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Link's Crossbow Training


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That odd, the Gameplay listing is gone but my order still exist, but the dispatch date is a - like it is nowadays when they're processing. I haven't received any e-mails but this does have me concerned...

Game, Play.com and Amazon have also both removed the ability to purchase it

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That odd, the Gameplay listing is gone but my order still exist, but the dispatch date is a - like it is nowadays when they're processing. I haven't received any e-mails but this does have me concerned...

Game, Play.com and Amazon have also both removed the ability to purchase it


All Sold-Out apparently!

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Which begs the question, will my order be processed...am waiting on gameplay's live chat to find out :/


That would be a yes. They're processing now


Who'd have though it'd be that popular. Just hope I get mine before Friday...online buying has been screwing me about recently but thats just been Play.com really

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Which begs the question, will my order be processed...am waiting on gameplay's live chat to find out :/


That would be a yes. They're processing now


Who'd have though it'd be that popular. Just hope I get mine before Friday...online buying has been screwing me about recently but thats just been Play.com really


Game have been picking and packing mine and it'll be hopefully sent tomorrow!




Gameplay account history is very odd, but always has been.

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I'm hoping it gets shipped for me in the next hour so I get it tomorrow :p


Think I'll leave Wiimote & Nunchuck #4 in the Zapper most times as I rarely have 4 peeps over...havent used the 4th one since my birthday in July...have used the 3rd but not the 4th...

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I only just remembered that I didn't get round to pre-ordering this , looks like I may have a few problems finding this now but it's bound to be available somewhere online.


And I really don't fancy venturing to the shops this close to Christmas because the mania really winds me up.


EDIT - Looks like shopto may be OK for stock , have now pre-ordered and will see if a dispatch is forthcoming tomorrow.

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Gameplay have sent mine, they just didnt say its being picked. Havent had a problem with gameplay at all. I'm just pissed at internet shopping after how Play.com have screwed me the past couple of months...shipping things late, them arriving late (A DVD I pre-ordered months ago which came out on Monday only arrived today...I used to get them the Saturday before released and now I'm lucky if I get on release)

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I was really surprised to discover mine had arrived this afternoon! :yay:


Anyway, the Zapper is great! Sure it's just a bit of plastic, but it feels really good and is very well put together. Incredibly simple and quick to set up too, which is nice as I thought moving the controllers to and from this thing might have been a nuisance, but it's actually ok.


As for Link's Crossbow Training well, played it for 40 minutes or so and I'm already completely in love with it! :love: This game is a high score junkie's dream come true. It's pure, good old fashioned arcade entertainment, wrapped up in a lovely Zelda package! Getting high scores with loads of combo's is extremely rewarding and loads of fun.


There aren't that many levels, (only 9 by the looks of things) but they each consist of 3 stages and there's a lot of variety in how they play. I'm up to level 6 already and got platinum medals on the first 3! :awesome: The early levels are pretty easy though.


For those wondering about the game's longevity, I reckon it's safe to say that replay value will vary immensely depending on whether or not you enjoy this kind of game style, personally I'm a huge fan, so I'll certainly be getting my money's worth here. But if you don't like re-playing levels and trying to increase a score, then it probably won't keep you busy for long.


Having said that, for the price and the fact you get the Zapper, I'd still definitely recommend picking this up. icon14.gif

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Just completed this and like RedShell said its really rather good. Some of the simple levels are very nice but I'm not sure I enjoy the walking and shooting levels. I think games like House of the Dead will really benifit from the zapper so long as they keep the old school design methods.


Not mind blowing but well worth the £20 I think.

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Mine just got delivered. Quite a nice overall package but the read gun handle is a little small. Looking forward to giving it a go at home tonight.


That's actually quite cool that it has a proper box instead of a cardboard sleeve.

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