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My Wii wish list


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Below are ten games I'd like to see coming to the Wii, as well as the possibility that I think it might happen. It's a bit long, so be warned! If you'd like, please post your own wish list as well!:bowdown:


Baten Kaitos sequel. Likelihood: Possible. Baten Kaitos wasn't a blockbuster, but I'm pretty sure it was profitable, as evidenced by the release of its prequel, Origins. And considering Namco already announced the sequel to Tales of Symphonia, this one just might happen… eventually.


Eternal Darkness remake. Likelihood: not going to happen. Eternal Darkness is one of those crimes of the videogame world: a true masterpiece that, for many reasons we don’t need to discuss here, just didn’t sell. Next to ED, RE feels like Kirby. And I mean it. Oh no, a big scary zombie! Yawn… but seeing my friend get up to swat a fly that landed on the TV from “nowhereâ€, then staring at me in disbelief when he realized there was no spoon, er, fly…. Now that’s scary! If it was released on the Wii and properly marketed, I have little doubt it would be a hit, as shown by the success of titles such as RE 4 and Red Steel (despite the bad press, this one sold nearly 1 million copies). But with Silicon Knights currently busy developing Too Human, rewriting engines and fighting court battles, not to mention the sadly dismal sales Eternal Darkness suffered, I’m not holding my breath.


Resident Evil 5. Likelihood: unsure. Umbrella Chronicles started as a conventional, RE4 like RE game, but Capcom figured that Wii owners like “easinessâ€, and they decided to simplify the design. But, with RE4 Wii selling more than twice the 420.000 units Capcom originally expected, it just might be the incentive they needed. And because Umbrella Chronicles will walk through the entire RE4 series, it’s perfect to get new players acquainted with the story. I’m guessing that a lot will hinge on the performance of both Umbrella Chronices and RE5 (if it doesn’t do well, it’s more likely it will be ported to the Wii)


New Donkey Kong game. Likelihood: likely. Like it’s more popular friend, Mario, Donkey Kong has graced every Nintendo Platform since the NES with it’s presence. And like Mario, there is a good chance we will see a glorious return to its platformer root. And no, I don’t count that Donkey Kong “thing†as a Donkey Kong game.


New Metroid game: Likelihood: likely. Nintendo has said Prime 3 was the last in the Prime series, but that in no way means it’s the end of the Metroid franchise. Imagine Galaxy’s gameplay, and imagine the possibilities of that style of gameplay applied to a Metroid game. Hum… sounds good.


Final Fantasy. Likelihood: unlikely. By FF, I mean a proper FF RPG. The FF series has always (as in “since FF7â€) been known to shock and awe us with it’s technological prowess, and the Wii just isn’t the hardware to show off fancy graphics, and SquareEnix is investing A LOT in the PS3 version, so I really don’t see this happening anytime soon. But if the Wii continues to conquer the world in the years to come, the PS3 fails to pick up steam, and FF’s sales suffer, SquareEnix just might start looking for alternatives.


Metal Gear 4. Likelihood: unsure. Same as above.


GTA. Likelihood: possible. Personally, I’m not a fan of the GTA series. While I did enjoy San Andreas, I always felt it was only an average game that owed its success largely to the “freedom of choice†hype, meaning that you can kill whoever you want, whenever you want. But I name GTA in my wish list for two reasons: first, I’m a Nintendo fan, and it’s obvious the tremendous boost GTA would give to the Wii, and second, if done right, the Wiimote could really push the series to new heights. GTA on a Nintendo console is no longer outside the realm of possibility for a number of reasons. Take-two, like many “hardcore centric†companies, such as Valve, publicly acknowledged the lack of Wii and DS support was an “obvious hole in their strategyâ€, and they are working to change that. Gone are the days when M-rated games just “didn’t belong†on Nintendo’s systems. Success really has the power to change how people view things, and whatever its problems, Manhunt 2 dealt the killing blow in this already faltering notion. I see this happening in the form of a GTA-spin-off at first, rather than GTA 4, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn in one or two years from now that Rockstar is readying a Wii-bound GTA.


Viewtiful Joe 3. Likelihood: Likely. The most viewtiful game ever. ‘Nuff said.


Pikmin 3. Likelihood: very likely. Pikmin seems like a perfect fit on the Wii. It was a critical and commercial success on the Gamecube, and the RTS genre is perfectly suited to the Wii. Heck, Miyamoto himself said so at this year’s E3. Personally, I think Pikmin has a huge potential. The RTS genre, coupled with the cute “garden settingâ€, just might allow Nintendo to make a great game that blurs even further the line between a game and an “activityâ€.

