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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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I sold IV, V and VI, which I regret, but only because of the value. In terms of playing them, I think I've had enough DS Dragon Quest action for now! Would still play any future remakes though if they were done higher-res with better graphics.

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You wouldn't seriously buy Dragon Quest then trade it in would you? Sacrilege!


I dont trade/sell my favourite games or those limited edition versions etc. If, for example I was to sell all my games...then I was wondering would I be able to sell off an import, otherwise everything will be gone and ill just have to give it away.


anyway I never planned on selling any of my DQ games.

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  • 4 weeks later...

DQ VI seems like the worst of the IV-VI trilogy, dare I say it - I thought it was gonna be potentially the best. I've played a wee bit more of it recently and its proving difficult to get back into. I can't remember the story very well at all and nothings really clicking. I enjoy levelling up the jobs but thats about it, lol, so I've pottered about filling out the map and gaining levels.


Any tips on characters to use? I don't really like any of em in this one tbh. :p I might put Healie into my party once he levels up some more! Hero and Carver are currently Gladiators and Nevan is a Sage. Everyone else is something silly like a Merchant or a Gadabout.

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Yeah, it's probably the worst of IV-VI, but has some nice bits of story here and there. I can imagine it's easy to forget about if you leave it for a while.


As for characters, if I were you I'd have Hero and Carver, both as Gladiators, that sort of vocation. Aim to get them Gigaslash. For your 3rd character, I'd have one of the girls - depends what type of weapons you want them to use, but generally I'd have Ashlynn and have her aim for Sage. For your healer, I'd use Nevan and, again, aim for Sage.


But, the monsters are good too, and let's not forget I didn't recruit Terry. :heh: It all depends on what items you want them to use and what armour you want them to wear.

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I used Hero and Carver (both Warriors > Gladiators), Ashlynn (Mage > Sage) and Milly (Priest > Sage (I think)). But they're all good really apart from the optional character who I only used for a bit out of novelty. Goowain is pretty good for a monster and you'll need him later. Can't remember what other Slimes you can have in your party as that point but I didn't really use them.

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Oh yeah, @Ike makes a good point there: train Goowain into a really tough all-rounder!


EDIT - I forgot something important, @darksnowman. There is a "Hero" vocation, which is much easier for the Hero to attain than the other characters. I would train your main character as Gladiator and then "Hero".

Edited by Grazza
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All this talk about VI being the weakest FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU



Tell me what makes it so good.


I visited Sorceria at the weekend which looked really nice. The game does have moments of that DQ charm that I associate with IV, V, IX and DQ: Swords but its so sparse compared to those, imo. :( Seems like they threw in the vocation system and called it a day, with very little effort to make everything feel cohesive. It probably doesn't help that the engine is being recycled for a third game too, you know?

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  • 4 months later...



Anyway, I just bought DQIV and VI to play on my 3DS. I have been playing IV for about 10 hours now, and I'm hooked. I don't know what makes the Dragon Quest magic, as it's very basic, not very story-driven, and almost driven by constant battles. Still, this game just sucks me right in everytime I boot it up.


By the way, I haven't found DQV for reasonable price yet, but I already have part VI in my shelf. The question is, should I play V before VI, as they are parts of the same trilogy, or are the stories only loosely connected, or at all? I'm asking this, for I also bought Dragon Quest IX lately, and thought of playing that before returning to Zenithia Trilogy. That is, if I don't find it before beating IV.

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Anyway, I just bought DQIV and VI to play on my 3DS. I have been playing IV for about 10 hours now, and I'm hooked. I don't know what makes the Dragon Quest magic, as it's very basic, not very story-driven, and almost driven by constant battles. Still, this game just sucks me right in everytime I boot it up.


No game series speaks to me quite like Dragon Quest. It's traditional and just perfectly done.


As for your situation, I would say play IV, then VI, then if you can't get V just forget about it until you can, although it is the best of the Zenithia Trilogy. Be aware that IX can be very long, depending on how many sidequests and how much post-game content you do.


Ah, this thread has reminded me how strange it feels not to have Dragon Quest in my life at the moment!

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  • 1 month later...



Just beat Dragon Quest IV. Took me about 30 hours to finish, which seems to be pretty good lenght for this kind of game, considering the game was originally for NES. The remake was done fairly well by ArtePiazza, as the controls, graphics and sound stood well. The gameplay, I could quess, was pretty much untouched from the original. I can't really say, as I have only tried the original game once.


I enjoyed the game thoroughly, adventuring in a fantasyworld is always great, and in Dragon Quest games, they are really tuned to suck you right in. The only complaint I have is that the game rarely tells you where to go or what to do next. After pretty straightforward beginning, the world opened up, but usually you just had to quess where to go. Also, remembering the names for places was a royal pain.


But that's that, the game is finished, though I didn't see if there was any post-game content available. I'm also thinkg of stealing H-o-T's idea, and doing a journal of my adventures, as I play Dragon Quest VI. That game, I haven't even tried, but I quess it could have some improvements, since it's originally a SNES game.

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Given a choice between IV, VI and IX(I realise this isn't trilogy), what would be my best buy? Think they're all looking about a tenner in my local CEX. Not much DQ experience. V is just too much for me atm unforuntately :(

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But that's that, the game is finished, though I didn't see if there was any post-game content available. I'm also thinkg of stealing H-o-T's idea, and doing a journal of my adventures, as I play Dragon Quest VI. That game, I haven't even tried, but I quess it could have some improvements, since it's originally a SNES game.


Well done for finishing. :) Yes, there is post-game content for DQ IV. I must admit, I didn't bother with it, which I regret but am hoping for another remake some day. DQ V and VI do indeed feel a little improved over IV, which is probably the simplest Dragon Quest I have played (although still a nice game).


Given a choice between IV, VI and IX(I realise this isn't trilogy), what would be my best buy? Think they're all looking about a tenner in my local CEX. Not much DQ experience. V is just too much for me atm unforuntately :(


I would go for IX. OK, VI has that old skool charm and arguably has better music and graphics, but IX features all the gameplay improvements that have been added into the series since, such as special moves tied to certain weapons, Alchemy, skill trees and all sorts of other things I've probably forgotten!

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  • 2 months later...



Dragon Quest VI is complete! Finished it last night, as I couldn't sleep and felt like now or never. I thorougthly enjoyed the game. The game was quite easy for most part, but the final boss gave a fair challenge, I had to grind a few hours to make him fall, and he wasn't a pushover even then.


I know there is post-game content, but I have no time to deal with it right now. The post-game bosses in JRPG's tend to be hard as hell, and there are few other games I have to beat.


I also found Dragon Quest V a while ago and gave it a little time. It feels.. different somehow. It has the same engine as IV and VI, but there's something that feels different about that game, but I just can't tell what it is. Hopefully, I'll figure it out as I play the game further.


Also, The ending of DQVI was great, seems like there really is a timeline between these three Zenithia-games. I'm keen on finding out where V fits.

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