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There's gonna be 3D remakes of all 6 films.
I think it may just be the original 3 films, but you could be right!


I also found these Episode 7-9 scripts;


Episode 7;


Episode 8;


Episode 9;



Why they say by George Lucas I don't know, because I can't see this is how he imagines the story being told but who knows.


Personally I don't like these stories (though they do work/make good sense);

I prefer the story about Luke falling under the power of the Emperor and then finishing him!

Though both share similarities!

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I just watched episodes 1,2,3 back to back today which was totally awesome :D, and plan to watch 4-6 tomorrow which will be even more awesome.


Star Wars is easily the greatest story ever told, love it to bits and always well nothing can touch it.

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Guest Ray Falling

Cool this has now turned into a Starwars Hell yeah! tread n_n.


A minor detail was bothering me. In the episodes 4 5 6 we see the droids r2d2 and c3po. Now I always thought: "the vuc!!! They know all that has happened!!!"


But then in episode 3 they wipe the memory of the droids so they cant remember everything tha has happened. Problem solved.


Now; Chewbacca on the other hand, he was there when Yoda escaped. You might also say he was involved with the Clone war. But he never mentions any of it to Han (who he later works with) or Luke or anyone for that matter 0_0. That kinda frustrates me.

Maybe he just cant really talk whahahahha T_T.


Also, In one of the movies its says Yoda is 800 years old or 700...I think on The Empire strikes Back. but then when he dies in uhm Return of the jedi i think they mention somewere that yoda was 900. But if there was so much time between these episodes...the rest of em would all be dead n_n.


anyway thats just some things I noticed n_n AWWW I loves starwars

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I demand a sequal to "The Clone Wars" cartoons. Fantastic plot, action, voice acting. It was all there, everything. The fight with the female sith wannabe and Anakin whilst it was raining was... amazing.


*goes and watches it again*

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I demand a sequal to "The Clone Wars" cartoons. Fantastic plot, action, voice acting. It was all there, everything. The fight with the female sith wannabe and Anakin whilst it was raining was... amazing.


*goes and watches it again*

There is a second DVD that i think i saw about in the shop on http://www.starwars.com; not sure when it's out though (or did you already know about this one?)


It's annoying Chewbacca and Yoda don't meet in Episodes 4-6, as they are good friends and would have much to talk about!

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does any one know if there gonar be like a 6 film boxset of the star wars saga?, kind of like the LotR special extended edition box set any time soon, becasue the only reason i am holding off from buying the Sw dvd's, is that i know some time soon the willl be a super collectors boxset, its only a matter of time when


so any one any ideas?

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does any one know if there gonar be like a 6 film boxset of the star wars saga?, kind of like the LotR special extended edition box set any time soon, becasue the only reason i am holding off from buying the Sw dvd's, is that i know some time soon the willl be a super collectors boxset, its only a matter of time when


so any one any ideas?

It's been talked about, but it's not been confirmed!


I'm waiting for a complete 6 film boxset aswell (though I have 1,2 on DVD and 4,5,6 on video) because it's likely to be the final release of the films and George will have made any final changes that he wants to make.

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yeah i doubt they are written by george lucas but they are quite good stories actually. Some things wouldnt work like Luke having a son! Jedi are not allowed to have the sex look what happened to anakin! :P


In the new republic I believe they are. They need to get some Jedi fast from somewhere, I know Luke has a child with Mara Jade.

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Ive seen part of a remestered scene from episode one. im guessing its for the 6-disk box set.


Watch the "The Chosen One" feature on Episode 3. Theres a part from Episode one with a CGI Yoda saying "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate...leads to suffering"

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Watch the "The Chosen One" feature on Episode 3. Theres a part from Episode one with a CGI Yoda saying "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate...leads to suffering"
I'm glad they've made Yoda CGI in Episode 1, he looked out of place when you watch it after Episodes 2 or 3!

Wonder if George will redo Yoda in Episodes 4,5,6? (doubt it)


I like that saying of Yoda's and I think it's cool how that's the exact path Anakin falls down;

Fear (of losing Padme)

leads to anger (towards the Jedi Council for holding him back and for feeling helpless towards Padme),

anger leads to hate (anger has consumed Anakin and he tells Obi-Wan he hates him),

hate leads to suffering (his actions cause him to loose everything that matters to him and live a life of suffering over what he's done!)

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In the new republic I believe they are. They need to get some Jedi fast from somewhere, I know Luke has a child with Mara Jade.

Yeah cause in the expanded universe luke and marajade have ben skywalker and leia and han have jacen and jania (twins) and anakin solo.

There a bit of Star Wars History :D

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rogue leader is awesome! thats the first game i ever played on the gamecube. love it.




Its the only game that was bought with the Cube that I still play, only completed it at the beginning of summer, that last mission was giving me helluva lot of trouble.

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