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Its the correct word for alot of idiots in society who go around acting like complete shit heads to everyone and everything.


Its not about what clothes they wear, what music. Its the attitude and its just plain wrong.


The majority of people where i live are chavs. Stereotype chavs aswell.


It doesn't help having the local chav head quarters (Sports World main building/warhouse) being the main place where they all go to work and get their track suites fromI In my town.

  Strider said:
The majority of people where i live are chavs. Stereotype chavs aswell.


It doesn't help having the local chav head quarters (Sports World main building/warhouse) being the main place where they all go to work and get their track suites fromI In my town.


Wahahahahaha! Its true, Sports world is Chav central, all your chavvy necessities under one roof.


  Jordan said:

Its the correct word for alot of idiots in society who go around acting like complete shit heads to everyone and everything.


Its not about what clothes they wear, what music. Its the attitude and its just plain wrong.


Hmm...so a thugish, anti-social prick = Chav?...I always thought is was just about the fashion, like those Welsh rappers.

  King_V said:
Hmm...so a thugish, anti-social prick = Chav?...I always thought is was just about the fashion, like those Welsh rappers.


Yeah, that sums it up well.


It's a generational thing, with every generation there is a bunch of arseholes who fall under a label, when I was young the term was 'blad', they would more than likely be the parents of todays chavs. Is it discrimination to be wary of arseholes, no, it's common sense.

  King_V said:

Hmm...so a thugish, anti-social prick = Chav?...I always thought is was just about the fashion, like those Welsh rappers.

Wrong. They have to have those traits plus the bad clothing.

Also Those welsh rappers you refer to arent chavs.


I use the term chav for the people that hang around on streets at night, are anti-social, take drugs, are violent/ wear the classic clothes they are associated with.


Social racism my arse.

  gaggle64 said:
I think the correct term is "elitism"


I agree, to the point that I think I am better than them as I can entertain myself by doing something other than being an anti-social little fuckwit.


hang outside spar-co-op or some shop all day

dress in nothing but tracksuit or t-shirts with "lonsdale"-"umbro" etc on it

make ***** of themselves at every given moment

go "innit spar" and "clart"

prob left school at age of 14

started smoking at 12

now in a dead end job as they wont go and get qualifications (unless bricklaying)

mod there cars and blast out awful music

listening to 50 cent, trance etc

they swear at you but if you swear back they suddenly have a prob

cheap rings and jewellery




now thats stereotyping



some chavs i have met are alright to be fair...the list above is the generalisation of what some people regard chavs to be



when there young they are ***** but in cases ive seen they say like "o i was a right **** back then"...they still wear tracksuits etc but are alright guys just have to look past the stereotype



its like them calling people emos, sweaties, goths etc its just culture

  BeerMonkey said:
hang outside spar-co-op or some shop all day

dress in nothing but tracksuit or t-shirts with "lonsdale"-"umbro" etc on it

make ***** of themselves at every given moment

go "innit spar" and "clart"

prob left school at age of 14

started smoking at 12

now in a dead end job as they wont go and get qualifications (unless bricklaying)

mod there cars and blast out awful music

listening to 50 cent, trance etc

they swear at you but if you swear back they suddenly have a prob

cheap rings and jewellery



I think your generalisations are a bit too far spread BeerMonkey. I have a pair of Lonsdale trainers, listen to trance and have taken drugs. I don't think there characteristics are enough to label myself; or anyone for that matter as being a 'chav' though.

  gaggle64 said:
I think the correct term is "elitism", and in my personal opinion, yes.


Yeah, it is. Nothing wrong with most chavs either, I know some lovely people that get called chavs just because of what they wear or look like. They're are obviously a load of dickheads as well, but hey, what social class doesn't have it's share of bigoted shitstains?


  Fuzpoy said:
The word chav is an insult as it means theif, but to call it racism i think thats too far.


It actually stands for "council house, and violent," apparently.


Council house thing is unfair, I'm sorry. But just becuase someone lives in a council house that would not make them a "chav".


I use the erm chav to describe someone with all the traits I mentioned, I.e violent, drugs, anti social and a total arsehole. I don't just calls someone who where's the clothes a chav. If that makes sense.


Hahaha "Council Housed and Violent"...Though the whole chav topic can be hilarious, I can't help but feel the elitism when a (self-proclaimed) non-chav labels others as chavs...Come on, its an insult. The 'Chavs' I know are pretty sound and down to earth. Whats so wrong with wearing tracksuits? Their very comfortable actually, why do jeans have to be the norm for the whole population? Whats wrong with modding your car? Is individualism so bad? The only possible 'anti-social' problem I can see is the loud music. I guess I am a chav for my love of Adidas tracksuits, jewellery, trainers and music with a bit of bass....:/


I don't know, we seem to love singling out people who do things different. I would like to know who the so-called 'non-chavs' are and what you do?


Oh yeah and the social 'racism' term does not mean racism in the terminology we know it to be.

  King_V said:
Hahaha "Council Housed and Violent"...Though the whole chav topic can be hilarious, I can't help but feel the elitism when a (self-proclaimed) non-chav labels others as chavs...Come on, its an insult. The 'Chavs' I know are pretty sound and down to earth. Whats so wrong with wearing tracksuits? Their very comfortable actually, why do jeans have to be the norm for the whole population? Whats wrong with modding your car? Is individualism so bad? The only possible 'anti-social' problem I can see is the loud music.


I don't know, we seem to love singling out people who do things different. I would like to know who the so-called 'non-chavs' are and what you do?


I think people are just getting mixed up with what they are calling a chav tbh. Someone who wears a tracksuit is not a chav. If people think thats a good definition, then they're just plain stupid.

  King_V said:
Hahaha "Council Housed and Violent"...Though the whole chav topic can be hilarious, I can't help but feel the elitism when a (self-proclaimed) non-chav labels others as chavs...Come on, its an insult. The 'Chavs' I know are pretty sound and down to earth. Whats so wrong with wearing tracksuits? Their very comfortable actually, why do jeans have to be the norm for the whole population? Whats wrong with modding your car? Is individualism so bad? The only possible 'anti-social' problem I can see is the loud music. I guess I am a chav for my love of Adidas tracksuits, jewellery, trainers and music with a bit of bass....:/


I don't know, we seem to love singling out people who do things different. I would like to know who the so-called 'non-chavs' are and what you do?


Oh yeah and the social 'racism' term does not mean racism in the terminology we know it to be.


Yeah the chavs you know are different to the assholes i'm thinking of, when i say chav bastards i mean these faggots that threw a rock at my head.

  AshMat said:
Yeah the chavs you know are different to the assholes i'm thinking of, when i say chav bastards i mean these faggots that threw a rock at my head.


Exactly. Thats exactly what I mean aswell.

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