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It's Not Over Til It's Over


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That reminds me, does anyone have graffiti near where they live saying 2pac...


I felt like being sick, What the fuck does 2pac have to do with Liverpool?


Anyway Back on Topic...


Alan Shearer

Mark Lawrenson

Andy Gray

Grade A Tits


Martin Tylers voice however is better than sex...


But anyway Yeah, Istanbul if ever there was a time where you need inspiration, Look at the scoreboard at half time, and never stop believing...

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"Pac" (who the hell is he? :wtf:) obviously didn't live in the arctic circle, did he? :heh:


You're joking right? He's referring to 2pac!


Rocky cheers me up (no joke). At the end of the day, you've just got to get on with it and prove to yourself your a strong person. No point in letting depression beat you; life is too short to be sad.


As Stallone said in Rocky balboa:


'The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!'


'Nuff said :)

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Taking the thread title literally, I really hope it isn't over for me with this girl I posted about in MPT. She said she really liked me but for some reason it can't work between us because she knows me too well.


My never failing powers of persuasion, well, (partially) failed. She seemed like she really wanted to. Need to speak to her, but she's working at the moment.

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Whenever I feel shit I tend to pretend I'm really happy. Sounds a bit silly I guess but lets face it, most of the time when people ask "How are you?" they don't really want the answer if it's going to be depressing. So whenever I'm alone I'll be however I'm feeling but when I go out I'll be bubbly and happy :) I guess I'm pretty good at putting up a bit of a facade

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Whenever I feel shit I tend to pretend I'm really happy. Sounds a bit silly I guess but lets face it, most of the time when people ask "How are you?" they don't really want the answer if it's going to be depressing. So whenever I'm alone I'll be however I'm feeling but when I go out I'll be bubbly and happy :) I guess I'm pretty good at putting up a bit of a facade


I think you deserve a big hug for that post.


*big hug*

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Whenever I feel shit I tend to pretend I'm really happy. Sounds a bit silly I guess but lets face it, most of the time when people ask "How are you?" they don't really want the answer if it's going to be depressing. So whenever I'm alone I'll be however I'm feeling but when I go out I'll be bubbly and happy :) I guess I'm pretty good at putting up a bit of a facade


I spent most of my time living in a facade. I'm not always particularly depressed, just more melancholic. I fake about 90% of everything, from polite smiles to people you pass in the streets to interactions with friends.


Anywho. When life kicks me in the giblets I tend to go through phases.


Manic angst - listening to Neko Case, Sia and such. Moping. Being by myself. Gin and tonic. Veronica Mars.


Moderate anger - listening to Brand New and other energetically painful music (can't be bothered to list). Being short tempered.


Normal melancholy - normal self.


It depends on the situation. Two years back in the space of less than six months the giant fuck up with Dick happened, I got arrested and went through a short relationship. I handled each at different paces but those three incidents (and within such proximity) are what made me so jaded and hateful deep down. I no longer trust anyone so while I don't let painful things get me really down in the dumps they do tend to affect me in the long run.


Although now I kind of have a yard stick, it seems as if nothing can get be as bad as that short period. I also have a tendency to look for a "it could be worse" or "so and so has been through worse and survived" kind of reassuring thoughts, even if they are fiction-based (ie from films/tv) it is still slightly reassuring.

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my life home is crap

but to everyone else in the world ( bar a few) my home life is great


i have 2 loving parents and a home


to get over this i play games with friends ( well i dunno they are friends of mine - friends of nandos)

listen to HAPPY music - like um, hellogoodbye and calvin harris

try to hink that in 2 months ill be at university


and occasionally rant on here


thats what i do to cope :D

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Whenever I feel shit I tend to pretend I'm really happy. Sounds a bit silly I guess but lets face it, most of the time when people ask "How are you?" they don't really want the answer if it's going to be depressing. So whenever I'm alone I'll be however I'm feeling but when I go out I'll be bubbly and happy :) I guess I'm pretty good at putting up a bit of a facade


Am I the only person who asks "How are you?" out of politeness only and don't really care at all..........


I sometimes feel like pinning a badge to myself which says "I'm fine unless I say otherwise".

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