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My skin is itching, my teeth are pulsating and I keep realising that I'm groaning. I'm trying to think whether I'm useful or not, because there's no art in my glass. Perhaps I spilt it, perhaps I drank it... Guilt? Bred by humility. Are we allowed to be proud? I'm really not looking forward to my mid-life crisis. ETC.


I got poo on my leg the other day.

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I may say, you seem to have an inordinately intense course. I'd probably cave in in under a week. >.<


Hahah yeah, it's madness. It's really too much to keep up with, so now they're thinking about making things a bit easier (at least for the people coming in the years after me, so no luck for me).


Ah well, almost halfway. I'll just be happy if I can make it through these four years. ='3

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My phones screen cracked... I don't have any insurance on it because it would have been so damn expensive. Meaning either:

A) I go without a phone (which isn't a good idea).

B) I buy a new shitty phone

C) I attempt to repair my new one by fitting a new screen or

D) Send it to a Nokia repair centre.


So yeah... another expense something i really didn't need.


Just replace your phone screen yourself.

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Just replace your phone screen yourself.


I don't think you quite get how complicated it is to unscrew an N95.

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My skin is itching, my teeth are pulsating and I keep realising that I'm groaning. I'm trying to think whether I'm useful or not, because there's no art in my glass. Perhaps I spilt it, perhaps I drank it... Guilt? Bred by humility. Are we allowed to be proud? I'm really not looking forward to my mid-life crisis. ETC.


I got poo on my leg the other day.




And Jordan, just get one of those craptacular £10 Payg phones while you get it repaired.

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An eventful night it's been. Tried for an hour to get the 360 connected to my laptop for filre sharing. Won't work. Realised that I can just put it on a portable device and go from there. An hour wasted, but the result was great.

Also came across an awesome website with lots and lots of pictures of good stuff.

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Also came across an awesome website with lots and lots of pictures of good stuff.



Ah, you found Aeris Dies then?

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aaaaaah monday!!! monday is my friday!! tomorrow and wednesday are my days off! it's the weekend!!!!! ^____^

today i received an awesome box of goodies from jamba (which included my heroes t-shirt that i'd left at his house about a million years ago... some english breakfast tea in an awesome underground map tin... a copy of rear window - i was actually in HMV shibuya the other day contemplating buying that!! :eek: jamba, you psychic!... and a little "teacher family" brand lemonade kit... which is a weirder coincidence still - as i dont think i told jamba about the lemon tree we have outside the back door O_O!!!)

nothing much has happened today apart from when i went to take a shower i came face to face with a guy in a black suit standing in the shower room... O_o we scared the crap out of each other!!


yesterday was a really good day too... i went for a walk with my housemate at about 8pm and we basically wandered the neighbourhood until we found the local shrine and park - where we found a dominoes pizza shop and some drinks machines ~ so we sat in the park chatting with our impromptu picnic until about midnight!! haha ^_^ it was great!!

then we came home and i fell asleep talking to jamba on skype ^__^!


...right! off to work to teach small children about shapes and colours and nouns and stuff.

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Ah loverly my ex was texting me last night telling me all sorts of things and in the end I told him it wasn't my business and wish he'd leave me alone for good.


Think I upset him. Bastard.


Meant to have gone c.v handing out today but got down to the bus stop felt horrible and came back again, I hate the effect my ex has on me and it's been months since we spoke to one other apart from last night. eurgh.


So I grabbed some lunch which I'll make in a minute and stay here for the rest of the day and be lazy. grr.

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My router exploded from the lightening this morning ;_;

But it was epic!! At about 6:10 this morn, it was practically right on top of the house, it was so loud!

But yeah, I've got no internet. *is at Jordan's*


Also, my work has a new manager, and I hate her. She is the hugest woman I have ever seen, and its a struggle to get past her as the kitchen/serving area thing is so small! Urghh!!

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I've only been awake 20 minutes, and I've already learnt something.


Vegetable juice is verifiably disgusting.

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I just learned that my cousin was taken to hospital last ngiht for crashing her car, she didn't say what the hell she crashed into she just said "accident".

Ah well, she'll be there for a few days...

I found a penny in the bathroom...my luck is yet to change.

Also i'm starving and theres nothing edible in the house, so i must go shopping ¬_¬

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Well, i hope it has happened otherwise won't be too happy. I think i got someone evicted from thier house today. Half of it is my fault, the other half of the blame is thiers really. Should be getting a phone call later to discuss the bill.


Anywho, weekend was good. Had a band in my local Friday night which got the place heaving at 9pm because they were that good. Saturday was Snooker night and Sunday had an away pool match (by away, literratly up the road). Won that 5-3 which was nice.

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It's annoyingly warm here. I'm lying on my bed, in my underwear (hello pervy comments!) and I'm still sorta sweating. D:

Maybe I'm still ill, because I'm not feeling too great.


Revision is still progressing at a snail's pace. Stupid Renaissance and all its art.

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Just been watching a house sparrow bathing in the dust from our car park.


Got my gym induction later on.

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It's annoyingly warm here. I'm lying on my bed, in my underwear (hello pervy comments!) and I'm still sorta sweating. D:



(temperature wise).

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Ah, you found Aeris Dies then?

Nope, but I have now. Thanks. I found this place.

I woke up at 9 this morning. Then woke up again and got out of bed at 1. Got my wages for the weekend work, and now I can't see the screen because I'm not wearing my glasses.

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Is that hentai? O_O


I recently returned from dinner with Letty. I walked into town, met up with her and we she got some lunch then we sat by the sea front on a bench whilst she ate. After, she walked me back to work. 'Twas lovely.

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Is that hentai? O_O

Both of them? Not specifically. It's more moe.

Which reminds me I had a wierd dream, flying about on a toy helicopter, then it broke and I went to a computer to do something and a friend was sat next to me.

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It's annoyingly warm here. I'm lying on my bed, in my underwear (hello pervy comments!) and I'm still sorta sweating. D:

Maybe I'm still ill, because I'm not feeling too great.


Oddly enough, I'm exactly the same at the moment.

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Oddly enough, I'm exactly the same at the moment.


Hooray for us!

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Oddly enough, I'm exactly the same at the moment.


If i wasn't at work right now i'd be jacking off over that Gaggle ;)

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Hah ha, at least me and Eenuh won't be the only ones sweating in our underwear then. :heh:

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Hah ha, at least me and Eenuh won't be the only ones sweating in our underwear then. :heh:


I think I probably was in my underwear at the time Eenuh posted that too actually. Laptop + wireless + bed = awesome.

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