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Halo 3 is awsum

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Erm I got quite far last night in the Single player Campaign and it doesn't even autosave when loading a new level? Not even ask me whether I want to save or not or Save without quitting?

I have to go through these 2 hard and tedious levels again.


You have to save and quit, did you turn your 360 straight off or go to the dashboard?

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Yea I went to dashboard, I thought it would autosave when loading a new level as I said like they do normally in other games. I don't see a option for turning on autosave either. I have to go through Ghost town again.... GAH I'm playing in Heroic mode.

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You just press start and save and quit. Not hard to remember to do that.

Although you can start from a certain point in the chapter, but then you don't get the achievement for doing that.

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I have been playing Social Skirmish with my mates from work and we are sick of getting people on our team you just freaking stand there. I dont mean that they are bad I mean they just stand there, get killed, stand there, get killed..... At one point it was us 3 Vs the rest. You also get morons you just jump in a Mongoose and spend all the level just zooming around, very annoying!

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Are you ready to finish the fight?


Apparently i'm not! I played it the other day and i'm still not good at the game!


I need to practice! :)

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Well that sucks...


Just did the "Covenant" level in co-op on Legendary, attemping to get the "IWHBYD" skull, did the rings, skull spawned, picked it up, then finished the level, but I didn't unlock it? What gives?

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Well that sucks...


Just did the "Covenant" level in co-op on Legendary, attemping to get the "IWHBYD" skull, did the rings, skull spawned, picked it up, then finished the level, but I didn't unlock it? What gives?


I think it changes the speech ingame....but I haven't noticed it...You need all the skulls for the Hayabusa helmet.

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i will be joining you guys soon possibly monday im going to need some of your xboxx live tags seeing as my 360 is broke by the 3 red lights of death anyway im going to get the collecters edition on friday so see you their guys:)

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Erm I got quite far last night in the Single player Campaign and it doesn't even autosave when loading a new level? Not even ask me whether I want to save or not or Save without quitting?

I have to go through these 2 hard and tedious levels again.


jeepers... I learned that lesson the HARD way with the first Halo game.. battling through some horrendous hard level.. took me 4 hours or something like that.. and the next day I wanted to continue.. I had to beat that same level again.. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh..

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Well that sucks...


Just did the "Covenant" level in co-op on Legendary, attemping to get the "IWHBYD" skull, did the rings, skull spawned, picked it up, then finished the level, but I didn't unlock it? What gives?


Did you melee with it once?

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Did you melee with it once?


As in kill something with it, or just melee?


I did neither xD

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Woot! finally finished Halo 3 on Heroic :smile: my first playthough too so a nice 300 G ^^ I'll try out Legendary on co-op at some point as it sounds epic fun. :D

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anyone wanna join me n caris in about an hour, collecting some skulls

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As in kill something with it, or just melee?


I did neither xD


Just melee, press B once lol.

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Here's a question.


To get the achievements for completing the game on Heroic and Legendary. Can I just go to the last level, set the difficulty to one of them and then complete it. Or do I have to do the whole game again?

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Question to the Halo Experts (Looks at Hero Of Time, Caris and Jordan) -


Ive got all 9 gold skulls and 2/4 silver skulls. I know that they add as multipliers for the co op score games. Now earlier, me and my mate were going through the first level on easy and it was still fucking hard. We ended up with 12,000 points 3 thousand short of the achievement. Just curious to know any tips for doing well at the score meta game, as I am completely lost at what I should be doing to own at it. Noticed that Caris already has all the points for them and thought to myself "how the fuck does he do it?" Does doing it with more then 2 players work? And what do you reccomend, thanks.


Dont do it with more than 2 people as it drains your points. Secondly play it on normal with Famine, Fog, Tough Luck, Tilt and Thunderstorm Skulls on. With these on you should easily double your score on all the levels like me and Caris. You have to try and finish the level ASAP as that is where you score boost really comes from, and try for headshots aswell.


Thought you werent bothered with Achievements? :)

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Forge really is the biggest pile of shite ever. EVAR!


Just tried using it as a proper map editor, complete wank. Can hardly do anything and anything i can do is fiddly

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add a bunch of people from this thread, it says our gamertags on the left under our avatars


please post if you i can add you to my friend list on xbox live

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add a bunch of people from this thread, it says our gamertags on the left under our avatars




ps. i love the way you always cuss caris

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i thought you hated him


because of this

u poon, stay out my threads



anyway guys im adding you



ps.i don't hate you caris okay

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