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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


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The jet ski bits are definite low points for me. They must been made when the design team was on holiday or something: the first section should clearly have been about speed, whereas it was actually a case of constant stopping and starting; the second section was upriver which was simply a rubbish idea, or at least was implemented poorly.


I actually liked the upstream one, I just wished whatsherface could actually shoot something! :heh:


Incidentally, the pistols are the best weapons in the game, and the automatic shotgun is rather fun. All the other guns feel a bit flimsy by comparison.


Yeah, the pistol is way too good. An AK in real life would easily knock someone over in a couple shots because of the relatively low velocity of its bullets but in the game its just a lamer version of the M4 which again is nowhere near powerful enough.


I started playing it again and it seems a lot more fun this time around, I've just got to chapter 3 and I'm mopping up all the treasures. The amount of extras on this game is phenomenal, all games should follow suit.

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In retrospect, I found this game to be too repetitive too in terms of gameplay objectives. There was too little variation. "Been there done that"- kind of feeling is what I got towards the point in gameplay time where the overwhelming problems I encountered, thanks to what now seems like improperly calibrated aiming, made me ditch the game completely. Too little exploration as well. The shoot outs were too many, seemed more like fillers, and they weren´t much fun when there was so many enemies that were just too hard to hit in tight spots for reasons of that calibration issue.


I mean, if I look at how easy I could hit enemies in HALO 1-3 with the same type of analogue sticks, yet so hard to do in this game with the exact same kind of control, it is obvious that Bungie knows better than Naughty Dog how to adjust the aiming.


I agree that the motion capture, the graphics and the voice acting was awesome. That game reminds me a little of Sonic games lately though. Half of the game or a little more was great, yet there was something missing in there. And it left me with this empty feeling when had stopped playing it. I really think that it shows that the developer team must have been out of either time or money to make the game what it could have been.

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I don't think they were out of time or money since the game is really polished. I reckon NaughtyDog were just playing it safe and thats kind of why nothing really sticks out but in fairness to them creating a new franchise is always risky so hopefully now that its been established they'll be a bit more forward thing for the sequel.


All the unlockable stuff is great and I'd love to see them take that even further. *Thinks about dancing dinosaurs in Turok*


Edit: I realised, another thing that really annoy me is that the support cas are SO f*cking dull. I love Nathan and Elena, they actually seem to have chemistry which is pretty amazing for a computer game but Sully and the rest are just woefully boring. I actually think that might be my biggest problem with the game.

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I mean, if I look at how easy I could hit enemies in HALO 1-3 with the same type of analogue sticks, yet so hard to do in this game with the exact same kind of control, it is obvious that Bungie knows better than Naughty Dog how to adjust the aiming.




Sure it's just not you not used to the playstation pad? Also a first person game usually is easier to hit enemies than in 3rd person because you've more closer to the view point, hence the enemies having a bigger area to hit. Can't say i really had problems myself hitting the enemies myself.


The pistol was indeed powerful, probably done that way because it's your saviour weapon, kinda like the pistol was in Halo 1, so even if you was down to the last bits of pistol ammo, you didn't have to think "Oh shit I'm screwed now!"

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Sure it's just not you not used to the playstation pad? Also a first person game usually is easier to hit enemies than in 3rd person because you've more closer to the view point, hence the enemies having a bigger area to hit. Can't say i really had problems myself hitting the enemies myself.


The pistol was indeed powerful, probably done that way because it's your saviour weapon, kinda like the pistol was in Halo 1, so even if you was down to the last bits of pistol ammo, you didn't have to think "Oh shit I'm screwed now!"


I totally agree. I'm not even a big fan of the PS controller and I thought it worked great. At no point did I think there was a single thing wrong with the aiming.

I did think there was too much shooting and not enough of the jumping/climbing which I thought worked even better than the shooting. Enemies were also a bit too generic and seemed to be the same 3 guys around every corner. I think these things make it widely accepted that this is a four star game.

I think some people had a problem with the 2 main characters being generic as well, although I actually found it refreshing that they seemed like normal people. This was also a conscious decision as well by the development team.

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I think some people had a problem with the 2 main characters being generic as well, although I actually found it refreshing that they seemed like normal people. This was also a conscious decision as well by the development team.


I thought everyone but the main two characters were generic. The supporting cast were awful.

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Originally posted by Domstercool: Sure it's just not you not used to the playstation pad? Also a first person game usually is easier to hit enemies than in 3rd person because you've more closer to the view point, hence the enemies having a bigger area to hit. Can't say i really had problems myself hitting the enemies myself.