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Baten Kaitos sequel. Likelihood: Certain, Nintendo bought the developer.


Eternal Darkness remake. Likelihood: Dennis Dyack said he wanted to make another ED game, but they would have to colaborate with Nintendo on it as Nintendo own a patent to the insanity effect.


Resident Evil 5. Likelihood: You have no chance unless it bombs on next gen consoles.


New Donkey Kong game. Likelihood: Probably gunna happen at some point.


New Metroid game: Likelihood: Seems fairly certain, but i wouldn't expect it this generation.


Final Fantasy. Likelihood: Not whilst Sony have anything to do with it.


Metal Gear 4. Likelihood: Same as above.


GTA. Likelihood: I'd eat my own testicals if this ever came on the Wii.


Viewtiful Joe 3. Likelihood: Very unlikely, even though Clover reformed into Seeds, Capcom have the rights for the franchise and the previous 2 games sold like crap.


Pikmin 3. Likelihood: Will probably come out after EAD have finished with Mario Kart Wii.

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A Wii wish list? Nice idea, let's see if I can come up with some.


Star Fox: Back to the Roots (tentative title) A Star Fox game that goes back to the old Lylat Wars formula, just with Wii-fied controls and sticking to the current storyline (with Krystal - you all how much I like her :p). Since Nintendo tried it with Assault (just without luck), the likelihood of such a game seems to be: Very Likely


Shooter: Red Steel/Corruption Combo There are already a number of shooters for the Wii, and although I enjoyed Red Steel, I think it can be done better. What I really want is a shooter that doesn't just sell on the Wii-shooter controls, but also has nice graphics (at least better than Red Steel) and an interesting storyline. Corruption does it well, but it's also a sci-fi adventure game - I'm thinking a shooter in a Red Steel world done on Corruption level. Since both the idea and the technical aspects have been done, it shouldn't be very hard to combine. I deem the likelihood: Very Likely


Fantasy Fencing The idea has been touched upon by Red Steel - the technical aspects just needs to be vastly improved: Better sensitivity (not stronger - better), more accurate controls (complete real-life movements are not needed, but it can be done a lot better than in Red Steel), and RPG-like storyline and possibilites. Boiled down to four words: Oblivion on the Wii. Likelihood: Likely


Wow, I'm starting to sound like some spoiled brat. That was not intended. :p

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Skies of Arcadia sequal/prequal


The first was an incredible game. It conveyed a sense of adventure like few other games have been able to acheive. The story, though unoriginal, was well paced, and frequently moving, and the customisation options were great. A new battle system and no more random battles would make a sequal god-like.


Star Wars Lightsaber game


I know I say this in every thread like this, but swinging a lightsaber around wit the Wii controller needs to be done, and if it isn't, god help me, I will kill.


Shenmue 3


This could come out on any system and i'd crap myslef with excitement. But the idea of picking stuff up in the supermarket with the wii controller and all those other pointless little touches that made the first two great would work better on the Wii than on the other two systems.


Proper Lylat Wars sequal


I want MMORPG. Huge glaxy, flying around, 4 co-op on planets, customisation of your craft and full utilisation o the wii controller.


Pokemon MMORPG


Do it. Now

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A Wii wish list? Nice idea, let's see if I can come up with some.


Star Fox: Back to the Roots (tentative title) A Star Fox game that goes back to the old Lylat Wars formula, just with Wii-fied controls and sticking to the current storyline (with Krystal - you all how much I like her :p). Since Nintendo tried it with Assault (just without luck), the likelihood of such a game seems to be: Very Likely


Sounds good, except in my version Krystal would die within the first five minutes of the game. In fact, the whole first five minutes of the game would be dedicated to Krystal being brutally, but slowly murdered, with a plastic bag on her head while the music and gameplay footage of Lylat Wars play out loudly in front of her.


Then the next ten minutes feature the ENTIRE (including families, vague acquaintances and pets) staff of Rare making a collective apology for Starfox Adventures, pointing out where they went wrong and showing in each case who responsible for each mistake. (This may take longer than ten minutes, but it's what everyone deserves)


Then there would be a DAMN GOOD explanation from Namco as to why they chose to Keep Krystal as a Character and relegate Peppy to supporting role, when he was the most ass-kicking of all the wingmen in Lylat Wars. And then there would be an apology from the Director of the game for all of the On-Foot levels - no developers, I really would not be able to contend with seeing their faces.


