Falcon_BlizZACK Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Molyneux: Xbox Live More Important Than Wii Lionhead honcho updates his opinion on Nintendo's innovative Wii Remote. by Rob Burman, IGN UK UK, September 6, 2007 - Lionhead founder Peter Molyneux has spoken out about Nintendo's motion-sensing Wii Remote, claiming it's not nearly as revolutionary as Microsoft's Xbox Live service. Speaking to website Canal Juegos, Molyneux was asked what he thought about the current trend for motion-sensing controls. In response, the veteran UK developer said: "All I can say is that Microsoft is an incredibly smart company and I never fail to be impressed by just how clever they are." He then added: "Don't forget this is the company which pioneered Live, which I believe will ultimately be far more impactful on video games in the long term than something like the Wii controller." Admittedly, it's something of a change of tune for Molyneux, with the developer gushing over Nintendo's motion-sensing controller to G4TV back before Microsoft's acquisition of Lionhead, "It's not the hardware of the machine, it's not the speed of the machine, it's the fact that that device will enable games to be made unlike no other have ever been." http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/818/818181p1.html ...I remember a while ago when he was all over the Wii. Was it a Microsoft-issued pay cheque that changed his mind or is he on to something? Opinions please.
pedrocasilva Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 He's delusional, that or his wallet is talking. that said... It's PR, we've also had Nintendo saying (or almost saying) that online is not important when it is; point is.... he is going the extra mile here, and it just sounds stupid. But... Online is important for the hardcore, specially in Xbox Live case where it's a paid service (yes, I'm aware of the silver membership), it hasn't got the Wiimote impact on popular culture, not even close, first and foremost Live isn't the only service of it's kind be it for PC be it for consoles.
Guest Stefkov Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 If microsoft is paying his wages then he'll say that most probably. Depends, maybe he just thinkgs online play is more important than jumping around.
Sheikah Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 King_V said: Lionhead founder Peter Molyneux has spoken out about Nintendo's motion-sensing Wii Remote, claiming it's not nearly as revolutionary as Microsoft's Xbox Live service. Xbox live doesn't do anything particularly new, plus you have to pay for it. I've used live a fair bit at my friend's, and to be honest I much prefer PC online gaming. I suppose I lost respect for anything Lionhead have to say/do after the travesty that was B&W2.
Goron_3 Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Well from a hardocore game stance, xbox live is a fantastic service, especially for a console.
Cube Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Goron_3 said: Well from a hardocore game stance, xbox live is a fantastic service, especially for a console. Well. For hardcore gamers that care about online. I don't get what's so special about XBL...Isn't it just Xfire for consoles?
Dilli Gee Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Xbox Live itself isn't particularly revolutionary. It's content is though. January should see a lot of changes. HD television shows and movies are going to change things around a bit.
chrizkerr2 Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Cube said: Isn't it just Xfire for consoles? Pretty much sums it up.
Tyson Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 I think the phrase we're all looking for is "end plug".
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted September 6, 2007 Author Posted September 6, 2007 pedrocasilva said: He's delusional, that or his wallet is talking. that said... It's PR, we've also had Nintendo saying (or almost saying) that online is not important when it is; point is.... he is going the extra mile here, and it just sounds stupid. But... Online is important for the hardcore, specially in Xbox Live case where it's a paid service (yes, I'm aware of the silver membership), it hasn't got the Wiimote impact on popular culture, not even close, first and foremost Live isn't the only service of it's kind be it for PC be it for consoles. In any case, Nintendo should step up their online services. Nothing can possibly beat playing a Nintendo game online. Imagine if Wii Sports was online...! But whats Lionhead good for anyway? Their games are 'PC' in nature so buttering up the Xbox 360 seems natural...Just hate the way Molyneux gave props to the Wii as if he was going to support it.
pedrocasilva Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Dilli Gee said: Xbox Live itself isn't particularly revolutionary. It's content is though. January should see a lot of changes. HD television shows and movies are going to change things around a bit. You're saying the content is revolutionary but that content (coming January) isn't even games related, let alone making them better. Seems like Sony argument #56 to sell PS3's, except this time it's coming from Microsoft.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted September 6, 2007 Author Posted September 6, 2007 pedrocasilva said: You're saying the content is revolutionary but that content (coming January) isn't even games related, let alone making them better. Seems like Sony argument #56 to sell PS3's, except this time it's coming from Microsoft. True. But on the other hand, are weather forecasts and news broadcasts anymore games related? These days its all about convience. (sp...damn always get that word wrong).
pedrocasilva Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 ^ We are not saying they (Weather Forecast and News Broadcast) are revolutionary and as "impactful" as the motion sensing who is comparable to the d-pad and joystick, though. Hence why he ends up sounding ridiculous.
