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Got payed to play Disgaea 3 and try out the new downloadable content on FF:CC:MLaaK. [sarcasm]Fun.[/sarcasm]


Life has become incredibly dull recently. I can't wait until everyone's exams have finished.

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Well yeah that's why he asked.


Fair enough. I was asked to evaluate it. Take from that what you will, I won't say more about it because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to (probably am but better to be safe than sorry). I'll tell you one thing, it was pretty fun.

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Outside perspective


Ok, i realised today that i may fail computing...


D at AS (nearly a C) and a B in the Coursework, but i failed unit 4 in jan D=

We are still learning things for unit 5 (unit 6 was cwk) and my teacher has taken to using wikipedia to explain things, ugh he knows nothing. I have ordered a text book to help me, its like my only hope =[


What exam board?

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I think I've said enough. Looks like a PS2 game, I said they should make it a PSN game. I'd probably actually get it then.


It should have been a PSP game really. I find it more suited to portable than console.


Anyway ; jealous.


Disgaeas like one of my favourite game series now. I am in fact going to play it in a minute.


Is it just me, or is MoogleViper awesome?


Hes awesome.

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If you don't mind me asking Dante, what's wrong with him?


My dad has cirrhosis and needs a new liver soon.


Sorry to hear that Dante, whats the update? :(



Nothing much ReZourceman, just that he gets in pain sometimes and he has been moved back to Liverpool from Leeds St James.

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My day was pretty good!


I had a lie in, and had pasta/hot chocolate for breakfast :D


Then I tidied my desk - it went from this:





to this!




ok, its tidy by my standards!!



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