Actually, I feel much better holding the PS joypad than the more bulky XBOX360 one. For comparisons, let me tell you about one game I had to give up playing on XBOX360: Colin McRae DIRT. I couldn´t steer the cars with that controller, and so I got too much of a struggle on my hands with trying to score a neat rank in that game on XBOX360.


Since I was already way annoyed with the the more noisy fan on the XBOX360 (having to wear headphones with the volume turned up to drown the fan-noise) I bought a Playstation 3 instead. Slamming the same driving game into that console and playing away I could easily steer the cars and get somewhere in the game. I now virutally love the PS3 for being so quiet and far more stylish + having a blue-ray player built-in that I will never regret having bought it. So, no I don´t think it has anything to do with not being used to the PS3 joypad.


I think that all of the replies to this thread shows one thing very clearly: it is very different how people feel about Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and, among others, it´s aiming. That much is certain.

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I thought the aiming was a bit twitchy at first but I got used to it pretty quickly.


I'm on my second play through. I'm about half way through and I'm loving it a lot more. Its probably the first game I think the second play through has proved to be so much more fun. I love unlocking the rewards on the way!


One thing I really want to see for the sequel is a few more weird unlockable cheat options like low gravity.


Also, knives would be cool....but maybe thats a bit too brutal...

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The aiming is just slow, there was SO many times I was thinking about the wiimote and how awesome it would be (and I wouldn't have died nearly as many times).


I really liked the game, something a bit missing though; the platforming sections were amazing, and the shooting stuff hit and miss; the puzzles were WAY too simplistic too.


Oh and the jet ski bit really did my head in too, it just wasn't fun! To do it I had to go insanely slow and pop people off from a distance, I just wanted to bomb straight through with bullets just missing me!!! The upstream bit was better though, not much, but better.

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Guest Stefkov

Too accurate? A little bit of light makes the hole thing go haywire. I'd rather have a controller than having to play the wii out of sunlight just so I can play a game.

How can you say it's intuitive when it's clearly been done before. Hell in my High school the computer mice the teachers had had this technology in it.


I should probably get the game first but from the demo I'd rather use a normal pad than the wii remote.

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People are talking cack :) A little bit of light and it goes haywire!!??? WHAT? This is so much bull it would only go haywire if the sun was directly in front of you, but then you couldn't see!!


The wiimote is infinitely better than a control bad, way more responsive for this type of game! Saying the clunky control pad would be better is as much in denial as Wii owners saying PS3/360 graphics aren't much better.


And what has the tech being done before got anything to do with it being intuitive? The wiimote is WAY more intuitive than a control pad, hence ANYONE being able to play with it!!! Trust me, I have all three consoles, I have just completed Uncharted and have played through Crackdown and gears of war etc and using the wiimote for Scarface or Resident Evil 4 is INFINITELY better, more accurate and intuitive than a control pad.


And don't even get me started on FPS's!!!!! :)

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Well just finished this game tonight, I know it's old but only got it recently. I loved it! ok it was linear and not very long but great fun. Finished it on normal and got 320/1000reward points - a lot of treasures to find then!


Can't wait for Uncharted 2!


yeah it is a fantastic game. I feel it is just the right length as it helps the pacing and story to be much more similar to that of an action film and prevents it from dragging.

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alot of you probebly noticed my review on the general board, have to say, for a purchase based on being bored, this is one of my favorite games on the PS3. the whole thing had such a charm, ok it might not be the most unique or long lasting game, its also linear and arguably a bit of a no brainer, but it was such a fun game to play. totaly loved how cinematic the game was, very high hopes for uncharted 2, even if its just the same again, i would still lap it up.

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Get your popcorn out! :heh:


Avi Arad, the producer of blockbusters such as the Blade series, X-Men series and an upcoming Everquest movie, has been revealed as the producer of a cinematic adaptation of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. In an interview with Kotaku, the 60-year old producer (Kotaku has him listed as 33, leading one to suspect they are actually speaking with Ari Arad, Avi's son) talks about how Nathan Drake isn't just an Indiana Jones clone. Drake is a complicated character, according to Arad. "He's not a benevolent guy, but he's certainly not a great guy. Indiana Jones was always a good guy and he relentlessly did the right thing. Drake is a guy who's being hauled over to virtue throughout the game."


The film won't bring you to the island as quickly as the game did, according to the producer. Instead, the film will add some background to the story and "explore some of the modern day piracy that's going on today in South America." How do you feel about this film thus far? Is Arad the right guy for the job? Or would you rather have Brett Ratner?

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I really like Uncharted — enough to unlock all the Medals twice, in fact — but I've no desire to see a movie of it. For one thing I've already seen it, and I got to control most of it.


Oh, and I'm pretty sure Mr. Arad meant to say 'malevolent'.

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