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Having asthma I have always hated smokers, and going out used to be an issue with me having to use inhaler loads, but I soon got used to that. However even in this short time I have noticed how when I am around smokers how intolerant I have become to it..


I'm 23 now and hope that by the time my (unborn) kids are starting to be grown up smoking has been largely eradicated....

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What i´ve never understood are the people jumping around hoping for praises by going : I´ve never smoked in my life!

Whoop-dee-fucking-doo you made a decision not to use a product that can harm you, just keep it to yourself.

Congrats on knowing how to think

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I don't think its a case of "omg smoking is evil" its really about the people themselves.


I mean.. if you have respect for others you wont smoke near people that are non-smokers. I'm a smoker, and i don't smoke indoors or around other non-smokers.


I don't think smoking is cool. I do it 'cause its my choice. I don't give a crap about killing myself, 'cause in the end we all die sometime.

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i welcome them to take their many cancer sticks, just dont go crying to the nhs when your lungs finally say "fuck you" and go home, but hey, at least you were that little bit cooler in school(worth it im sure)


And why not?

Smokers pay plenty towards the NHS.

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Finally, a smoker gives their opinion on this.


People seem to class all smokers under one label and it's a type of stereotyping at the end of the day. It bugs the hell out of me when people complain about smokers.


Totally. There are a LOT of decent smokers out there who will not light up with friends that do not like smoking.


Im constantly getting reminded about how minging it is and how i will smell horrible and how i will die a hideous death. Well ive got crippling arthritis so i think thats already been decided for me.

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I know and it's not right at all. I don't see how anyone has the right to go around telling people what they're doing is wrong with a perfectly legal choice that has been around for hundreds of years. We're fine to tax the fuck out of smokers but be Damned if they want to smoke in a pub! "With me? In a pub? Get the fuck out of here, I'm trying to kill my liver in a smoke free environment!"

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I know and it's not right at all. I don;t see how anyway has the right to go around telling people what they're doing wrong with a perfectly legal choice that has been around for hundreds of years. We're fine to tax the fuck out of smokers but be Damned if they want to smoke in a pub! "With me? In a pub? Get the fuck out of here, I'm trying to kill my liver in a smoke free environment!"


You just made my day xD

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Finally, a smoker gives their opinion on this.


People seem to class all smokers under one label and it's a type of stereotyping at the end of the day. It bugs the hell out of me when people complain about smokers.


hey! I'm a smoker! There was a similar thread to this not too long ago and the general argument went as follows;


"I choose to smoke, so don't damage my freedom!"

"well I choose to not breathe your smoke so fuck you!"

"ok well I choose to not smoke near you, so stop having a go at me"

"well you only do it because you think it looks cool or your friends do it"

"shut up"


and repeat.

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hey! I'm a smoker! There was a similar thread to this not too long ago and the general argument went as follows;


"I choose to smoke, so don't damage my freedom!"

"well I choose to not breathe your smoke so fuck you!"

"ok well I choose to not smoke near you, so stop having a go at me"

"well you only do it because you think it looks cool or your friends do it"

"shut up"


and repeat.


I've lost track of how many anti smoking threads there's been, they always end up the same way though.

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It doesn't stop from being stupid. I'm sorry, I just don't understand how someone gives 3€ (~2£) for a suicide device, no matter what's the reason for your choice. And yes they've been doing it for hundreds of years, but they didn't know about its consequences back then, people just died of something.

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When people smoke away from others it's fine. But you cvannot deny that there aren't many people who selfishly smoke around others.


100% agree. Smokers who smoke around non-smokers are being very selfish. They want to slowly kill themselves, fine, but doing ti to other people is not.

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