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MS PAINT ON!- Draw a game scene of your choice!


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The title explains it all, use MS Paint to draw one or more of your favourite scenes (or not) from videogames. It doesn't matter if you're talentless like me. HUD or no HUD, color or no color, it doesn't matter.

If you're a mac user, use something similar, we want no photoshop fancy stuff here. If you're drawing a spoiler put it in a spoiler box and say from what game it is, if not, you don't even need to name the game, it might be fun to let other people guess! If the bmp is too big resize it or change the file type, so it won't clog up the thread. I didn't place this in creative gallery, cause not many people go there.

Also try not to quote other pics unless it's necessary :P Use http://www.imageshack.com or http://www.photobucket.com for example to host the pictures.

Now GO!



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