistake, and, say gets hooked on drugs, they deserve to be kept in a "shithole" at all times, without access to fresh air?

You also seem to think that they should be released back into the world with no knowledge of any changes in society.


I suggest you take up reading the papers. Read a good one, like Private Eye, The Independent, or The Times. You may begin to get in touch with a place I like to call "the real world".


  Mikey said:
Again, I have no problem with people like you being here, I just don't want your religion here.


Because, of course, all Muslims are trouble-making Sharia law-wanting bastards, aren't they?

  Fierce_LiNk said:
I don't see what the problem is with the religion, as me and The Bard have already explained, the majority of Muslims you will ever meet are no different to yourself. Muslims = Followers of Islam, so I don't see how can have the people here without having the religion?


Yeah, there are very few Islamic-led countries that have got it completely right. But, then again, these same countries are run by power hungry bastards who use religion as an excuse to stay in power and get what they want. These people are arseholes whatever their religion.



People like you, as in Arab, if that's what you are. I think all Arab's must leave their Islamic religion at the door when they come to this country. This is not an Islamic state, and I don't see what business Islam has in a country like this with the state the religion is currently in.


  The fish said:
So, because someone makes a mistake, and, say gets hooked on drugs, they deserve to be kept in a "shithole" at all times, without access to fresh air?

You also seem to think that they should be released back into the world with no knowledge of any changes in society.


I suggest you take up reading the papers. Read a good one, like Private Eye, The Independent, or The Times. You may begin to get in touch with a place I like to call "the real world".




Because, of course, all Muslims are trouble-making Sharia law-wanting bastards, aren't they?


Apparently 40% in the UK want sharia law here. I posted a link to it earlier in the thread. That's a really worrying statistic.

  Mikey said:
People like you, as in Arab, if that's what you are. I think all Arab's must leave their Islamic religion at the door when they come to this country. This is not an Islamic state, and I don't see what business Islam has in a country like this with the state the religion is currently in.


This country is secular, not atheistic.

You are clearly not secular, so, by your very own definition, you shouldn't be here.

  Mikey said:
Apparently 40% in the UK want sharia law here. I posted a link to it earlier in the thread. That's a really worrying statistic.


No, 40% of mainly radical Muslims want Sharia law here.

40% of the country are not that stupid.

  The fish said:
No, 40% of mainly radical Muslims want Sharia law here.

40% of the country are not that stupid.


I meant 40% of the muslim population in the UK want it here.

  Mikey said:
People like you, as in Arab, if that's what you are. I think all Arab's must leave their Islamic religion at the door when they come to this country. This is not an Islamic state, and I don't see what business Islam has in a country like this with the state the religion is currently in.


I don't completely understand what you're trying to get at. There are plenty of practicing Muslims in this country, and once again, the majority are just normal, law obiding citizens. There are Mosques, Halal food shops, and other such things, so it's perfectly fine for a Muslims to leave her and abide by both UK and Islamic laws.




Apparently 40% in the UK want sharia law here. I posted a link to it earlier in the thread. That's a really worrying statistic.


Again, 40% of who? Where's the link?

  The fish said:
This country is secular, not atheistic.

You are clearly not secular, so, by your very own definition, you shouldn't be here.


I am English, I was born here, and I'm of English descent. My criteria is not what religion you follow anyway, well with the one exception of Islam that is, which should be thrown out until it has proved itself.


  Fierce_LiNk said:
I don't completely understand what you're trying to get at. There are plenty of practicing Muslims in this country, and once again, the majority are just normal, law obiding citizens. There are Mosques, Halal food shops, and other such things, so it's perfectly fine for a Muslims to leave her and abide by both UK and Islamic laws.





Again, 40% of who? Where's the link?




It's pretty simple what I am getting at. Let's not have Islam here, it's a danger to our way of life.


Urgh, I'm getting sick of myself now. I'm gonna leave the thread, as I'm basically repeating myself.

  Mikey said:
I am English, I was born here, and I'm of English descent. My criteria is not what religion you follow anyway, well with the one exception of Islam that is, which should be thrown out until it has proved itself.


Christianity hasn't proved itself. Some of it's believers claim that the Earth is only 6,000's old, or that evolution by natural selection doesn't work, or that condoms are evil.

  The fish said:
Christianity hasn't proved itself. Some of it's believers claim that the Earth is only 6,000's old, or that evolution by natural selection doesn't work, or that condoms are evil.



Those Jissbon ones are, they gave me a ...


Hey hey!


Anyway, Islam is not the problem, like many things it's the way that Islam is interpreted by some. It's the same with Human Rights laws, there's actually very little wrong with them, but the way that they have been interpreted means that they are abused and misused.

  The fish said:
Do you read the Mail, by any chance?

In response to your points:

Patriotism is for tw@s.

No they're not.

No they don't.

No, it's really not - my dad works for the NHS, and it can be sorted by separating it from govt. control, like the bank of England.


That's being worked on - anyone with common sense and who is willing to say "hang on, this isn't right" can get round that.

It's their loss.




And Kurtle, where is this lack of the fabled British culture? What is British culture? You sound like either a war veteran or a Nazi - blame the foreigners right? Have you ever thought that maybe its just YOU?


Kurtle, are you economically sound? Are you paying your bills on time etc? I ask because I don't see how a White Briton can complain as you have unless you aren't. You have all the opportunity to succeed in this country, nothing is holding you back but yourself. Don't hate the immigrants if you see them doing well for themselves, they had to work harder and pay about triple the fees for education etc which the British economy actually relies largely on (why do you think immigration is a bit loose? The government knows its true) and yet after all that graft, they have to face the reality of them not getting a job due to their 'exotic' surnames. So I can't understand where people like you are coming from unless its just unrelenting hatred.


I find racism/a lack of national unity foolish, mainly due in part of the fact that we Britions (native, 2nd generation, immigrant whatever) help each other out; we all pay for everyone in someway so in that sense we are all connected econimically. Like it or not, but your hard work is paying for some sickly black boy's medicine and vice versa.


Unity is the only way forward for this country, otherwise we turn into the hilariously hypocritical French.

Guest Stefkov

Don't they name their kids Muhammed? I'm sure a few students in my college, I know one in my Re lesson definitely is called that.

I just came to say this annoys me. Religion annoys me. I won't go Tony Harrison again.

  The fish said:
Several thousand protesters in Khartoum have marched demanding Gillian Gibbons to be put to death.

Marchers chanted "Shame, shame on the UK", "No tolerance - execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad".


Because, of course, shooting a citizen of one of your main allies for something which only a complete fuckwit would consider a crime will help your country out to no end...


We have to look at the bigger, and the picture that has been carved is that Sudan is a very fucked up country whatever angle you look at it. This 'incident' is nothing compared with what Muslims in that country are doing to Christians in the south, namely Darfur; Government-backed horsebacked death-squads slaughtering everything they see in sight. No surprise really.

  King_V said:
We have to look at the bigger, and the picture that has been carved is that Sudan is a very fucked up country whatever angle you look at it. This 'incident' is nothing compared with what Muslims in that country are doing to Christians in the south, namely Darfur; Government-backed horsebacked death-squads slaughtering everything they see in sight. No surprise really.


This is a separate issue - in fact, surely because they know how bad it is in Darfur, they should know that executing people is a bad thing, thus making wanting blood a stupid idea to them.

  The fish said:
This is a separate issue - in fact, surely because they know how bad it is in Darfur, they should know that executing people is a bad thing, thus making wanting blood a stupid idea to them.


To be honest, I would say a lot of the folks in Khartoum are for what the government are doing in Darfur.

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