Dilli Gee Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 pedrocasilva said: You're saying the content is revolutionary but that content (coming January) isn't even games related, let alone making them better. Seems like Sony argument #56 to sell PS3's, except this time it's coming from Microsoft. Well, Live Arcade is games related. Arcade is extremely popular, and a perfect stepping stone for new developers - more so than Wii, because its both Xbox 360 and Windows.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted September 7, 2007 Author Posted September 7, 2007 Dilli Gee said: Well, Live Arcade is games related. Arcade is extremely popular, and a perfect stepping stone for new developers - more so than Wii, because its both Xbox 360 and Windows. Hmm, its hard to say if the Wii (remote) really is revolutionary. I mean it definetly adds to certain aspects of gameplay, such as the accuracy you get when using the Bow in TP. But revolutionize gaming...I don't know. Arcades pretty much had this similar sort of technology some time ago.
pedrocasilva Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Dilli Gee said: Well, Live Arcade is games related. Arcade is extremely popular, and a perfect stepping stone for new developers - more so than Wii, because its both Xbox 360 and Windows. Problem is that... that stepping stone doesn't lead to a staircase that developer can climb easily, you're creating a wall since it's very dificult for those guys to rise into a "big" developer with the cost increases. They could look at it as a stepping stone for Wii development but not X360 and PS3 SKU's. So basically, if Live Arcade existed without Wii and after PS2's death... those developers would be even more screwed and condemned to do live arcade projects over and over. (not that it's easy to take the jump, but still) I was replying to your quote though, where you referred TV broadcasts as a big inovation, or it come out like that for me, it isn't a innovation at all, for gaming. Live Arcade... fair enough.
Colin Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 MS pays his wages, so no surprise. Then again though if you want to play real games, then yeh, he's right with Live being more important than the Wii. Still, GTF back to making Fable 2.
pedrocasilva Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Colin said: Then again though if you want to play real games, then yeh, he's right with Live being more important than the Wii.Wii as a market leader tends to pick up on the game line-up though, including for the hardcore, look at DS. He's not saying more important though, he's saying it's more... revolutionary.
Maiky-NiSuTe Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 what a tart why does he think so many people love the Wii60? the combo of both is making it the ultimate game console! so its not only live that does the trick. stupid "i can think only of one thing at a time" Molyneux. he will be eating those words soon as he did before on other occasions
Zechs Merquise Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 What a total tosser. Online gaming is nothing revolutionary, XBOX Live does it very well and has set a very high bench mark for console online services (one that won't be matched anytime soon). The Wii however has totally altered how we play games. Molyneux is paid by Microsoft, that makes him talk rubbish.
Hero-of-Time Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Zechs Merquise said: Molyneux is paid by Microsoft, that makes him talk rubbish. Agreed. I mean wasnt he excited by the Wii and planning making games for it until Microsoft bought him? I lost all respect for him and his studio after the travesty that was Fable. He himself hyped the game upto no end and it just didnt deliver, pretty much what he is doing with Fable 2.
Strange Cookie Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 It depends on what your vision of a great game it, methinks. Both the Wii-remote and Xbox Live are great steps forward for the gaming community. They both broaden the gaming experience. If you're focused on online capabilities, you're definitely right with Microsoft. If you're more interested in a new way of controlling the action on-screen, Nintendo will do just fine. Both have a lot of potential. For the time being, it just depends on the vision of the creator what to choose. And yes: grain of salt. Never talk in the disfavour of the one who pays your bills. :wink:
Hellfire Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 hobbzinio said: Fable was basically an amazing idea poorly executed There was nothing amazing about the idea, anyone could say "I'm gonna make a game where you can do anything and go anywhere!". What would be amazing is pulling it off.
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