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PS3 Price Cut... and Wii still sells more

Zechs Merquise

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Wheres the ignore ignorance button?


I'm being ignorant?! Listen, I own a 360 and a Wii, I know when a game's been rushed. For instance Halo 3, most of the development time seems to have gone into multiplayer, the single player seems like a one week job. I got to the penultimate mission in two hours last week.


How does a game feel "next gen"?


I was wondering the same thing.

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EHeh it's cool, don't bother.

On the subject of taking time to release, I'd hate Nintendo to do what lots of devs are doing. I'm not even going to talk about the obvious EA games. But, PGR, PES, Ratchet, etc... All games or franchises that I might not like, but respected highly, yet now they churn them out on a yearly basis. I hate that. I'd prefer if they just took their time and release something much better and with lots of new stuff.


Huh? Nintendo are every bit as guilty of this.

Look no further than Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Mario Party, Mario Baseball, Mario Strikers, the Prime series, Wario Ware and Battalion Wars


Not saying they are bad (or good)games, but this lineup looks just like the GC lineup of 1/2 years ago

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Pit, other than Mario Party NONE of those games get released every year! Theres only ever been ONE Baseball, ONE Battallion Wars, ONE Strikers!! And they wont be seeing yearly updates. Wario Ware only usually has one per system and Metroid has released three on 5 years (or is it 6 years)? And also you conveniently dont mention Super Mario games, Zelda games, Pikmin etc etc.

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Pit, other than Mario Party NONE of those games get released every year! Theres only ever been ONE Baseball, ONE Battallion Wars, ONE Strikers!! And they wont be seeing yearly updates. Wario Ware only usually has one per system and Metroid has released three on 5 years (or is it 6 years)? And also you conveniently dont mention Super Mario games, Zelda games, Pikmin etc etc.


All im saying is, lets not pretend that Nintendo doesnt released barely-evolved sequels and spin-offs.


Also i mentioned several Mario games, without even mentioning Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Super Paper Mario, or Mario Olympics. And thats just their Wii lineup.


I was faintly excited about what Nintendo would do with WiiWare. But as expected, they launch it with Mario and Pokemon


I realize that creating new IPs is a luxury in this industry, but seriously, who better to afford it than Nintendo.

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All im saying is, lets not pretend that Nintendo doesnt released barely-evolved sequels and spin-offs.


Also i mentioned several Mario games, without even mentioning Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Super Paper Mario, or Mario Olympics. And thats just their Wii lineup.


I was faintly excited about what Nintendo would do with WiiWare. But as expected, they launch it with Mario and Pokemon


I realize that creating new IPs is a luxury in this industry, but seriously, who better to afford it than Nintendo.


The games you mentioned are individual franchises, and the quality of them is higher than the usual spin-offs and licenses from people like EA. And WiiWare's launching with a Mario game?

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The games you mentioned are individual franchises, and the quality of them is higher than the usual spin-offs and licenses from people like EA. And WiiWare's launching with a Mario game?


That's highly debatable.


Wii Ware is launching with Dr. Mario

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I'm being ignorant?! Listen, I own a 360 and a Wii, I know when a game's been rushed. For instance Halo 3, most of the development time seems to have gone into multiplayer, the single player seems like a one week job. I got to the penultimate mission in two hours last week.




So what would you call TP or WW? Not rushed?...And just because a game lacks in one department (Halo's single player) it does not mean it lacks longevity (its multiplayer). I got Command & Conquer Tibrium wars in spring and I am still playing it online daily on average, even though its single player is less involving.


The games you mentioned are individual franchises, and the quality of them is higher than the usual spin-offs and licenses from people like EA.


Very debatable. But I guess thas just your opinion. If I had to choose between Fifa 08 and Mario Strikers, I'd go for Fifa for its depth of gameplay/modes and fairly respectable online mode, which can't be said for Strikers.

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What gets me about people's responses is that I'm a Nintendo fan, as I stated earlier, and I came here to discuss Nintendo with other Nintendo fans.


For the last two generations Nintendo has been the butt of a lot of jokes in the industry and from fans, websites and developers. Nintendo were called 'kiddy', Nintendo had a 'software shortage', there was 'no third party support', the N64 used cartridges, the Gamecube was purple, no DVD play back, Mario with everything... I could go on.


Playstation stormed the amrket and took it by stranglehold. As a Nintendo fan I stuck by them and have had some great years, but the Nintendo were mocked, as were the 'fanboys' who stuck by them.


Now Nintendo is back on top I'm over the moon, I've been waiting for this for a long time now. I don't want Nintendo to end up turning out like SEGA. I think those who want to should be able to have their celebration, and if they want also have a laugh at SONY.


So what if we want to laugh? SONY is a big company and people mock companies all the time when they make mistakes. Plenty of people laughed at Nintendo's fortunes when they were down.


What goes around comes around, and SONY brutally dominated the market for two generations, and now they're being squeezed out and financially hurt. As far as I'm concerne, I'm happy Nintendo are back on top.


Nintendo aren't just another company, they're not like a manufacturer of frozen food or tyres or timber. They've given me wonderful memories and have entertained and amused me for years.


I feel like I have a bond with those consoles as I've spent hours with them and grown up with the wonderful characters in the games. If it makes me a fanboy, fine. But I'm sure I'm not alone...


Look at football teams, are supporters 'idiots' and 'fanboys' because they want the team they back to win? No. They're just expressing something about a company (most large teams are companies they're not run for the good of the supporters are they? they're made to make money!) that they love.


So I support a console and a company. It's nothing odd or weird. I just have a fondness for Nintendo as after all, they've given me some great times that I'll never forget.