Then, the whole series would be retconned to an event just after Lylat Wars and everyone would pretend that the years since its release were the dream of a drunken weasel and everything would be okay.

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Sounds good, except in my version Krystal would die within the first five minutes of the game. In fact, the whole first five minutes of the game would be dedicated to Krystal being brutally, but slowly murdered, with a plastic bag on her head while the music and gameplay footage of Lylat Wars play out loudly in front of her.


Then the next ten minutes feature the ENTIRE (including families, vague acquaintances and pets) staff of Rare making a collective apology for Starfox Adventures, pointing out where they went wrong and showing in each case who responsible for each mistake. (This may take longer than ten minutes, but it's what everyone deserves)


Then there would be a DAMN GOOD explanation from Namco as to why they chose to Keep Krystal as a Character and relegate Peppy to supporting role, when he was the most ass-kicking of all the wingmen in Lylat Wars. And then there would be an apology from the Director of the game for all of the On-Foot levels - no developers, I really would not be able to contend with seeing their faces.


Then, the whole series would be retconned to an event just after Lylat Wars and everyone would pretend that the years since its release were the dream of a drunken weasel and everything would be okay.


Someone get this guy an award....followed quickly by a beer.

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Why do people hate Star Fox Adventures and Krystal so much? I know the game was a huge and an awkward jump from the old formula, but remember it was originally not a Star Fox game. And for an adventure game, it was quite good.


No it wasn't.


Why apologise for making a fantastic game? If Miyamoto hadn't made Rare shove Star Fox characters into it, people would probably like it a lot more.


No they wouldn't, it was terrible.


You beat me to it. Dinosaur Planet started out as an honest Zelda clone


A very bad Zelda clone.

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Sounds good, except in my version Krystal would die within the first five minutes of the game. In fact, the whole first five minutes of the game would be dedicated to Krystal being brutally, but slowly murdered, with a plastic bag on her head while the music and gameplay footage of Lylat Wars play out loudly in front of her.


Then the next ten minutes feature the ENTIRE (including families, vague acquaintances and pets) staff of Rare making a collective apology for Starfox Adventures, pointing out where they went wrong and showing in each case who responsible for each mistake. (This may take longer than ten minutes, but it's what everyone deserves)


Then there would be a DAMN GOOD explanation from Namco as to why they chose to Keep Krystal as a Character and relegate Peppy to supporting role, when he was the most ass-kicking of all the wingmen in Lylat Wars. And then there would be an apology from the Director of the game for all of the On-Foot levels - no developers, I really would not be able to contend with seeing their faces.


Then, the whole series would be retconned to an event just after Lylat Wars and everyone would pretend that the years since its release were the dream of a drunken weasel and everything would be okay.

Legend post :bowdown:


But SFA was by all means a reasonable game :smile:

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I'm with Iun, this isn't really the place to debate this but Starfox Adventures was a boring, mediocre insult to the starfox franchise. The point that it may have been a different game to begin with doesn't change the fact it was distinctly average and mondane.

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Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remakes


It's very doubtful the Wii will ever see Resi 5, but Capcom now have confirmation that the market for Resi games is there on the Wii, with Resi 4 Wii Edition [despite being the third edition of the game] having shipped over 1,000,000 copies!

Capcom also can't deny the continued success of the console and so I envisage more Resi from them in the future.

Now Capcom could get a development team together and get Resi 6 ready for Wii [using the Resi 4 Wii engine], but that's extremely unlikely with everyone focusing on Resi 5!


With Resi 0 and Resi 1 having up to scratch edition, that leaves Capcom with Resi 2, 3 and CV remakes.

After Resi 4, Leon, Ada and Wesker are now fresh in the minds of gamers and so Resi 2 seems the most obvious choice!

Hopefully followed by the other two!?


Likelyhood: Good!


Wii Sports Golf


Wii Sports Golf, but an entire game.

The beauty lies in the simple controls [accessible and fun for everyone], the great graphical style, and Mii's!


Likelyhood: Next to none!


Star Wars Wii


Wii-mote Lightsaber, Motion force powers etc...

It would be crazy if this was never made, I just can't believe there's been no news of it already! and therefore not sure if we'll ever see it!


Likelyhood: Maybe!


