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  Dan Dare said:
no, Lockout is better. Once you know it well, it's the best team slayer map they've made to date and it's pretty excellent for 1 flag/ assault, too.




Stefkov: they're well worth 800 points.


Anyone tried the new playlist? It's really manic. Good fun though!

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I've not even got the maps and I know that Blackout is better, Lockout was far too good in Halo 2 and Guardian just annoyed me 'cause it was like Lockout except not as good and had mancannons.


Gotta see if I learn some stuff about this game, it's kinda annoying when you shotgun a guy in the face at point blank, melee him, he survives and then he melees you and kills you. Asides from stealth melees and obviosuly attacking with big weapons is anything else I should know?


Throw grenades as much as possible, aim for the head especially with battle rifle, get good with sniper, become pro at driving and learn all the maps inside out. Become a sword whore as well.


learn how to get a grenade to land at their feet, no matter where you are, thats how u beat em, once theyre on red theyre easy to kill.


Br to the face is decent, and a sniper unscoped is more handy than you think in close combat!


If you see someone with a sword/hammer/shotgun, run away and shoot


If you see someone with a rocket launcher, cry :) Or try and shoot the rocket away


An easy win tactic, is to get a shotgun/sword/hammer and stay behind shields, keep moving so ur on radar, and you attract em, then just blast em as they walk through. And if they wont walk through, pop ur head round, sticky em, and get behind ur shield.

  Hellfire said:
Gotta see if I learn some stuff about this game, it's kinda annoying when you shotgun a guy in the face at point blank, melee him, he survives and then he melees you and kills you. Asides from stealth melees and obviosuly attacking with big weapons is anything else I should know?


BR, BR, BR. Become good with the battle rifle and you'll get better much quicker. Play a support role and concentrate on using the scope to pick of players in the open who aren't near any cover. It only takes 4 br bursts to the head to kill. Also, when assault rifling, be quick with your melee, you get a lunge, so make sure you lunge early, before the enemy.


Always jump in a swords match, you'll win 90% of the time. Also with a sword use B if they're close as it's quicker. If you're in a swords match and you lunge and the swords clash, use b also. It's quicker than the trigger.


If you have a sword and are up against a shotgun, walk backwards and time your lunge, mostly they will react too slow.


If you can't escape death, make sure you have your plasma grenades out and walk stright into them, for an easy stick.


Use the sniper close range as well. Get good with it and strafing with it, without scope, when close up, and you'll become hard to kill. Use it as a shotgun as well - it only takes one melee and one shot anywhere. So get right in their face, shoot them, then melee quickly, ( if you're lucky you'll get the headshot).


Hog the laser on valhalla, or sandtrap. It's an easy way to pick up quick kills and can change the tide of the match if you destroy their man vehicles. You don'd need to learn to drive or use vehicles well to be good at halo. As there's always a weapon at hand to take them down.


Keep a needler handy to kill any enemies with turrets or snipers, as they will often be caught too stationary. Needlers are great for corridors as well. To avoid them jump sideways.


If you're enemy knows you have a rocket, jump, and then shoot the rocket jsut before you land. Most of the time they will expect you to shoot it at the apex of your jump and will therefore jump as well and will then be defenceless as you shoot it later.


Double up with another person and stick with him, shooting the same target. Simple, but it works so well.


And remember its not about the kills but the k/d ratio, so even if you're not playing good just try hide away and get some cheap kills or something.

  Fandango said:
Double up with another person and stick with him, shooting the same target. Simple, but it works so well.


And remember its not about the kills but the k/d ratio, so even if you're not playing good just try hide away and get some cheap kills or something.


Best piece of advise you can get.


Forget the score board, it's the biggest piece of crap ever invented. Kills - Deaths is the most important score on there. Most Halo players think that getting the most kills is the objective of Slayer, in reality it's getting the highest K-D. If you get a negative K-D then you have failed your team regardless of how many kills you rack up.

  McPhee said:
Most Halo players think that getting the most kills is the objective of Slayer.


It is, first to 25 is the winner, KD doesnt count.


If it was KD like Cs, then it would matter, but its halo, so it doesnt :)

  Skunky said:
It is, first to 25 is the winner, KD doesnt count.


If it was KD like Cs, then it would matter, but its halo, so it doesnt :)


Most deaths are kills given to the enemy team (bar friendly fire and some suicides). If your team has a negative overall K-D stat then they most likely lost the game, positive and they must have won.


Kills - Deaths definitely matters, if you play like a suicide bomber and end up with more deaths than kills then you are jeapordising your teams chance of winning. It might net you the most kills in the game, maybe even MVP, but having a high K-D would have benefited your team a lot more. Ultimately having high deaths either means you are going to lose or the rest of your team have to make up for it by killing more than they are killed.


Wow, thanks for the help :) I think I'll go online a little now. I'll still play for fun, so hiding and whatnot will be rare, but I think I can improve now. Cheers :D


Spirited already said this but getting the laser on big objective maps is a

must. If your team has a healthy set of vehicles and all the enemy team's vehicles has been lasered, you can control the map. It will make CTF extremely tough for the opposing team.


If you spot a sniper from far off, try and BR it, it will take the sniper out of his scope and he won't be able to harm you unless he has mad skills.


Now this is really useful, when you get the overshield during its charge up you will be INVINCIBLE. If you spot a guy who just got the overshield, run away.


In team slayer, don't weapon hog. It may be a lot of fun to carry around shotty snipers or lasey rockets or whatever, but you can only use one at once and if you die you've just given away two power weapons to the other team. Share weapons to make better use. Also if you find more ammo, share, it's better to have two people with ten bullets of sniper rifle than to have one person with twenty.


Learn to be a good warthog driver. Try to follow the person your turret guy is shooting rather than drive towards someone else. Communicate with your turret man. Keep moving and know when to retreat.


One mauler shot followed by a beat down is a kill. Same goes with the brute shot.


When playing King of the Hill, know your hill spawns. There is no point in running to the hill when there's ten seconds to go. Go to where you think the next hill is and wait. If you're lucky you'll have grabbed ten easy uncontested seconds in the new hill while everyone else is still farting around at the old one.


Using B is a must in Swords. If you use B and they use R then you win. If you come across another guy who uses B, then try to out-strafe him or back away to try and make him miss.


In general, get good with these: BR, frag grenades, plasma grenades. Getting good with the sniper rifle isn't essential, but very useful. Above all, know the maps, know what weapon your opponent has and know how to counter him.


you should learn to love the needler too. It's not so good in a straight up firefight but i always try to carry one as I use it as my ambush gun- if you catch some dude unawares with one you really can't fail.

Guest Stefkov
  ReZourceman said:
Random tip that I didnt know until recently ; You can hammer away rockets with the hammer.

Until I see that in a video I will not believe that is true. Sounds ace to do though.

Guest Stefkov


That was fricking ace.


Ricochet no scope to the face, my boy. That's me with the rifle and the elite taking one in the noggin, sent off the wall.



one day, you might be able to get close enough see how awesome i am in person, if you're lucky.


Heee got aaaaaaaaaaa......


Edit: Oh, I got a noscope betrayal yesterday. By mistake. I was using the sniper, someone was shooting at me I turned round to see someone form my team shooting at me so I just fired and killed him outright. He kicked me.


Looking at his screen it seems like I was in between him and an enemy. It's just that in the short amount of time that I saw him was the only shot of his that hit me.

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