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Guest Jordan

Ugliest thing... i've ever seen >_>

I keep getting errors from the NOA page when I try to order them, says to try again in 24 hours.


You actually want to order some.


Well saying that I should get some aswell. When I crashed at friends house we played Tennis and he hit my elbow, then last Friday me and girlfriend where playing it, and she moved away from the bookcase to she wouldn't hit it but then she hit my bed.


Then my mum cracked my sisters hand aswell so i'm thinking the second Wii-mote will have a cover so it won't get damager and then I can make fun of them since they'll be 'special' with them on :heh:

They just send them to UK and Ireland >.>


From what I can find, you can only get them from in Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and UK.



I got 4 for no reason whatsoever. I have two Wii Remotes and I don't even have any wrist straps on them.


nevermind harming objects, my friend hit my light with it and a little cracks on the Infa red thing :< protecting my wii-motes with this should be good :D


Ordered four, from NoE Belgium. No problem.


Jab in the face of 3rd party producers, this. One of my mates bought his wiimotes protetive covers at release, and they're but-ugly.

Do you feel like Nintendo loves you? But in all honesty do you really want some :heh:


Sometimes I think they don't like the Mafia...

Anyway, they're free so, yeah I want them :P


Well this obviously another way of Nintendo covering themselves against indiots who might sue. They are kinda fugly and annoying looking. I won't be using them, as it means it won't fit into the charging cradle I've got... Can't be bothered with taking it out each and everytime...


I've ordered mine, doubt I'll use them very much as like Flameboy I have a charger for my Wii Remotes. I would rather like those new straps though featured on the screenshot :) Any chance that current Wii owners can get them too?


I don't think I'll even bother using them, they're so ugly. I wonder if these covers will be in all the adverts now? I hope not.


my wii just lit up to tell me about this :D i love it when it has something useful to tell me. so here i am on my wii browser after placimng my order ^^ now there's something i'd never get on my 360.


(I've also just discovered the txt style input on this browser, I'm not sure if i can use it faster or if i'm just having more fun using it but I'm definitely using this from now on)


thank you nintendo atleast it's free guys

anyway i ordered 2


but still no septeber surprise what is it going to be now october surprise


all the way t'll we for get about it


What am i, an illegitimate child ?


How come Portugal isnt here?

Should we ask Concentra ?


I payed for the console, i should get the same treatment...



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