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Resident Evil 5


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I wasnt too impressed by the new trailer, probably because ive been spoilt with MGS4 and its epic trailers.
Really? Did you not play RE4? All I see is more of that epic gameplay I loved but bigger and badder and supremely HD-stylish.


When I watch an MGS trailer I think "oh look, it's a clip from a 30 minute long cutscene I'll be sleeping through when the game comes out".

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Really? Did you not play RE4? All I see is more of that epic gameplay I loved but bigger and badder and supremely HD-stylish.


When I watch an MGS trailer I think "oh look, it's a clip from a 30 minute long cutscene I'll be sleeping through when the game comes out".


Yeah but I LOVE the cutscenes in MGS4, I dont even mind if they are 30mins long either. The MGS4 movie style trailers is fantastic and it does what it sets out to do which is hype you up to stupid levels. For me this new R Evil trailer didnt do that. Maybe I will feel differently when it hits XBL Marketplace and can watch it on my big screen but at the moment its all very meh to me.


I played R Evil 4 and I loved the gameplay style of it but in terms of storyline it was VERY meh and it just didnt feel like an R Evil to me. Dont get me wrong I enjoyed it ( especially mecenaries ) but im hoping they get back on track and tie up all of the loose ends in the story like what happened to Billy/Sherry/Steve. Oh and they had better have a boss battle with Wesker in this one, I have been wanting to beat the hell out of him for years!

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I wasnt too impressed by the new trailer, probably because ive been spoilt with MGS4 and its epic trailers.


You can't really compare MGS trailers with other game trailers...there will always only be one winner. :smile:


So looking forward to this....looks fucking amazing. Loved RE4 to death....

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Well, I just saw the trailer and, whilst it doesn't show as much as I'd hoped, it still looks like it'll be awesome.


Though some of the comments some RE fanboys are making on other RE forums is ridiculous! Commets such as...

"What a complete and utter disappointment that was.


Seriously, I can't even begin to describe how gutted I am after watching that. The killer for me was the inclusion of yet more bloody parasites; I can't believe Capcom has gone down such a preditable route, it's completely RE4-esque."


No Sherry, despite what Takeuchi promised last year, no progenitor virus, no flashback scenes, no Wesker, nothing at all that even remotely resembles what Resident Evil is, IMO.


"congratulations failcom for being the most ignorant gaming company out there.


Chris died with cvx and so did re, the series is an abomination now and for all intents and puproses now re is stale.


I'm glad i didn't look at the trailer now, i knew i was going to be disappointed, alone in the dark next month, get in, true survival not this crap."


"Oh well, that confirms it. Its officially, Resident Evil 4: Chris Edition.


Fuckit...This series died with Code Veronica. Sad to see one of my favorite franchises go down the shitter. At least Metal Gear will die with some dignity."


There's just no pleasing some people is there? :indeed:

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I'm really impressed with that trailer in that it didn't give much of the game away what so ever, very well done!


I was expecting to see the helicopter crash scene, a second or so of Weskers, a second or so of Sherry, some of the girl you're sent to rescue, but there was none of that!.... Great job Capcom!


Makes me wonder though where the latest magazine scans got some of their images from, thought they were all meant to be from the latest trailer but apparently not! guess they got some exclusive images.


This game looks fantastic!









You can see how some of the absolute die-hard fans of the originals over on the RE Forums could be dissapointed, because there were parts of that trailer that reminded me of section of RE4...

Shooting down the truck before it hits you... chainsaw guy [shouldn't be included IMO]... the large underground cave... the wooden huts in a swamp... and although it wasn't in the trailer I'd expect the helicopter crash scene to play out very much like RE4's house seige scene.


But I'm easily gonna over look a few clone issues in RE5, because more of the same awesome gameplay that was RE4 is fine by me!

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The Japanese trailer reveals the name of the location the game is set in as "Kijuju"


"Africa is our land! The land will guide us to paradise! Kijuju is our home! Invaders will be punished! Our paradise will become their death, and our salvation!"


The only reference I could find to Kijuju was in Tanzania, an East African country with a large grouping of volcanoes in its Northern regions. Kijuju matches the lexicon of genunine Tanzanian locations, such as Kisiju, Kijini, Kijuki, Kijima, Kijichi, Kijungu, Kinasi, Kibiti, Kikuyu...


There's just no pleasing some people is there? :indeed:


Yeah! :sad:

Did they forget about the E3 07 tralier and the leak infomation.

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Did they forget about the E3 07 tralier and the leak infomation.


If you mean the recent leak information about co-op and the covering system, then that just pissed them off even more. They keep on moaning about it, saying that RE5 is "a GoW clone", "is no longer surivival horror" and that "the RE series is dead" because these new features.


I can see why some RE fans would be annoyed, but phrasing it in such a way is way too melodramatic. Besides, no one's had a chance to even play the game properly yet...

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Jesus that new trailer looks phenomenal. The sheer amount of on screen bad guys is insane! Can't wait to use grenades on em ;)


One thing that did worry me..is the sunlight. Now, what made RE4 great is how much of the game takes place when it is dark; i REALLY hope too much of the game isn't in sunlight because seeing all of your opponents ruins the surprise.


Oh, and please give us an online mercenaries mode (co-op ftw!).

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Jesus that new trailer looks phenomenal. The sheer amount of on screen bad guys is insane! Can't wait to use grenades on em ;)


One thing that did worry me..is the sunlight. Now, what made RE4 great is how much of the game takes place when it is dark; i REALLY hope too much of the game isn't in sunlight because seeing all of your opponents ruins the surprise.


Oh, and please give us an online mercenaries mode (co-op ftw!).


The game is about heat and cold this time.

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