Shenmue 3


Don't really need to say anymore!

I want to know how the story ends........ damn you Sega, damn you!!


Likelihood: Next to none [though I think it would most likely happen on Wii]

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Wii Sports Golf


Wii Sports Golf, but an entire game.

The beauty lies in the simple controls [accessible and fun for everyone], the great graphical style, and Mii's!


Likelyhood: Next to none!


My friend, who was at a developer's conference with Nintendo when they were showing how to use WiiWare development tools, said a minigolf game was shown off. I'm not sure if it was just a tech demo, but Nintendo could be releasing that next year.

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Animal Crossing Wii:


More variety, out of town online shopping experience maintained by NPCs. Ability to visit other people's towns. Duh.


Link to the weather Channel for real-world weather, except in Winter when there should always be snow :)


Bring Christmas back: I don't care who you pissed off having that in the first one, you pissed me off by taking it out.


Competing stores in ton for competition: bring in sale days and have th stores vying for business.


Out of town offline experiences -for example visiting an island, a trip to a mountain village - just anything to get out of the everyday town.


An arcade to play minigames in, with the owner upgrading the more money you put into it like Nooks.


More furniture series to collect so the selection on sale doesn't get boring. Maybe have separate stores for separate things - carpet shop, sofa store etc.


New collectables, such as books you can read to help stock up the town library. These could range from AC mythology to fun facts.


Generally more to do.

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A new Jedi Knight game for the Wii could be great. It was always the best series of games for lightsaber combat, and coupled with the Wii remote it could be breathtaking!


I'd really like to see Quake III Arena made for the Wii too. Failing that, there's the browser-based version that Id are working on - provided Opera can run it, that is.

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Baten Kaitos sequel


Eternal Darkness


New Donkey Kong game


Final Fantasy


Viewtiful Joe 3


Pikmin 3


All good ideas right there. What would I add? I'm not sure actually, some new games would be nice too. Though we are yet to get the first Wii Fire Emblem, I'd like to see a proper Wii one follow it. By that I mean, put some Wii specific controls in!


Also, this could be Wiiware but... Chu Chu Rocket!

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Why would you want such a huge amount of sequels?


When I was thinking about my wish list, I was thinking about existing games and\or franchises that I would like to see on the Wii, I was not thinking about ideas for new games. That said, as long as the sequel as as good as the predecessors, I say bring them on!:smile:


As for Star Fox, I think I'm going to be shot for saying this, but I really enjoyed Star Fox Adventures, probably for two reasons: I NEVER played a Star Fox game in my life, before or after Adventures, and I was fully aware this was Dinosaur Planet with Star Fox characters, not a "proper" SF game. So I was free to enjoy the game as it was, free of that "WTF HAVE THEY DONE TO MY BELOVED FRANCHISE" feeling. But Star Fox is a great fit for the Wii, and I'd be definitely interested if\when it came out.


Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remakes


That's not going to happen, mostly because Umbrella Chronicles goes through the entire story, from RE0 to RE4, including Code Veronica and new areas and story elements, so I don't see Capcom investing in remakes of 9-7 years old games about a story they already told. And if RE6 ever finds its way to the Wii, I bet we'll see RE5 before.


Star Wars lightsaber? Rejoice, we already have Lego Star Wars!!! Ok, just kidding... i have no interest in a "Lego Star Wars" game, but I would LOVE to SW on the Wii. Where's the petition?


Shenmue 3


Man.. don't talk about Shenmue, it brings tears to my eyes... ever since I first heard about Shenmue, I was fascinated by the game. It was the sole reason I almost bought a Dreamcast once. Crap, why oh why do I have to live where vidogames are so prohibitively expensive? :( In all these years, I only played 20 minutes of Shenmue 2 at a friend's house, and it only made me feel sadder I could never enjoy this game. if they ever remade the first two for the Wii and launched the third... I'd be first in line!

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That's not going to happen, mostly because Umbrella Chronicles goes through the entire story, from RE0 to RE4, including Code Veronica and new areas and story elements, so I don't see Capcom investing in remakes of 9-7 years old games about a story they already told. And if RE6 ever finds its way to the Wii, I bet we'll see RE5 before.
You have much to learn over confident one!


Resi:UC covers Resi 0, 1, 3 and the new Umbrella base [plus hidden missions].


Resi 2, CV and Resi 4 are not in the game.


Hence the chance of a Resi 2 remake!

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