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Wow ok


Let's be realistic here.


mario WILL beat halo worldwide.


For europe it depends on the country.

Japan hate fps games and that is the reason it's not popular. japanese love the ipod after all which is made by an american company.



i can't believe some people are arguing that halo 3 will sell the most worldwide.


  Dante said:
Japanese dont buy things because its america. :blank:


Japanese buy Microsoft OS, Ipods, Macs and eat at Mcdonalds.


ha beat me too it with much better examples.. Well done:)

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  jammy2211 said:
Lest we not forget alot of the smaller, low key developers are going to be exclusive to the Wii and DS this generation, as not everyone can afford the $20 million+ dev costs of the 360 and PS3.

Not true. Gears of War, arguably the best game on the Xbox 360, cost around $10M to make and release.


Considering it's attention to detail, it goes to show how you don't need $20M to make a 360 title.


  mcj metroid said:
i can't believe some people are arguing that halo 3 will sell the most worldwide.

How can you say that?

  Dilli Gee said:
Not true. Gears of War, arguably the best game on the Xbox 360, cost around $10M to make and release.


Considering it's attention to detail, it goes to show how you don't need $20M to make a 360 title.


Gears of War doesn't count, it was made on the Unreal Engine which Epic had no licensing costs for, as well, they made it. It's been in developement for over 7 years (unreal engine) and is no doubt the most advance developement tool in the industry today, whatever Gears of War sold wouldn't cover whatever it cost them to make.


So er, Gears of War isn't a good example, developing a game from the ground up will cost $15 million minimum, and to port between 360 and Ps3 will push it up higher. $10 million is still far more then alot of companies could ever dream of getting to fund their game anyway.

  Dilli Gee said:
Not true. Gears of War, arguably the best game on the Xbox 360, cost around $10M to make and release.


Considering it's attention to detail, it goes to show how you don't need $20M to make a 360 title.



How can you say that?


because of japan....

  mcj metroid said:
because of japan....

Mario needs to sell really well outside of Japan, in addition to Japan, in order to beat Halo 3.


Will it? Can you say it will with some degree of certainty?

  Dilli Gee said:
Gears of War, arguably the best game on the Xbox 360

It's no wonder the Wii has already robbed the 360 of its lead then. :laughing:


To be fair, I really enjoyed Gears Of War when it first came out. But I started playing it again the other day and lost interest within five minutes. And for some reason, the graphics don't look nearly as impressive as they once did to me. Perhaps it's that the colourful underwater city of Rapture is a far more interesting place to be than the planet Sera? ;)

  Dante said:
Can we argee that Halo 3 and SSBB will both make great sales?

There's no doubt about that. And I think SSBB will sell more over all.


But this argument is Mario Mario versus Master Chief.

  Dilli Gee said:
Mario needs to sell really well outside of Japan, in addition to Japan, in order to beat Halo 3.


Will it? Can you say it will with some degree of certainty?

Nintendo are amazing at marketing games in Japan, about could easily get 4.5m sales + from Mario Galaxy in Japan alone.


I think that's why people are expecting it to win in all honesty. I'm talking about over a 2 - 3 year time scale though, but yeah, people are fools if they write off Mario sales in Japan, especially when it's on a console which is selling like hot cakes all year round.


I think people are over-estimating how Halo is going to perform. I mean, it's certainly not going to reach the heights of Halo 2. It'll still be a great game, sell good and stuff, but nowhere near what Halo 2 did.

  Dilli Gee said:
Mario needs to sell really well outside of Japan, in addition to Japan, in order to beat Halo 3.


Will it? Can you say it will with some degree of certainty?


I think you overestimate halo 3 and underestimate the power of mario..


mario is popular more or less everwhere but not so much in the uk and ireland. but halo 3 is hated in most eastern countries. there is no way really.


Okay, we pitted Galaxy against Halo, but what about the others? The way Project Gotham 4 is looking (not simply meaning visually) I reckon it will have healthy sales. Could Metroid or Super paper Mario out sell this one?


Again I see advertisement as the "be all, end all", because when it comes to that good ole christmas rush that big bilboard in the middle of Piccadilly Circus is going to grab attention. And when you got a TV advert with shiny HD cars, bikes and weather effects - It grabs attention.

  mcj metroid said:
I think you overestimate halo 3 and underestimate the power of mario..


mario is popular more or less everwhere but not so much in the uk and ireland. but halo 3 is hated in most eastern countries. there is no way really.

