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If you don't mind turn based games I'd recommend the Civilization series. I haven't played enough of 5 yet to recommend it, but 4 was amazing. Probably the most addictive game you'll ever play.


I also recommend Aquaria (A lot like Super Metroid), and World of Goo (If you haven't already played it on the Wii).

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Metro 2033 is good, but worth waiting for the price to drop. STALKER as a series is like Metro but much more open, and with exception of the latest game very very buggy. Though for the most part it's been patched fairly well.


STALKER is one of my favorite games though, but it's really not for everyone. Unless you don't mind spending the little bit it costs to give one of the games a try I'd suggest waiting for a deal on the games. Same for Crysis (though it's not one of my favorites).


Dawn of War 2 is fan-bloody-tastic though. It removes the tedium of base building from the RTS structure, and adds in leveling up your characters and giving them better weapons. IIRC the upcoming expansion (Retribution) brings back bases, which in the first DoW they handled bases pretty well actually. Has co-op btw.


That's pretty much my 2 cents. Though, keep in mind that most of these will be unplayable until your PC arrives. Like, World of Goo I think might be the only one that might run on a netbook.


Edit: Civilization isn't really like SimCity or StarCraft. It is it's own genre basically...hmmm think Settlers of Catan but with more politics resources technology and fighting your neighbors. If you haven't played Settlers of Catan....I can't think of another suitable comparison.


Double Edit, There is a demo of Civ 5. Try it out when your Desktop arrives.

Edited by Nolan
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Oh, yeah. This is just me stocking up for my desktop. All my netbook does is Audiosurf and that's all I'm going to do on it.


Like you said, Metro/Crysis/STALKER are on there to buy probably at a later date or when I'm bored.


I forgot, last PC game I played was Dawn of War and I loved it. Did they add more armies in the second one?

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Well....for the second one, it's really just a focused campaign about the Space Marines. You follow through their story and can choose to go to different places on the planet and do the mission. Multiplayer on the other hand I think is just Space Marines, Eldar, and Orkz. There is also a sort of Horde mode called The Last Stand which also allows choice of those 3.


Chaos rising adds in Tyrannids and Chaos Marines for multiplayer and The Last Stand, I'm not sure if Nids and Chaos Marines are added into Last Stand if you don't have Chaos Rising, but I don't think so. The campaign is also similar except you with good/bad added into it like Mass Effect or Kotor.


Retribution however has announced campaigns for Eldar, Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines, Orks and Tyranids.


So if you don't mind only playing as Space Marines go for DoW2, if you want a few choices, wait for Retribution.

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Perhaps someone should open up a thread. Not me, I'm not the expert.


Daft: what kinf of games do you play / want? Apart from the FPS games I see?


If you want to get some multiplayer FPS, perhaps you should consider recent hits as CoD: Black Ops, Medal of honour, or Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Or the 2 CoD: Modern warfares if you haven't gotten into those yet.


For strategy, I'm a C&C man myself, but Supreme Commander is good too. And I personally have Sins of a solar empire and Civ 5 on my wishlist too.


RPG: The witcher and Dragon age. Mass Effect if you haven't played it on X-Box. If you want to go MMO, I have Guild Wars on my wishlist.


Games I'm personally looking forward too: Deus Ex 3, The witcher 2, Mass Effect 3, Crysis 2, Homefront, Portal 2, Guild Wars 2, and the Secret World.. Wait, there was another topic about this:


Although it covers all systems. But now when it's multiplatform, you have a new option ;).


My steam wishlist by the way:


Although I use it more for reference. If I can get a retail version, I'll get the retail version in the end, and cross it from my list (like I recently did with the Longest journey and Dreamfall, point & click adventures), and it's easy to check if any of those games are on sale (yeah, you just missed the holiday sale, but I'm sure there will be at least a summer sale).

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Hmmm, I think most my multiplatform games will be on PS3 (I love it). Stuff like Crysis 2 I'll get on PC.


This gen I've gone from loving the Wii at launch. Got bored of that after a month and got a 360. Loved that to death for a couple years. Finally got a PS3 and am in Heaven. Now I'm going to have a killer PC. I love this generation.


The consequence is that I'm covered for multiplats. Just wanted to know if I missed any real solid games (Metro 2033, for example). Not really sure exactly what I'm looking for but suggestions will be listened to.


I'm a graphics whore, if that helps. :heh:

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Haha, then all you need is Crysis and Crysis 2 ;). I have no idea how your card will perform. Even my computer can't handle it at max. Although I should try it out probably, just for fun :D.


But to be honest, I can't really think of any PC exclusives that haven't already been mentioned.


From the ones I mentioned, Crysis, but that's already on your wishlist, The witcher, hmm the guildwars games, oh and I forgot Star Craft, but that's also already on your wishlist too.

Edited by Sméagol
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A 6870 is about equivalent to a 5870, so it's actually pretty damn good. Not the best, but still great.


If you're a graphics whore, Metro 2033 definitely is something to check out and to a lesser extent the STALKER games are fantastic looking. Bad Company 2 is also rather pretty looking as well.

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I went ahead and pre-emptively made a group event, to start on 8pm this Friday for some TF2. I haven't found a server for us to use but I don't think there'll be enough of us to have our own game so we'll jump on a public server. Let's make it happen :D

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If there are enough people wanting to play then I could probably borrow* a server off The O.C.


*when I say 'borrow' what I actually mean is abuse admin privileges by burning, time bombing and freezing all the other players until they quit/I get bored and kick them...

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