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I agree with Zechs. If people here don't like Nintendo anymore or don't feel like they deserve sales, fair enough, that's your opinion. It justs seems like a few of you are trying to change the opinions of others, and I find that unfair. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is Wii discussion, we're talking about (or were talking about) sales and how the tide has turned on Sony. We don't come into the PS3 thread and say "LOL SONY IS T3H SUXXORZ".

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Very nicely said Zechs.


There's no harm in trying to change people's opinions, if done in a two-sided discussion, where each party is open to the other. Fact of the matter is, as soon as that condition isn't fulfilled, we're no longer having a discussion or a conversation, but two people monologuing, with everybody else listening except for the two actually involved.

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New gameplay features. They should give you the feeling that Resi4 did when you first played it.


I'm actually loving MP3 atm though; makes ya wish you could see what retro could do on a 360...


So you mean graphics basically (in regards to the 360 comment)? Apart from online, which can be done on the Wii anyway, the only improvement would be graphics, and even then the controls would be lost.

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A game feels next gen when the advancement in technology provides a whole new, exciting experience that could not have been possible with the hardware from the prior generation. That's what I think anyway.


exactly. I don't see the Wii (yet) having that next BIG jump in gameplay that will make everyone go 'wow', but i do reckon it wil perfect what has gone before it.

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hey should give you the feeling that Resi4 did when you first played it.


So "same old, but looks a tiny bit more realistic while still looking absolutely nothing like anything real"?




Somebody asked me what I thought next generation meant and what about the PlayStation 3 was next generation. The only next-gen system I've seen is the Wii - the PS3 and the Xbox 360 feel like better versions of the last' date=' but pretty much the same game with incremental improvement[/quote']
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Goron, why would you love to see what Retro could do on the 360? Make worse games is the only thing i can think of. You said you played Metroid 3 - its amazing BECAUSE of the controls!! The 360 would be a massive backward step in my eyes. But yeah, it woud lok a little prettier...

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Originally Posted by Mr. 'The Sims'

Somebody asked me what I thought next generation meant and what about the PlayStation 3 was next generation. The only next-gen system I've seen is the Wii - the PS3 and the Xbox 360 feel like better versions of the last, but pretty much the same game with incremental improvement


What a load of flawed rubbish.


Ofcourse there are incremental improvements look at Mario Galaxy and SSB. Question is how is Wii advancing games? By going backwards? By having rubbish games? By adding a new control method? Its doing it in its own way. Is Wii really any different?


I think the package is unique (wii mote 'focus') but the games themselves arent whatsoever. What we are getting is the equivalent of fast food being introduced to gaming. Low standards all around in regards to Wii.

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What a load of flawed rubbish.


Ofcourse there are incremental improvements look at Mario Galaxy and SSB. Question is how is Wii advancing games? By going backwards? By having rubbish games? By adding a new control method? Its doing it in its own way. Is Wii really any different?



AGREED! The Wii is unique, but NOT revolutionary - it is nothing we have not done before. Just how 'revolutionary' is the software we are getting?

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I still consider Wii sports revolutionary. Some people will laugh, go ahead. But when i'm seeing people play videos games who have never been able to grasp them before, well then I look at it and think, there you go, its done something new. Now if you don't like it fine. Maybe its not for you. Go buy something else, its not like nintendo needs your business at the moment. Buy a 360, they're great, honestly. But the fact the of the matter is that Nintendo revolutionised the way games are played, not just in control method but in the simplicity and approachability of games, and people like it. Its revolutionary.

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AGREED! The Wii is unique, but NOT revolutionary - it is nothing we have not done before. Just how 'revolutionary' is the software we are getting?


I disagree, the Wii is revolutionary. It's a completely new way of playing games as a standard. It's not a peripheral, it's not an extra, it's a new standard. It's a revolution in the way we play and the level of immersion in gaming. It's also rapidly redefining gaming and changing the whole landscape of the market.


The PS3 and the 360 are merely evolutionary in everything they do. Not a bad thing. But they're not revolutionary, they're not redefining anything about gaming.

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It's also rapidly redefining gaming and changing the whole landscape of the market.


Indeed. No matter what certain trolls want to believe, future will be waggle one and all next-gen consoles will feature motion sensors. This itself will change face of the industry permanently. In that way, Wii is quite revolutionary. Of course, if you are adolescenced, no-life chav whose definition of revolution is higher resolution, bald space marines, and overpriced online service, you will never understand this.


And with this message, I will leave. I'm so tired of you fucktards that I'm simply leaving Revo-Europe. It is incredible how none of you have any kind of common sense. You idiots swing from extreme to extreme, with everybody lying, ignoring, or simply forgetting facts to suit your current agenda. This place is so full of venom, that I can't really understand why I have stayed so long.


Adios amigos.

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In my opinion:


When Wii Fit launches Wii-mania will be unstoppable. Coupled with games like 1080, Tony Hawk and maybe FPS games - thus utilising the board AND the wiimote; games could conceivably be more invigorating, immersive and awe-inspiring than any games released on any other format.


Wii Sports opened many peoples eyes to new ways of immersion and the power of play. I really believe Wii Fit will enable people to fully see that 'gaming' can be so much more.

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In my opinion:


When Wii Fit launches Wii-mania will be unstoppable. Coupled with games like 1080, Tony Hawk and maybe FPS games - thus utilising the board AND the wiimote; games could conceivably be more invigorating, immersive and awe-inspiring than any games released on any other format.


Wii Sports opened many peoples eyes to new ways of immersion and the power of play. I really believe Wii Fit will enable people to fully see that 'gaming' can be so much more.

This quote deserves a QFT ^_^

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