Listen, we will know for certain which is victorious in due course.


Oh, btw - the marketing machine has started churning. I've just seen a "Finish the Fight" advert.

  Goron_3 said:
yeah but you can't exactly count the japanese xbox figures can you? In europe and americas I'm sure Halo+Halo 2 sold VERY well, even compared to mario.


Also, i've been reading some of the previous pages and some of the fanboys on this site really just make so much shit up. The funniest ones are definately the ones that say 'omfg 360 sucks so much, Wii is the best. 360 and ps3 have NO gameplay' (well words to that effect).


I still don't understand why all of a sudden we're not counting world wide sales, when that's how games sales are always quoted. If a game sells badly in territory so be it.


  AshMat said:
Oh fuck the japanese figures.

They're stuck up pricks, who won't buy the xbox because it's amde by Americans.


I reckon in Europe and America i think Halo 3 could beat Mario galaxy.


Why are the Japanese stuck up pricks? What nonsense, they buy iPods, use Windows, eat American food, they just don't like XBOX. When Nintendo products sold poorly in Australia did that make Australians a bunch of pricks?


  dazzybee said:
Japan are stuck up pricks because they dont buy the 360?! That is hilarious. Was Europe stuck up pricks because they didnt like the Gamecube or doesn't that align with your way of thinking so that's okay? A nice, small minded viewpoint you have there!


And Halo can beat Mario in the terrortoties you choose? Isn't that like saying I bet you any money that Kororpinpa can wipe the floor with GTA4 down my street!! An exageration maybe but one that highlights a point


:bowdown: exactly


  immy said:
yeah but no one brought the gamecube


Wrong, see below...


  Dante said:
But the Gamecube sold better than PS3 in its eight months.


The Gamecube's first 8 months were far brighter than the PS3's first 8 months.


What's more a lot of people aren't factoring in is this is the NEW Nintendo we're talking about, you know the one - the Nintendo you can't turn on TV without seeing an ad from them, the one with Nicole Kidman, the one who has the 'cool' image and the one with the biggest installed user base.


The fact is, it will be close, but I think Mario has a good chance of outselling Halo 3, just like New Super Mario Bros has outsold Halo and Halo 2... oh sorry we're not allowed to count handhelds... or Japanese sales... or 2D games... wait I think if a game stars a mascot in red overalls it should be stricten from the charts!!!

  Zechs Merquise said:
I'm not buying a PS3, and i'm sure many others won't either.




No, you're back peddling. It's a well known fact that when we talk about sales of a game we're quoting worldwide figures. When people say Halo has sold 'X' million copies they are talking about total sales.


Otherwise you can twist any data by simply quoting figures from where ever they seem to suit your argument best. It's like saying the PS3 is outselling the 360. It does in Japan, but not when take the figures as a totality.


If your so confident that Mario will outsell Halo you shouldn't be bothered if we mean worldwide or region sales.


Unless you don't think it will...

  Caris said:
If your so confident that Mario will outsell Halo you shouldn't be bothered if we mean worldwide or region sales.


Unless you don't think it will...


No... listen AGAIN. When people talk about sales of consoles or games the figures quoted are WORLDWIDE sales.


When people say the Wii has sold over 10 million units they're talking about WORLDWIDE sales.


When people talk about Super Mario Bros. on the NES shifting 40 million units, it's WORLDWIDE sales.


All you're doing is trying to prove your point by moving the goalposts as not to include everything as a totality. It's like me saying well, on thursday aftenoon between 3 and 4pm at my local Gamestation 5 second hand GC games were sold, that was more than any other system sold in that time period.


It's IRRELEVANT. What counts is TOTAL sales of the console and TOTAL sales of a game. Anything else is just twisting the statistics to prove something which isn't the case.


In the same way that SONY tried to release a positive press statement about American sales after the 60gb price cut, they proudly stated that sales had increased XX%. Well wow, great press statement, but it left out the important point that it still failed to outsell anything but the GBA.


Ah, after reading through this topic, I feel all like primary school again, when we had countless debates on whether Nintendo or Sega, Mario/Sonic, NES/Master System, SNES/Megadrive was better. The good ol' days, when things were simple... :yay:


Except... this is no primary school, and we are no longer children. And there is a lot of pointless bashing from fanboys in this topic.


