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No Nintendo Press Conference At Leipzig!


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Nintendo has confirmed to Eurogamer that it won't be doing a traditional press conference at this year's Games Convention in Leipzig.


Instead it will be leading groups of us on "media tours" around the show, so that we can get a better and more intimate understanding of Nintendo's strategy and products.


"There is no press conference at Leipzig this year," a spokesperson for Nintendo UK told Eurogamer. "What's going to happen instead is there will be media tours - groups of people that Nintendo Germany will take around the stands explaining the games to, and giving more detailed hands-ons to."


"The real reason why we're doing it is because you only fully understand a lot of our products when you play them. We felt focus and attention was better spent on more intimate briefings rather than just one big press conference."


It was speaking in light of news unearthed by partner site Eurogamer.de, which was told the traditional format was being downsized due to overcrowded press conferences where many were missing out on seeing the games.


Microsoft will also be offering a unique take on the traditional conference, with what it is calling a "get together". Only Sony will be delivering the sort of talk we're used to, suggesting it has some big things to talk about. It would be a perfect time to deploy the much awaited PlayStation Home, for example.




At first I was quite annoyed when reading this as I really do enjoy the press conferences but seeing as Microsoft is changing the way they are doing theres aswell I suppose I can deal.


Whats wrong with having a press conference and then letting the press do the tour afterwards? Im hoping they dont downscale this event either, what with E3 being pretty rubbish, Nintendo not showing at the TGS and now this surely a Nintendo only event is the way to go, right?

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They must be holding their own event then if they're not appearing at both Leipzig and TGS, that could explain why they said so little at E3 too, they may be saving all their big information for a SpaceWorld-like event.


Although I'm not gonna count on this or get my hopes up either.

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as you can see....


darn no press conference....


Well yeah the event is still on but like its being reported there will be no actual room where Nintendo come on stage and tell the press their plans, sales, new games etc.


Instead there will be games showcased in smaller sections to give the press a better chance to expereince the games.


Im still a little annoyed as I love watching/listening to the conferences. Its especially great when you get on MSN with people fom here while its on, good times. Instead now we wont get a massive amount of info straight away, we will have to wait for the press to post updates as they go from room to room.


Last year's press conference was crap anyway.


Battalion Wars Wii was shown for the 1st time last year wasnt it?

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Well yeah the event is still on but like its being reported there will be no actual room where Nintendo come on stage and tell the press their plans, sales, new games etc.


Instead there will be games showcased in smaller sections to give the press a better chance to expereince the games.


Im still a little annoyed as I love watching/listening to the conferences. Its especially great when you get on MSN with people fom here while its on, good times. Instead now we wont get a massive amount of info straight away, we will have to wait for the press to post updates as they go from room to room.




Battalion Wars Wii was shown for the 1st time last year wasnt it?


So was Mario Strikers, but neither of those interest me.

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Not being cruel, but i'm really slowly losing interest in the whole Nintendo conference thing, so perhaps this is for the best.


That way, we should expect nothing new to be announced at all and if it happens as one of these tours then so be it!


No more getting excited for weeks before a conference and nothing spectacular is announced (like a whole new Nintendo franchise for example), i for one am pleased.


Anyway, good idea Ninty, that why people can go full-hands on with the games etc..

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This sounds better to be honest. With a press conference, all sites and media sources report the same thing. These 'intimate guide' things will most likely mean that people who go will get different nuggets of information that wouldn't surface at a press conference.

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I guess Nintendo don't want to take the hype away from Metroid, Mario, Smash Bros and Mario Kart. Who can blame them in all honesty, those games are the biggest Nintendo will launch for the Wii.


There must be something for Smash Bros though, cause if Leipzig and TGS are both not going to be dedicated to it, nintendo must have something planned....

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Guest Jordan

Hopefully if nothing else they'll allow people some time with Smash Bros (highly doubtful), Mario Kart Wii (even more doubtful).


At the very least final versions of Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3. Or you know, that... Wii Fit thing, 'cos everyones excited about that. *cough*

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Tim told us to make sure we go (were planning to anyway) so there must be a reason for him wanting us to go (other than the fact we're awesome and he misses us of course)
good good :D I hope he knows something that we don't.


Personally... I'm waiting for Metroid Prime 3 and Battalion Wars playable, everything else is a extra.

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It's probably a good thing that Nintendo aren't giving a press conference. They don't have anyone who can do them. Reggie has seriously lost his touch. He's so boring to watch/listen to. Miyamoto's good, but he can't do the whole thing and he can't really give the announcements. And you can't understand Iwata.

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