True, I'm not 100% happy with Nintendo as a publisher right now (look up my post-E3-rant about that), but this topic is de-evolving in a place where kiddies are throwing mud at each other and shouting: "Me console is more better then yourz!"


Fanboys, you're preaching to the believers. The only ones who are going to listen to you, are the ones who already 'on your side'. You're not going to convert 'the others', so simply don't try. Say what you have to say (you're entitled to do so, this being a forum and all), and start to try to live with the possibility there are *gasp* other opinions.


Besides, comparing sales is utterly pointless. If sales were an indicator of quality, Beyond Good & Evil would be crap and Cars a masterpiece. :hmm:

  Zechs Merquise said:
I still don't understand why all of a sudden we're not counting world wide sales, when that's how games sales are always quoted. If a game sells badly in territory so be it.




Why are the Japanese stuck up pricks? What nonsense, they buy iPods, use Windows, eat American food, they just don't like XBOX. When Nintendo products sold poorly in Australia did that make Australians a bunch of pricks?




:bowdown: exactly




Wrong, see below...




The Gamecube's first 8 months were far brighter than the PS3's first 8 months.


What's more a lot of people aren't factoring in is this is the NEW Nintendo we're talking about, you know the one - the Nintendo you can't turn on TV without seeing an ad from them, the one with Nicole Kidman, the one who has the 'cool' image and the one with the biggest installed user base.


The fact is, it will be close, but I think Mario has a good chance of outselling Halo 3, just like New Super Mario Bros has outsold Halo and Halo 2... oh sorry we're not allowed to count handhelds... or Japanese sales... or 2D games... wait I think if a game stars a mascot in red overalls it should be stricten from the charts!!!



that whole thing it one of your best posts:)


Last bit made me lol but so true. great post well done.


  Zechs Merquise said:
No... listen AGAIN. When people talk about sales of consoles or games the figures quoted are WORLDWIDE sales.


When people say the Wii has sold over 10 million units they're talking about WORLDWIDE sales.


When people talk about Super Mario Bros. on the NES shifting 40 million units, it's WORLDWIDE sales.


All you're doing is trying to prove your point by moving the goalposts as not to include everything as a totality. It's like me saying well, on thursday aftenoon between 3 and 4pm at my local Gamestation 5 second hand GC games were sold, that was more than any other system sold in that time period.


It's IRRELEVANT. What counts is TOTAL sales of the console and TOTAL sales of a game. Anything else is just twisting the statistics to prove something which isn't the case.


In the same way that SONY tried to release a positive press statement about American sales after the 60gb price cut, they proudly stated that sales had increased XX%. Well wow, great press statement, but it left out the important point that it still failed to outsell anything but the GBA.


And even at that i think Mario galaxy will outsell halo 3 in europe.

it's america that will be the close one i think..


Countries like Germany LOVE nintendo to bits.

  Caris said:
Haha keep your panties on.


Anyways i'm not bothered what you say i will be comparing Halo's sales from the US and Europe.


Dear lord...he just handed it to you and you're still twisting statistics to make a point that isn't even valid. :sad:

  dazzybee said:
Japan are stuck up pricks because they dont buy the 360?! That is hilarious. Was Europe stuck up pricks because they didnt like the Gamecube or doesn't that align with your way of thinking so that's okay? A nice, small minded viewpoint you have there!


And Halo can beat Mario in the terrortoties you choose? Isn't that like saying I bet you any money that Kororpinpa can wipe the floor with GTA4 down my street!! An exageration maybe but one that highlights a point


1. Aight i clearly cocke up on the first point.


But 2. The territories I CHOOSE? My argument is that HAlo could beat mario in Europe and America, because we all know Mario will win in Japan.

It's not like i;m bein incredibly picky like you daft "On my street comment" i'm picking 2 out of the 3 major areas.

  AshMat said:
1. Aight i clearly cocke up on the first point.


But 2. The territories I CHOOSE? My argument is that HAlo could beat mario in Europe and America, because we all know Mario will win in Japan.

It's not like i;m bein incredibly picky like you daft "On my street comment" i'm picking 2 out of the 3 major areas.


Which you can't do... We have told you countless times you can't just choose the areas you want.

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